Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Encarnacion Montoya Romo

34 items in this list.
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BTo Top

Ballesteros, T.; Montoya Romo, E.; Vegas-Vilarrúbia, T.; Giralt, S.; Abbott, M. B. and Rull, V. (2014). An 8700-year record of the interplay of environmental and human drivers in the development of the southern Gran Sabana landscape, SE Venezuela. Holocene, 24(12) pp. 1757–1770.

CTo Top

Carrión, J. S.; Scott, L.; Arribas, A.; Fuentes, N.; Gil-Romera, G. and Montoya Romo, E. (2007). Pleistocene landscapes in central Iberia inferred from pollen analysis of hyena coprolites. Journal of Quaternary Science, 22(2) pp. 191–202.

FTo Top

Flantua, S. G. A.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Vuille, M.; Behling, H.; Carson, J. F.; Gosling, W. D.; Hoyos, I.; Ledru, M. P.; Montoya, E.; Mayle, F.; Maldonado, A.; Rull, V.; Tonello, M. S.; Whitney, B. S. and González-Arango, C. (2016). Climate variability and human impact in South America during the last 2000 years: synthesis and perspectives from pollen records. Climate of the Past, 12 pp. 483–523.

Fernández, Santiago; Fuentes, Noemí; Carrión, José; González-Sampériz, Penélope; Montoya, Encarna; Gil, Graciela; Vega-Toscano, Gerardo and Riquelme, José A. (2007). The Holocene and Upper Pleistocene pollen sequence of Carihuela Cave, southern Spain. Geobios, 40(1) pp. 75–90.

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LTo Top

Loughlin, Nicholas J.D.; Gosling, William D.; Duivenvoorden, Joost F.; Cuesta, Francisco; Mothes, Patricia and Montoya, Encarni (2022). Incorporating a palaeo-perspective into Andean montane forest restoration. Frontiers in Conservation Science, article no. 3:980728.

MTo Top

Montoya, Encarni; Rull, Valentí and Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa (2012). Non-pollen palynomorph studies in the Neotropics: the case of Venezuela. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 186 pp. 102–130.

Montoya, Encarni; Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa and Rull, Valenti (2012). Montcortès: Pallars Sobirà, Baix Pallars, Lleida Holoceno tardío, último milenio (1150-30 años cal. BP, 800-1920 años AD). In: Carrión, José S.; Fernández, Santiago; Fierro, Elena; López-Merino, Lourdes and Munuera, Manuel eds. Paleoflora y Paleovegetación de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares: Plioceno-Cuaternario. Madrid: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, pp. 333–336.

Montoya, Encarni; Rull, Valentí; Stansell, Nathan D.; Abbott, Mark B.; Nogué, Sandra; Bird, Broxton W. and Díaz, Wilmer A. (2011). Forest–savanna–morichal dynamics in relation to fire and human occupation in the southern Gran Sabana (SE Venezuela) during the last millennia. Quaternary Research, 76(3) pp. 335–344.

Montoya, Encarni; Rull, Valentí and Nogué, Sandra (2011). Early human occupation and land use changes near the boundary of the Orinoco and the Amazon basins (SE Venezuela): palynological evidence from El Paují record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 310(3-4) pp. 413–426.

Montoya, Encarnacion; Rull, Valenti; Stansell, Nathan D.; Bird, Broxton W.; Nogué, Sandra; Vegas-vilarrúbia, Teresa; Abbott, Mark B. and Díaz, Wilmer A. (2011). Vegetation changes in the Neotropical Gran Sabana (Venezuela) around the Younger Dryas chron. Journal of Quaternary Science, 26(2) pp. 207–218.

Montoya, Encarni and Rull, Valentí (2011). Gran Sabana fires (SE Venezuela): a paleoecological perspective. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(23-24) pp. 3430–3444.

Montoya, E.; Rull, V. and van Geel, B. (2010). Non-pollen palynomorphs from surface sediments along an altitudinal transect of the Venezuelan Andes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 297(1) pp. 169–183.

NTo Top

Nogué, Sandra; Rull, Valentí; Montoya, Encarnacion; Huber, Otto and Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa (2009). Paleoecology of the Guayana Highlands (northern South America): Holocene pollen record from the Eruoda-tepui, in the Chimantá massif. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 281(1-2) pp. 165–173.

RTo Top

Rull, Valenti; Montoya, Encarni; Nogue, Sandra; Vegas-Vilarrubia, Teresa and Safont, Elisabet (2013). Ecological palaeoecology in the neotropical Gran Sabana region: Long-term records of vegetation dynamics as a basis for ecological hypothesis testing. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 15 pp. 338–359.

