Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Elizabeth McKellar

23 items in this list.
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2024To Top

McKellar, Elizabeth (2024). Beyond the Walls: Traversing the Boundaries of Architectural History. In: Arnold, Dana ed. Women and Architectural History: The Monstrous Regiment Then and Now. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 171–186.

2019To Top

2016To Top

Holder, Julian and McKellar, Elizabeth eds. (2016). Neo-Georgian Architecture 1880-1970: a reappraisal. Swindon, UK: Historic England.

McKellar, Elizabeth and Holder, Julian (2016). Chapter 1: Introduction: reappraising the Neo-Georgian. In: McKellar, Elizabeth and Holder, Julian eds. Neo-Georgian Architecture 1880-1970: a reappraisal. Swindon, UK: Historic England, pp. 1–12.

McKellar, Elizabeth (2016). Georgian London before 'Georgian London': Beresford Chancellor, Rasmussen and the 'The true and sad story of Regent's Street. In: McKellar, Elizabeth and Holder, Julian eds. Neo-Georgian Architecture 1880-1970: a reappraisal. Swindon, UK: Historic England, pp. 38–51.

McKellar, Elizabeth (2016). Writing the New Urbanism: Architecture and Guidebooks to London and Paris, c.1650-1730. In: Arnold, Dana and Cohen, Jean-Louis eds. Paris-Londres. Paris: INHA & Infolio, pp. 15–69.

2014To Top

McKellar, Elizabeth (2014). Defining the Boundaries of London: Perambulation and the City in the Long Eighteenth Century. In: Investigating and Writing Architectural History: Subjects, Methodologies and Frontiers Papers from the Third EAHN International Meeting (Rosso, Michela ed.), pp. 437–447.

2013To Top

2011To Top

McKellar, Elizabeth (2011). The villa: ideal type or vernacular variant? In: Guillery, Peter ed. Built from Below: British Architecture and the Vernacular. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 49–72.

2009To Top

McKellar, Elizabeth (2009). The suburban villa tradition in seventeenth and eighteenth-century London. In: Arciszewska, Barbara ed. The Baroque Villa: Suburban and Country Residencies c.1600-1800. Warsaw: Wilanow Palace Museum, pp. 197–208.

2008To Top

Hebbert, Michael and McKellar, Elizabeth (2008). Tall buildings in the London landscape. The London Journal, 33(3) pp. 199–200.

2007To Top

McKellar, Elizabeth (2007). C.H.B. Quennell (1872-1935): architecture, history and the quest for the modern. Architectural History, 50 pp. 211–246.

2005To Top

Clarke, Richard; McKellar, Elizabeth and Symes, Michael (2005). Russell Square: a lifelong resource for teaching and learning. Birkbeck FCE Occasional paper, 5. London: Centre for European Protected Area Research (CEPAR), Birkbeck, University of London.

2004To Top

McKellar, Elizabeth (2004). Popularism versus professionalism: John Summerson and the 20th-century creation of the 'Georgian'. In: Arciszewska, Barbara and McKellar, Elizabeth eds. Articulating British classicism: new approaches in Eighteenth-Century architecture. Reinterpreting Classicism: Culture, Reaction and Appropriation. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 35–56.

Arciszewska, Barbara and McKellar, Elizabeth (2004). Articulating British classicism: New approaches in Eighteenth Century architecture. Reinterpreting classicism: culture, reaction and appropriation. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

1999To Top

McKellar, Elizabeth (1999). Peripheral Visions: Alternative aspects and rural presences in mid-eighteenth century London. In: Arnold, Dana ed. The Metropolis and its images: Constructing Identities for London, c. 1750-1950. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, pp. 29–47.

1996To Top

McKellar, Elizabeth (1996). The city and the country: the London vernacular in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. In: Burton, Neil ed. Georgian Vernacular. London: The Georgian Group, pp. 10–18.


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