Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Emma Barker

16 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 22:00:18 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Barker, Emma (2024). Viewing Blindness at the Paris Salon. In: Kluge, Dorit; Maës, Gaëtane and Pichet, Isabelle eds. L' expérience sensorielle dans les expositions d'art au XVIIIe siècle: The Sensory Experience in 18th Century Art Exhibitions. Passages, 25. Paris, France: Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte/Centre allemand d'histore de l'art, pp. 41–53.

2023To Top

Barker, Emma (2023). The Virtuous Widow in Late Eighteenth-Century Art. In: Proceedings of the international conference: Figures of widows in the modern era (17th and 18th centuries): Images of an accepted, hidden, claimed social status? (Fesneau, Florence and Tauziède-Espariat, Maël eds.), Éditions du GRHAM, Paris, pp. 108–123.

Barker, Emma (2023). Woman in a Turban: Domenichino’s Sibyl, Staël’s Corinne and the Image of Female Genius. Word and Image, 39(2) pp. 235–259.

2020To Top

2017To Top

2016To Top

Barker, Emma (2016). Ghosts and Heroes: Girodet and the Ossianic Mode in Post-Revolutionary French Art. In: Padiyar, Satish; Shaw, Philip and Simpson, Philippa eds. Visual Culture and the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 102–119.

2013To Top

Barker, Emma (2013). Georgiana at Althorp: Spencer Family Portraits 1755-1783. In: Perry, Gillian; Retford, Kate; Vibert, Jordan and Lyons, Hannah eds. Placing Faces: The Portrait and the Country House 1650-1850. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Barker, Emma (2013). Greuze and England. In: Andries, Lise; Ogée, Frédéric; Dunkley, John and Sanfey, Daragh eds. Intellectual Journeys: The Translation of Ideas in Enlightenment England, France and Ireland. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century. United Kingdom: Voltaire Foundation, pp. 133–165.

2012To Top

2010To Top

Barker, Emma (2010). From Charity to Bienfaisance: Picturing Good Deeds in Late Eighteenth-Century France. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 33(3) pp. 285–311.

2009To Top

Barker, Emma (2009). Imaging childhood in eighteenth-century France: Greuze's Little Girl with a Dog. Art Bulletin, 91(4) pp. 426–445.

Barker, Emma (2009). Rehabilitating the Rococo. Oxford Art Journal, 32(2) pp. 306–313.

2007To Top

Barker, Emma (2007). Putting the viewer in the frame: Greuze as sentimentalist. In: Conisbee, Philip ed. French Genre Painting in the Eighteenth Century. Studies in the History of Art, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 72. New Haven, US: Yale University Press, pp. 105–127.

2005To Top

Barker, Emma (2005). Greuze and the painting of sentiment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

1997To Top


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