Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Elizabeth Marr

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Marr, Liz and Butcher, John (2018). Learning Through Life Revisited: The Role of Policy in Enhancing Social Mobility Through Access to Part-Time Study. In: Billingham, Stuart ed. Access to Success and Social Mobility through Higher Education: A Curate's Egg. Great Debates in Higher Education. Rotterdam: Emerald Books, pp. 51–65.

McKendry, Stephanie; Marr, Liz and Butcher, John (2018). Editorial - Writing Together: Practitioners, Academics and Policy Makers. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 20(3) pp. 1–6.

Müller, Romina; Remdisch, Sabine; Köhler, Katharina; Marr, Liz; Repo, Saara and Yndigegn, Carsten (2015). Easing access for lifelong learners: a comparison of European models for university lifelong learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 34(5) pp. 530–550.

Marr, Elizabeth; Curry, George and Rose-Adams, John (2013). Autonomy, legitimacy and confidence: using mainstream curriculum to successfully widen participation. In: Murray, Neil and Klinger, Christopher M. eds. Aspirations, Access and Attainment: International Perspectives on Widening Participation and an Agenda for Change. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 123–135.

Marr, Elizabeth; Mossidiss, Sonia and Harvey, Morag (2012). Opening up universities: a comparative study of barriers to lifelong learning in Germany and England. In: Jones, Bill and Oosthuizen, Susan eds. Part-Time study: the new paradigm for higher education. UALL 2011 conference proceedings. Leicester: Universities Association of Lifelong Learning, pp. 92–107.

Marr, Elizabeth and Streater, Kevin (2012). Growing your own graduates: opportunities and challenges for flexible higher education in the new funding environment. In: Higher education for the social good? The place of lifelong learning, UALL Annual Conference, 18-20 Mar 2012, Cambridge.

Marr, Liz and Harvey, Morag (2012). Whose University is it anyway? The complex world(s) of lifelong (higher) learning, government policy and institutional habitus. In: Access to Higher Education: is it a right, a privilege or a necessity?” EAN 21st Annual Conference, 27-29 Jun 2012, Zagreb, Croatia.

Marr, Liz and Forsyth, Rachel (2011). Identity Crisis: Working in Higher Education in the 21st Century. Stoke-on-Trent, U.K.: Trentham Books.

Marr, Liz; Welsh, Cath and Lomas, Mike (2011). Advance: challenging the structure of higher education to meet the needs of adult work-based learners. Work Based Learning eJournal, 1(2) pp. 138–159.

Marr, Elizabeth and Forsyth, Rachel (2011). What do you really need to know? The importance of the third space in developing institutional CPD frameworks. In: Changing Practice – Changing Times, Higher Education Academy Annual Conference, 05-06 Jul 2011, Nottingham.

Marr, Elizabeth; Woodman, David and Huggins, Richard (2011). Bringing back the classroom: the experience of international students in the neo-liberal university. In: Changing Practice – Changing Times, Higher Education Academy Annual Conference, 05-06 Jul 2011, Nottingham.

Marr, Liz and Rose-Adams, John (2010). Feeding the roots of lifelong learning: embedding critical reflection in skills-based programmes. In: 19th EAN Annual Conference. From Access to Success: Closing the Knowledge Divide (Higher Education for Under-Represented Groups in the Market Economy), 14-16 Jun 2010, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden.

Marr, Liz and Aynsley Smith, Sheila (2006). Putting students first: developing accessible and integrated support. In: Thomas, Liz and Hixenbaugh, Paula eds. Personal Tutoring in Higher Education. Stoke On Trent: Trentham Books.


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