Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by David Johnson

47 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Oct 8 00:52:58 2024 BST.

2024To Top

Johnson, David; Finkelstein, David and Davis, Caroline eds. (2024). The Edinburgh Companion to British Colonial Periodicals. Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

2023To Top

Johnson, David; Nieftagodien, Noor and Van der Walt, Lucien eds. (2023). Labour Struggles in Southern Africa, 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU). Johannesburg, South Africa: HSRC Press.

Johnson, David; Nieftagodien, Noor and Van der Walt, Lucien (2023). Introduction. In: Johnson, David; Nieftagodien, Noor and Van der Walt, Lucien eds. Labour Struggles in Southern Africa, 1919-1949. New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU). Johannesburg, South Africa: HSRC Press, viii-xix.

Johnson, David (2023). The Romance and the Tragedy of the ICU. In: Johnson, David; Nieftagodien, Noor and Van der Walt, Lucien eds. Labour Struggles in Southern Africa, 1919-1949. New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU). Johannesburg, South Africa: HSRC Press, pp. 181–194.

2022To Top

Johnson, David and Dee, Henry eds. (2022). 'I See You': The Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union of Africa, 1919-1930. Southern African Historical Documents, 3 (4). Cape Town: Historical Publications Southern Africa.

2020To Top

Hutchison, David and Johnson, David eds. (2020). Stuart Hood: Twentieth-Century Partisan. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.

Johnson, David (2020). Stuart Hood’s search for community: Novels beyond the nation. In: Hutchison, David and Johnson, David eds. Stuart Hood, Twentieth-Century Partisan. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 207–224.

Johnson, David and Hutchison, David (2020). Introduction. In: Hutchison, David and Johnson, David eds. Stuart Hood, Twentieth-Century Partisan. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 1–7.

Watts, Stephen and Johnson, David (2020). Translated by Stuart Hood. In: Hutchison, David and Johnson, David eds. Stuart Hood, Twentieth-Century Partisan. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 172–187.

2019To Top

Johnson, David (2019). An Interview with Ania Loomba and Suvir Kaul. Wasafiri, 34(1) pp. 52–57.

2018To Top

Johnson, David (2018). The limits of African nationalism: from anti-apartheid resistance to postcolonial critique. In: Deckard, Sharae and Varma, Rashmi eds. Marxism, Postcolonial Theory and the Future of Critique: Critical Engagements with Benita Parry. Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures. New York: Routledge, pp. 191–212.

2017To Top

Johnson, David (2017). Anti-apartheid people's histories and post-apartheid nationalist biographies. In: Choudry, Aziz and Vally, Salim eds. Reflections on Knowledge, Learning and Social Movements: History's Schools. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 88–103.

2015To Top

Johnson, David (2015). Clements Kadalie, the ICU, and the Language of Freedom. English in Africa, 42(3) pp. 43–69.

Johnson, David (2015). Coriolanus in South Africa. In: Smith, Bruce R. ed. The World's Shakespeare, 1660-Present. The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare, 2. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1235–1241.

Johnson, David (2015). Print culture and imagining the Union of South Africa. In: Davis, Caroline and Johnson, David eds. The Book in Africa: Critical Debates. New Direction in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 105–127.

Davis, Caroline and Johnson, David eds. (2015). The Book in Africa: Critical Debates. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

2013To Top

2012To Top

Johnson, David (2012). Literary and Cultural Criticism in South Africa. In: Attwell, David and Attridge, Derek eds. The Cambridge History of South African Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 818–837.

2011To Top

2010To Top

Johnson, David (2010). Representing Cape slavery: Literature, law, and history. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 46(5) pp. 504–516.

Johnson, David (2010). British models of colonial governance: Adam Smith and John Bruce on the Cape Colony. The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 51(1-2) pp. 103–127.

Johnson, David (2010). Historical and literary re-iterations of Dutch settler Republicanism. South African Historical Journal, 62(3) pp. 463–486.

2009To Top

2007To Top

Johnson, David (2007). Migrancy and Thabo Mbeki's African Renaissance. In: Gupta, Suman and Omoniyi, Tope eds. The Cultures of Economic Migration: International Perspectives. Studies in migration and diaspora. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 127–140.

2005To Top

Johnson, David (2005). African land for the American empire: the proto-imperialism of Benjamin Stout. In: Hooper, Glenn ed. Landscape and empire, 1770-2000. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 45–64.

Poddar, Prem and Johnson, David eds. (2005). A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures in English. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.

2003To Top

Johnson, David (2003). Theorizing the Loss of Land: Griqua Land Claims in Southern Africa, 1874-1998. In: Eng, David L. and Kazanjian, David eds. Loss: the politics of mourning. Berkeley, US: University of California Press, pp. 278–299.

Johnson, David (2003). Land, identity and social conflict: the World Bank and South Africa's post-apartheid land reform. In: Gupta, Suman; Basu, Tapan and Chattarji, Subarno eds. India in the age of globalization : contemporary discourses and texts. New Delhi, India: Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, pp. 275–298.

2002To Top

Johnson, David (2002). Talking about Revolution: Lady Anne Barnard in France, Ireland and the Cape Colony. In: Hooper, Glenn and Graham, Colin eds. Irish and Postcolonial Writing: History, Theory, Practice. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan/Palgrave, pp. 157–177.

2001To Top

Johnson, David; Pete, Steve and Du Plessis, Max (2001). Jurisprudence: a South African perspective. Durban, South Africa: Butterworths.

2000To Top

Johnson, David (2000). Violence and philosophy: Nathaniel Merriman, A. W. Schlegel and Jack Cade. In: Joughin, John J. ed. Philosophical Shakespeares. London: Routledge, pp. 68–85.

Johnson, David (2000). 'The first rainbow nation? The Griqua in Post-apartheid South Africa'. In: Poddar, Prem ed. Translating Nations. Dolphin (30). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, pp. 115–128.

1998To Top

Johnson, David (1998). From the colonial to the post-colonial: Shakespeare and education in Africa. In: Loomba, Ania and Orkin, Martin eds. Post-colonial Shakespeares. London: Routledge, pp. 218–234.

Johnson, David (1998). De Mist, Race and Nation. Alternation, 5(1) pp. 85–97.

1996To Top

Johnson, David (1996). Shakespeare and South Africa. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

1994To Top

Johnson, David (1994). South African Criticism. In: Benson, Eugene and Conolly, L. W. eds. The Routledge Encyclopaedia of Post-colonial Literatures in English, Volume 1. Routledge, pp. 306–309.

Johnson, David (1994). Literature for the rainbow nation: The case of sol Plaatje's Mhudi. Journal of Literary Studies, 10(3-4) pp. 345–358.

Johnson, David (1994). Importing metropolitan Post-colonials. Current Writing, 6(1) pp. 73–85.

1993To Top

Johnson, David (1993). Starting Positions: the Social Function of Literature in the Cape. Journal of Southern African Studies, 19(4) pp. 615–633.


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