Rull, Valenti and Montoya, Encarni (2012). El origen de la Gran Sabana: pistas del pasado. In: Sánchez-Villagra, M. R. ed. Venezuela Paleontológica: Evolución de la biodiversidad en el pasado geológico. Zürich: Universität Zürich, pp. 335–346.

Rull, Valenti; Montoya, Encarni; Nogué, Sandra and Huber, Otto (2011). Preliminary palynological analysis of a Holocene peat bog from Apakará-tepui (Chimantá massif, Venezuelan Guayana). Collectanea Botanica, 30 pp. 79–88.

Rull, Valenti; Abbott, Mark B.; Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa; Bezada, Maximiliano; Montoya, Encarni; Nogué, Sandra and González, Catalina (2010). Paleoenvironmental trends in Venezuela during the last glacial cycle. In: Sánchez-Villagra, Marcelo R.; Aguilera, Orangel A. and Carlini, Alfredo A. eds. Urumaco and Venezuelan Palaeontology: The Fossil Record of the Northern Neotropics. Life of the Past. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, pp. 52–83.

Rull, Valentí; Stansell, Nathan D.; Montoya, Encarni; Bezada, Maximiliano and Abbott, Mark B. (2010). Palynological signal of the Younger Dryas in the tropical Venezuelan Andes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(23-24) pp. 3045–3056.

Rull, Valentí; Vegas, Teresa; Nogué, Sandra and Montoya, Encarnacion (2008). Bureaucratic obstruction of conservation science in the Guayana Highlands. Conservation Biology, 22(3) pp. 508–509.

Rull, Valenti; Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa; Nogué Bosch, Sandra; Montoya Romo, Encarnación; Cañellas, N. and Lara, A. (2007). Quaternary palaeoclimatology, neotropical diversity and potential effects of global warming. Contributions to Science, 3(3) pp. 405–413.

STo Top

Seddon, Alistair W. R.; Mackay, Anson W.; Baker, Ambroise G.; Birks, H. John B.; Breman, Elinor; Buck, Caitlin E.; Ellis, Erle C.; Froyd, Cynthia A.; Gill, Jacquelyn L.; Gillson, Lindsey; Johnson, Edward A.; Jones, Vivienne J.; Juggins, Stephen; Macias-Fauria, Marc; Mills, Keely; Morris, Jesse L.; Nogués-Bravo, David; Punyasena, Surangi W.; Roland, Thomas P.; Tanentzap, Andrew J.; Willis, Kathy J.; Aberhan, Martin; van Asperen, Eline N.; Austin, William E. N.; Battarbee, Rick W.; Bhagwat, Shonil; Belanger, Christina L.; Bennett, Keith D.; Birks, Hilary H.; Bronk Ramsey, Christopher; Brooks, Stephen J.; de Bruyn, Mark; Butler, Paul G.; Chambers, Frank M.; Clarke, Stewart J.; Davies, Althea L.; Dearing, John A.; Ezard, Thomas H. G.; Feurdean, Angelica; Flower, Roger J.; Gell, Peter; Hausmann, Sonja; Hogan, Erika J.; Hopkins, Melanie J.; Jeffers, Elizabeth S.; Korhola, Atte A.; Marchant, Robert; Kiefer, Thorsten; Lamentowicz, Mariusz; Larocque-Tobler, Isabelle; López-Merino, Lourdes; Liow, Lee H.; McGowan, Suzanne; Miller, Joshua H.; Montoya Romo, Encarnacion; Morton, Oliver; Nogué, Sandra; Onoufriou, Chloe; Boush, Lisa P.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Francisco; Rose, Neil L.; Sayer, Carl D.; Shaw, Helen E.; Payne, Richard; Simpson, Gavin; Sohar, Kadri; Whitehouse, Nicki J.; Williams, John W.; Witkowski, Andrzej and McGlone, Matt (2014). Looking forward through the past: identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology. Journal of Ecology, 102(1) pp. 256–267.

Stansell, Nathan D.; Abbott, Mark B.; Rull, Valentí; Rodbell, Donald T.; Bezada, Maximiliano and Montoya, Encarni (2010). Abrupt Younger Dryas cooling in the northern tropics recorded in lake sediments from the Venezuelan Andes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 293(1-2) pp. 154–163.

VTo Top

Vegas-Vilarrúbia, T.; Rull, V.; Montoya, E. and Safont, E. (2011). Quaternary palaeoecology and nature conservation: a general review with examples from the neotropics. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(19-20) pp. 2361–2388.


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