Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Edmund King

40 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 20:46:51 2025 GMT.

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Antonini, Alessio; Benatti, Francesca; Watson, Nicola; King, Edmund and Gibson, Jonathan (2021). Death and Transmediations: Manuscripts in the Age of Hypertext. In: HT '21: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 17–26.

Antonini, Alessio; Benatti, Francesca; King, Edmund; François, Vignale and Guillaume, Gravier (2019). Modelling Changes in Diaries, Correspondence and Authors’ Libraries to support research on reading: the READ-IT approach. In: Open Data and Ontologies for Cultural Heritage (ODOCH'19), 3 - Jun -2019, Rome, Italy.

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Blackburn-Daniels, Sally and G. C. King, Edmund (2022). Bookshelves, Social Media and Gaming. English Studies, 103(5) pp. 653–659.

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Colclough, Stephen and King, Edmund G. C. (2020). Readers: Books and Biography. In: Eliot, Simon and Rose, Jonathan eds. A Companion to the History of the Book, 2nd. ed. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 1. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 157–171.

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King, Edmund G. C. (2023). Networks. In: Demoor, Marysa; van Dijck, Cedric and Van Puymbroeck, Birgit eds. The Edinburgh Companion to First World War Periodicals. Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 32–50.

King, Edmund G.C. (2022). From Common Reader to Canon: Memorialising the Shakespeare-Reading British Soldier during the First World War. In: King, Edmund G.C. and Smialkowska, Monika eds. Memorialising Shakespeare: Commemoration and Collective Identity, 1916-2016. Palgrave Shakespeare Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 35–64.

King, Edmund and Smialkowska, Monika (2021). Introduction: Memorialising Shakespeare, Memorialising Ourselves. In: King, Edmund and Smialkowska, Monika eds. Memorialising Shakespeare: Commemoration and Collective Identity, 1916-2016. Palgrave Shakespeare Studies (PASHST). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–32.

King, Edmund G. C. (2019). [Book Review] John Kerrigan, Shakespeare's Originality. Spenser Review, 49(3), article no. 13.

King, Edmund G. C. (2017). [Book Review] The British Soldier and His Libraries, c. 1822–1901. Library & Information History, 33(4) pp. 279–280.

King, Edmund G. C. (2017). Discovering Shakespeare’s Personal Style: Editing and Connoisseurship in the Eighteenth Century. In: Depledge, Emma and Kirwan, Peter eds. Canonising Shakespeare: Stationers and the Book Trade, 1640–1740. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 130–142.

King, Edmund G. C. (2016). Editors. In: Smith, Emma ed. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's First Folio. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 121–136.

King, Edmund G. C. (2015). A Captive Audience? The Reading Lives of Australian Prisoners of War, 1914–1918. In: Towheed, Shafquat and King, Edmund G. C. eds. Reading and the First World War: Readers, Texts, Archives. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 153–167.

King, Edmund (2014). E. W. Hornung’s unpublished “Diary,” the YMCA, and the reading soldier in the First World War. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 57(3) pp. 361–387.

King, Edmund (2014). “A priceless book to have out here”: soldiers reading Shakespeare in the first world war. Shakespeare, 10(3) pp. 230–244.

King, Edmund (2012). Cardenio and the Eighteenth-century Shakespeare Canon. In: Carnegie, David and Taylor, Gary eds. The Quest for Cardenio: Shakespeare, Fletcher, Cervantes and the Lost Play. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 81–94.

King, Edmund (2011). Reading the Great War through Wilfrid Scawen Blunt: J. A. Fallows, MA, and His Copy of My Diaries, 1900–1914. In: Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing Regional Conference, 28-30 Apr 2011, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

King, Edmund (2011). A captive audience? The reading lives of Australian prisoners of war, 1914–18. In: Open University Book History and Bibliography Research Group Seminars: Reading and the First World War, 12 Feb 2011, London, UK.

King, Edmund C. G. (2011). Man of science, man of religion: the reading of a medical missionary in Uganda, 1896-1918. In: SHARP 2011: The Book in Art and Science, 14-17 Jul 2011, Washington, D.C., USA.

King, Edmund (2010). Narratives about collaborating playwrights: the new bibliography, “disintegration”, and the problem of multiple authorship in Shakespeare. In: Johnson, Laurie and Chalk, Darryl eds. “Rapt in Secret Studies”: Emerging Shakespeares. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 249–268.

King, Edmund (2010). Alexander Turnbull's ‘dream imperial’: collecting Shakespeare in the colonial antipodes. Script and Print: Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, 34(2) pp. 69–86.

King, Edmund (2009). Lewis Theobald, Double Falshood, and the 1733 Works of Shakespeare. In: International Cardenio Colloquium, 22-24 May 2009, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

King, Edmund (2008). Jacob’s Sons in the South Pacific: The Geoeschatology of Edwin Fairburn’s "Ships of Tarshish". In: Flogging a Dead Horse: Are National Literatures Finished? A Stout Research Centre in the Humanities Conference, 10-13 Dec 2008, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

King, Edmund (2008). The Shakespearean Book in the Colonial Antipodes: The Case of Alexander Turnbull. In: Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Conference, 2008, 2-3 Oct 2008, University of Sydney, Australia.

King, Edmund (2008). "Fragments minutely broken": text, paratext, and authorship in the eighteenth-century Shakespeare edition. In: Australia and New Zealand Shakespeare Association Conference, 2008, 6-9 Feb 2008, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

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Towheed, Shafquat and King, Edmund G. C. (2015). Introduction. In: Towheed, Shafquat and King, Edmund G. C. eds. Reading and the First World War: Readers, Texts, Archives. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–25.


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