Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Elke Loeffler

47 items in this list.
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Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke eds. (2023). Public Management and Governance, Fourth Edition. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Loeffler, Elke and Bovaird, Tony eds. (2020). The Palgrave Handbook of Co-Production of Public Services and Outcomes. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2022). Co-production: theoretical roots and conceptual frameworks. In: Ansell, Christopher and Torfing, Jacob eds. Handbook on Theories of Governance. Political Science and Public Policy 2022. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 446–461.

Loeffler, Elke and Masiga, Claudia (2021). #WirVsVirus: Communities co-producing new solutions to meet Covid-19 challenges through a hackathon in Germany. In: Williams, Oli; Tembo, Doreen; Ocloo, Josephine; Kaur, Meerat; Hickey, Gary; Farr, Michelle and Beresford, Peter eds. COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice: Volume 2: Co-production Methods and Working Together at a Distance. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 57–65.

Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2019). Outcome-based commissioning: Four Pathways to Achieving Public Value. In: Kekez, Anka; Howlett, Michael and Ramesh, M. eds. Collaboration in Public Service Delivery: Promise and Pitfalls. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 183–202.

Löffler, Elke (2019). Qualitätsmanagement. In: Veit, Sylvia; Reichard, Christoph and Wewer, Göttrik eds. Handbuch zur Verwaltungsreform. Cham: Springer VS Wiesbaden, pp. 359–370.

Loeffler, Elke and Bovaird, Tony (2018). From Participation to Co-production: Widening and Deepening the Contributions of Citizens to Public Services and Outcomes. In: Ongaro, Edoardo and Van Thiel, Sandra eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 403–423.

Joshi, Somya; Koulolias, Vasilis; Moran, Francisco Garcia and Loeffler, Elke (2018). How public services in Sweden help newcomers to integrate in the labour market and society through the digital platform Mobilearn. In: Brandsen, Taco; Steen, Trui and Verschuere, Bram eds. Co-Production and Co-Creation: Engaging Citizens in Public Services. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 128–130.

Loeffler, Elke and Bovaird, Tony (2018). Assessing the effect of co-production on outcomes, service quality and efficiency. In: Brandsen, Taco; Steen, Trui and Verschuere, Bram eds. Co-Production and Co-Creation: Engaging Citizens in Public Services. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 269–280.

Loeffler, Elke (2018). Providing public safety and public order through co-production. In: Brandsen, Taco; Steen, Trui and Verschuere, Bram eds. Co-Production and Co-Creation Engaging Citizens in Public Services. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 211–222.

Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2016). Bringing the Resources of Citizens into Public Governance: Innovation through Co-production to Improve Public Services and Outcomes. In: Torfing, Jacob and Triantafillou, Peter eds. Enhancing Public Innovation by Transforming Public Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 160–177.

Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2016). What has co-production ever done for interactive governance? In: Edelenbos, Jurian and van Meerkerk, Ingmar eds. Critical Reflections on Interactive Governance: Self-organization and Participation in Public Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 254–277.

Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2015). Coproducing Public Services with Service Users, Communities, and the Third Sector. In: Perry, James L. and Christensen, Robert K. eds. Handbook of Public Administration. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, pp. 235–250.

Bovaird, Tony; Loeffler, Elke; van Ryzin, Gregg G. and Parrado, Salvador (2014). User and Community Coproduction of Public Services: What Influences Citizens to Coproduce? In: Lehrke, J.; Bohne, E.; Graham, J. and Raadshelders, J. eds. Public Administration and the Modern State: Assessing Trends and Impact. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109–124.

Journal ItemTo Top

Bovaird, Tony; Loeffler, Elke; Yates, Sophie; Van Ryzin, Gregg and Alford, John (2023). International survey evidence on user and community co-delivery of prevention activities relevant to public services and outcomes. Public Management Review, 25(3) pp. 657–679.

