Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Elisabeth Clark

37 items in this list.
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Edited BookTo Top

Cardwell, Mike; Clark, Liz and Meldrum, Claire eds. (2009). Psychology A2 for AQA A (4th ed.). London: HarperCollins.

Cardwell, Mike; Clark, Liz; Meldrum, Claire and Wadeley, Alison eds. (2009). Psychology for A2 Level for AQA (A) (4th ed.). London: HarperCollins.

Book SectionTo Top

Clark, Elisabeth (2000). The historical context of research in midwifery. In: Proctor, S. and Renfrew, M. eds. Linking research and practice in midwifery: A guide to evidence-based practice. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall, pp. 35–54.

Clark, E. and Sleep, J. (1997). Determining effective care: The midwifery contribution. In: Sweet, B. and Tiran, D. eds. Mayes' Midwifery: A Textbook for Midwifery. London: Bailliere Trindall, pp. 1069–1086.

Clark, E. and Gournay, K. (1995). The individual and health. In: Schober, Jane E. and Hinchliffe, Susan M. eds. Towards Advanced Practice: Key concepts for health care. London: Hodder Arnold, pp. 49–74.

Clark, Elisabeth (1995). Open learning: Educational opportunity or convenient solution to practical problems in higher education. In: Thomas, Diana ed. Flexible Learning Strategies in Higher and Further Education. London: Cassell, pp. 26–39.

Clark, Elisabeth and Montague, Susan (1993). The nature of stress and its implications for nursing practice. In: Hinchliff, Susan M.; Norman, Susan E. and Schober, Jane E. eds. Nursing Practice and Health Care (2nd edition). London: Edward Arnold, pp. 214–246.

Clark, Elisabeth (1992). Psychological perspectives. In: Robinson, Kate and Vaughan, Barbara eds. Knowledge for Nursing Practice. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, pp. 89–109.

Clark, Elisabeth (1990). Research and common sense. In: Horne, E. ed. The Ward Sister’s Survival Guide. The Professional developments series. London: Austen Cornish, pp. 284–289.

Clark, Elisabeth (1990). Research awareness: Its importance in practice. In: Horne, E. ed. The Ward Sister’s Survival Guide. The Professional developments series. London: Austen Cornish, pp. 279–283.

Journal ItemTo Top

Kubiak, Chris; Walker, Susan; Draper, Jan; Acton, Faye; Clark, Elisabeth; Rogers, Jill; Rogers, Melanie and Dearnley, Christine (2020). They come with their own ideas of what they want’: Healthcare educator, advanced practice student and manager perspectives on learning outcomes. Journal of Education and Work, 33(4) pp. 312–325.

Clark, Elisabeth; Draper, Janet and Taylor, Ruth (2018). Editorial: Healthcare education research: The case for rethinking hierarchies of evidence. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(11) pp. 2480–2483.

Draper, Janet; Clark, Liz and Rogers, Jill (2016). Manager's role in maximizing investment in continuing professional education. Nursing Management, 22(9) pp. 30–36.

Clark, Elisabeth (2012). Innovation and its contribution to the scholarship of learning and teaching. Nurse Education Today, 32(7) pp. 729–731.

Clark, Liz (2008). Distance learning: A modern and flexible way to learn. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 2(7) pp. 342–346.

Clark, Elisabeth (2008). Leading by example. Nursing Management, 15(6) pp. 12–15.

Clark, Elisabeth (2008). Partners in practice. Nursing Management, 15(3) pp. 12–13.

Clark, E. and Cunningham, G. (2008). Alliance is worthy of any Royal College. Nursing Standard, 22(20) pp. 26–27.

Clark, E. and Robinson, K. (1994). Open learning in nursing and midwifery: The state of the art. Nurse Education Today, 14(4) pp. 257–263.

Sleep, J. and Clark, E. (1993). Major new survey to identify and prioritise research issues for midwifery practice. Midwives' Chronicle, 106 pp. 217–218.

Clark, E. and Sleep, J. (1991). The what and how of teaching research. Nurse Education Today, 11(2) pp. 172–178.

Clark, E. (1990). Making sense of descriptive statistics. Nursing Standard, 4(46) pp. 36–41.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Draper, Jan and Clark, Liz (2013). Continuing professional education: optimising impact on healthcare practice. In: 16th Australasian Nurse Educators Conference, 9-11 Oct 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Jan (2012). Enhancing the impact of continuing professional education on practice: whose responsibility is it? In: ISSOTL12 (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning): Research on Teaching & Learning: Integrating Practices, 24-27 Oct 2012, Hamilton, ON, Canada.

Draper, Janet and Clark, Elisabeth (2009). The Impact on Practice project. In: Higher Education Academic Festival of LEarning, 11 Mar 2009, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Sparrow, Shelagh; Draper, Janet and Clark, Elisabeth (2009). Maximising the impact of continuing professional education on practice. In: Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice Conference First International Conference, 2 Apr 2009, National University of Ireland, Galway.

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Janet (2009). Maximising the impact of continuing professional education on practice. In: New Types of Worker in Health and Social Care conference: First International Research Conference, 22-23 Jan 2009, London.

Clark, E.; Draper, J. and Attree, M. (2007). Evaluating the impact of healthcare education: Approaches and challenges. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, 1-4 May 2007, Dundee, Scotland.

Clark, E.; Draper, J. and Attree, M. (2007). Evaluating the impact of healthcare education: the challenges and a way forward. In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, 1-4 May 2007, Dundee, Scotland.

Clark, Elisabeth and Draper, Janet (2006). The impact of continuing professional education on professional practice: A call for urgent action. In: 1st NETNEP International Nurse Education Conference, May 2006, Vancouver.

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