Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Emma-Jayne Graham

39 items in this list.
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Graham, Emma-Jayne (2025). Moving with time and space at the sanctuary of Juno, Gabii (Italy). In: Jordan, Pamela; Mura, Sara and Hamilton, Sue eds. New Sensory Approaches to the Past: Applied Methods in Sensory Heritage and Archaeology. London, UK: UCL Press, (In press).

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2024). Death's ritual symbolic performance. In: Erasmo, Mario ed. A Cultural History of Death in Antiquity. The Cultural Histories Series, 1. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 67–82.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2024). The haptic production of religious knowledge among the Vestal Virgins: A hands-on approach to Roman ritual. In: Abigail, Graham and Blanka, Misic eds. Senses, Cognition, and Ritual Experience in the Roman World. Ancient Religion and Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 59–88.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2021). Interactional sensibilities: bringing ancient disability studies to its archaeological senses. In: Adams, Ellen ed. The Forgotten Other: Disability Studies and the Classical Body. Studies in Ancient Disabilities. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 165–191.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2020). Hand in hand: Rethinking anatomical votives as material things. In: Gasparini, V; Patzelt, M; Raja, R; Rieger, A-K; Rupke, J and Urciuoli, E eds. Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Approaching Religious Transformations from Archaeology, History and Classics. De Gruyter, pp. 209–236.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2020). Mobility impairment: identifying lived experiences in Roman Italy. In: Laes, Christian ed. A Cultural History of Disability in Antiquity. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 31–45.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2019). Pilgrimage, mobile behaviours and the creation of religious place in early Roman Latium. In: Kuuliala, Jenni and Rantala, Jussi eds. Travel, Pilgrimage and Social Interaction from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Routledge, pp. 15–36.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2017). Babes in arms? Sensory dissonance and the ambiguities of votive objects. In: Betts, Eleanor ed. Senses of the Empire: Multisensory Approaches to Roman Culture. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 120–136.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2017). Partible humans and permeable gods: enacting human-divine personhood in the sanctuaries of Hellenistic Italy. In: Draycott, Jane and Graham, Emma-Jayne eds. Bodies of Evidence: Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present and Future. Medicine and the Body in Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 45–62.

Graham, Emma-Jayne and Draycott, Jane (2017). Introduction: Debating the anatomical votive. In: Draycott, Jane and Graham, Emma-Jayne eds. Bodies of Evidence: Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present and Future. Medicine and the Body in Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1–19.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2016). Mobility impairment in the sanctuaries of early Roman Italy. In: Laes, Christian ed. Disability in Antiquity. Rewriting Antiquity. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 248–266.

Graham, Emma-Jayne and Hope, Valerie M. (2016). Funerary practices. In: Cooley, Alison E. ed. A Companion to Roman Italy. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 159–180.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2015). Corporeal concerns: the role of the body in the transformation of Roman mortuary practices. In: Devlin, Zoë L. and Graham, Emma-Jayne eds. Death Embodied: Archaeological Approaches to the Treatment of the Corpse. Studies in Funerary Archaeology (9). Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 41–62.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2015). Embodying death in archaeology. In: Devlin, Zoe and Graham, Emma-Jayne eds. Death Embodied: Archaeological Approaches to the Treatment of the Corpse. Studies in Funerary Archaeology 9. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 1–17.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2014). Infant votives and swaddling in Hellenistic Italy. In: Carroll, Maureen and Graham, Emma-Jayne eds. Infant Health and Death in Roman Italy and Beyond. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series (96). Ann Arbor: Journal of Roman Archaeology, pp. 23–46.

Graham, Emma-Jayne and Carroll, Maureen (2014). Introduction: Infant health and death in Roman Italy and beyond. In: Carroll, Maureen and Graham, Emma-Jayne eds. Infant health and death in Roman Italy and beyond. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series (96). Portsmouth, Rhode Island: Journal of Roman Archaeology, pp. 9–22.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2013). Disparate lives or disparate deaths? Post-mortem treatment of the body and the articulation of difference. In: Laes, Christian; Goodey, Chris and Rose, M. Lynn eds. Disabilities in Roman Antiquity: Disparate Bodies ‘A Capite ad Calcem’. Leiden: Brill, pp. 249–274.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2011). Memory and materiality: re-embodying the Roman funeral. In: Hope, Valerie and Huskinson, Janet eds. Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 21–39.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2011). From fragments to ancestors: re-defining the role of os resectum in rituals of purification and commemoration in Republican Rome. In: Carroll, Maureen and Rempel, Jane eds. Living through the Dead: Burial and Commemoration in the Classical World. Studies in Funerary Archaeology (5). Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 91–109.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2006). Discarding the destitute: ancient and modern attitudes towards burial practice and memory preservation amongst the lower classes of Rome. In: Croxford, Ben; Goodchild, Helen; Lucas, Jason and Nick, Ray eds. TRAC 2005: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. Birmingham 2005. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 57–71.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2005). The quick and the dead in the extra-urban landscape: the Roman cemetery at Ostia/Portus as a lived environment. In: Bruhn, James; Croxford, Ben and Grigoropoulos, Dimitris eds. TRAC 2004: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Durham 2004. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 133–143.

Graham, Emma-Jayne (2005). Dining al fresco with the living and the dead in Roman Italy. In: Carroll, Maureen; Hadley, D. M. and Willmott, Hugh eds. Consuming Passions: Dining from Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century. Revealing history. Stroud: Tempus, pp. 49–65.

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Hughes, Jessica and Graham, Emma-Jayne (2015). The votives project. Material Religion, 11(1) pp. 129–131.

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Robson, James and Graham, Emma-Jayne (2018). Classics online at the Open University: teaching and learning with interactive resources. In: Holmes-Henderson, Arlene; Hunt, Steven and Musié, Mai eds. Forward with Classics: Classical Languages in Schools and Communities. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 217–299.


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