Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Elizabeth McKellar
2024To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth
2019To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth
2016To Top
Holder, Julian and McKellar, Elizabeth eds. (2016). Neo-Georgian Architecture 1880-1970: a reappraisal. Swindon, UK: Historic England.
McKellar, Elizabeth and Holder, Julian
McKellar, Elizabeth
McKellar, Elizabeth
2014To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth
2013To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth (2013). Landscapes of London: the City, the Country and the Suburbs, 1660-1840. New Haven: Yale University Press.
McKellar, Elizabeth
2011To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth
McKellar, Elizabeth (2011). Charles and Marjorie Quennell. Oxford University.
2009To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth
2008To Top
Hebbert, Michael and McKellar, Elizabeth
2007To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth
McKellar, Elizabeth
2005To Top
Clarke, Richard; McKellar, Elizabeth and Symes, Michael (2005). Russell Square: a lifelong resource for teaching and learning. Birkbeck FCE Occasional paper, 5. London: Centre for European Protected Area Research (CEPAR), Birkbeck, University of London.
2004To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth
Arciszewska, Barbara and McKellar, Elizabeth (2004). Articulating British classicism: New approaches in Eighteenth Century architecture. Reinterpreting classicism: culture, reaction and appropriation. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
1999To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth (1999). The birth of modern London: The development and design of the city 1660-1720. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
McKellar, Elizabeth
McKellar, Elizabeth
1996To Top
McKellar, Elizabeth
McKellar, Elizabeth