Bovaird, Tony; Flemig, Sophie; Loeffler, Elke and Osborne, Stephen P. (2019). How far have we come with co-production-and what's next? Public Money and Management, 39(4) pp. 229–232.

Loeffler, Elke and Bovaird, Tony (2019). Co-commissioning of public services and outcomes in the UK. Public Money and Management, 39(4) pp. 241–252.

Bovaird, Tony; Fleming, Sophie; Loeffler, Elke and Osborne, Stephen P. (2017). Co-production of public services and outcomes. Public Money & Management, 37(5) pp. 363–364.

Bianchi, Carmine; Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2017). Applying a Dynamic Performance Management Framework to Wicked Issues: How Coproduction Helps to Transform Young People’s Services in Surrey County Council, UK. International Journal of Public Administration, 40(10) pp. 833–846.

Bovaird, Tony; Stoker, Gerry; Jones, Tricia; Loeffler, Elke and Pinilla Roncancio, Monica (2016). Activating collective co-production of public services: influencing citizens to participate in complex governance mechanisms in the UK. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 82(1) pp. 47–68.

Loeffler, Elke (2016). Commentary: Coproduction of Public Outcomes: Where Do Citizens Fit In? Public Administration Review, 76(3) pp. 436–437.

Loeffler, Elke and Bovaird, Tony (2016). User and Community Co-Production of Public Services: What Does the Evidence Tell Us? International Journal of Public Administration, 39(13) pp. 1006–1019.

Bovaird, T.; Van Ryzin, G. G.; Loeffler, E. and Parrado, S. (2015). Activating citizens to participate in collective co-production of public services. Journal of Social Policy, 44(1) pp. 1–23.

Parrado, Salvador; Van Ryzin, Gregg G.; Bovaird, Tony and Löffler, Elke (2013). Correlates of Co-production: Evidence From a Five-Nation Survey of Citizens. International Public Management Journal, 16(1) pp. 85–112.

Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2012). From Engagement to Co-production: The Contribution of Users and Communities to Outcomes and Public Value. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 23(4) pp. 1119–1138.

Bovaird, Tony and Löffler, Elke (2009). More quality through competitive quality awards? an impact assessment framework, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 75(3) pp. 383–401.

Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2007). Assessing the Quality of Local Governance: A Case Study of Public Services. Public Money and Management, 27(4) pp. 293–300.

Bovaird, Tony and Löffler, Elke (2003). Evaluating the quality of public governance. indicators, models and methodologies, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69(3) pp. 313–328.

Bovaird, Tony; Löffler, Elke and Parrado-Díez, Salvador (2002). Finding a Bowling Partner: The Role of Stakeholders in Activating Civil Society in Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. Public Management Review, 4(3) pp. 411–431.

Bovaird, Tony and Löffler, Elke (2002). Moving from excellence models of local service delivery to benchmarking 'good local governance'. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 68(1) pp. 9–24.

Löffler, Elke (2000). Best-practice cases reconsidered from an international perspective. International Public Management Journal, 3(2) pp. 191–204.

Kouzmin, Alexander; Loeffler, Elke; Klages, Helmut and Korac-Kakabadse, Nada (1999). Benchmarking and performance measurement in public sectors. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 12(2) pp. 121–144.

White, Geoff and Loeffler, Elke (1998). Pay flexibility in the German and British civil services. Employee Relations Review, 1(4) pp. 10–16.

Klages, Helmut and Löffler, Elke (1998). Obstacles to the administrative modernization process in Germany. International Public Management Journal, 1(2) pp. 165–176.

Klages, Helmut and Löffler, Elke (1998). New public management in Germany. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 64(1) pp. 41–54.

Löffler, Elke (1997). Personnel management in German public administration. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 17(3) pp. 69–81.

Loeffler, Elke (1997). Flexibilities in the German civil service. Public Policy and Administration, 12(4) pp. 73–86.

Klages, Helmut and Löffler, Elke (1995). Administrative Modernization in Germany — A Big Qualitative Jump in Small Steps. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 61(3) pp. 373–383.


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