Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by David Wield

145 items in this list.
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Forbes, Naushad and Wield, David (2002). From Followers to Leaders: Managing Technology and Innovation. London, UK: Routledge.

Wield, David (2001). Expanded Support to the International Sciences Programme (ISP), Sida Evaluation. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Wield, D.; Bay, A.; Gustafsson, S. and Mlama, P. (1998). Swedish Support to University of Eduardo Mondlane in Mozambique (SIDA evaluation). Sida Evaluation, 98 (38). Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Hewitt, Tom and Wield, David (1992). Industrialization and Development. UK: Oxford University Press.

Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David (1988). Survival and Change in the Third World. UK: Oxford University Press.

Barker, Carol; Bhagavan, Malur R.; Collande, Peter Von and Wield, David (1986). African Industrialisation: Technology and Change in Tanzania. Aldershot, UK: Gower Press.

Rhodes, Ed and Wield, David (1985). Implementing New Technologies. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

de Braganca, A.; Munslow, B.; Wield, D. and Wuyts, M. (1979). Zimbabwe - A questão rodesiana (Zimbabwe - The Rhodesian Question). Maputo: Instituto Nacional do Livro e do Disco.

Book SectionTo Top

Joshi, Pallavi; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David (2024). Novel Approaches for Scaling up Engineering-Based Inclusive Innovation. In: Cooper, Adam; Trigos, Federico; Stjepandić,, Josef; Curran, Richard and Lazar, Irina eds. Engineering for Social Change. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 60. IOS Press, pp. 632–641.

Wield, David (2021). Unemployment and Making a Living. In: Allen, Tim and Thomas, Alan eds. Poverty and Development in the 21st Century Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 166–185.

Robbins, Peter; Wield, David and Wilson, Gordon (2021). Engineering for Development. In: Allen, Tim and Thomas, Alan eds. Poverty and Development in the 21st Century Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 416–432.

Oreszczyn, Sue; Levidow, Les and Wield, Dave (2017). Researching agro-environmental problems with others. In: Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy eds. Mapping environmental sustainability: reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 45–74.

Chataway, Joanna; Wield, David and Castle-Clarke, Sophie (2015). Disruption and experimentation in health research and innovation. In: Cassiolato, José E. and Soares, Maria Clara C. eds. Health Innovation Systems, Equity and Development. Rio de Janeiro: E-Papers Servicos Editoriais, pp. 107–130.

Wield, David (2010). The role of social science in UK science and technology policy. In: Yang, Jian and Liu, Bing eds. The Social Action of Science and Technology. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, pp. 282–290.

Chataway, Joanna; Chaturvedi, Kalpana; Hanlin, Rebecca; Mugwagwa, Julius; Smith, James and Wield, David (2009). Building the case for systems of health innovation in Africa. In: Kalua, Fetson; Awotedu, Abolade; Kamwanja, Leonard and Saka, John eds. Science, Technology and Innovation for Public Health in Africa. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa: NEPAD Office of Science and Technology, pp. 7–52.

Chataway, J.; Chaturvedi, K.; Hanlin, R.; Mugwagwa, J.; Wield, D. and Smith, J. (2009). Technological trends and opportunities to combat diseases of the poor in Africa. In: Kalua, Fetson; Awotedu, Abolade; Kamwanja, Leonard and Saka, John eds. Science, Technology and Innovation for Public Health in Africa. Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.: NEPAD Office of Science and Technology, pp. 53–93.

Kale, Dinar; Wield, David and Chataway, Jo (2008). Diffusion of knowledge through migration of scientific labour in India. In: Kumar, Krishna ed. Reverse Brain Drain: A Reality in Millennium. Human Resources Management. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI publications.

Tait, Joyce; Chataway, Joanna; Catherine, Lyall and Wield, David (2006). Governance, policy and industry strategies: pharmaceuticals and agro-biotechnology. In: Mazzucato, Mariana and Dosi, Giovanni eds. Knowledge accumulation and industry evolution: the case of Pharma-Biotech. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 378–401.

Wield, David (2003). Tools for project development. In: Eade, Deborah ed. Development, methods and approaches: ciritical reflections. Development in Practice Readers. Oxford, UK: Oxfam.

Chataway, Joanna; Quintas, Paul; Wield, David and Gault, Fred (2003). From digital divide to knowledge divide - a primer. In: Sciadas, George ed. Monitoring the digital divide and beyond. Montreal, Canada: Orbicom, pp. 89–144.

Wield, David (2002). A development perspective on design. In: Coward, Tim; Fathers, James and Thomas, Angharad eds. Design and Development. Cardiff: UWIC Press, pp. 91–96.

Wield, David (2000). Tools for project development within a public action framework. In: Eade, Deborah and Johnson, Hazel eds. Development and Management: Selected Essays from "Development in Practice". Oxfam, pp. 53–66.

Wield, David and Chataway, Jo (2000). Unemployment and making a living. In: Allen, Timothy and Thomas, Alan eds. Poverty and Development into the Twenty first century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 99–124.

Carr, Susan; Levidow, Les and Wield, David (1998). Fausses notes dans le consert reglementaire. In: Philipan, P. and Tasteman, C. eds. Plantes transgeniques: Les graines de la discorde. Paris, France: Elsevier, pp. 129–133.

Ludwin, L and Wield, David (1997). Systems Thinking in UK film units. In: Stowell, Frank A ed. Systems for Sustainability: People, Organizations and Environments. London, UK: Kluwer Academic, pp. 245–250.

Levidow, L.; Carr, S.; Schomberg, R and Wield, D. (1996). Bounding the Risk Assessment of a Herbicide Tolerant Crop. In: van Dommelen, A. ed. Coping with Deliberate Release: The Limits of Risk Assessment. Tilberg: International Centre for Human and Public Affairs, pp. 81–102.

Hewitt, T and Wield, D. (1995). Technological Capability and Competitiveness. In: Weston, G. ed. United Nations Industrial Development Organization: 30 Years of Industrial Development 1966-1996. London, UK: ISC in association with UNIDO, pp. 330–337.

Rhodes, Ed and Wield, David (1994). Technology, innovation theory and the implementation process. In: Rhodes, Ed and Wield, David eds. Implementing New Technologies: Innovation and the Management of Technology (2nd ed). Oxford: NCC Blackwell, pp. 79–95.

Hewitt, Tom and Wield, David (1992). Technology and Industrialization. In: Hewitt, Tom; Wield, David and Johnson, Hazel eds. Industrialization and Development. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 201–221.

Wield, David (1992). Unemployment and Making a Living. In: Allen, Tim and Thomas, Alan eds. Poverty and Development in the 1990s. USA: Oxford University Press, pp. 55–77.

Hewitt, Tom; Johnson, Hazel and Wield, David (1992). Introduction. In: Hewitt, Tom and Wield, David eds. Industrialization and Development. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 1–9.

Hewitt, Tom; Johnson, Hazel and Wield, David (1992). Conclusions. In: Hewitt, Tom and Wield, David eds. Industrialization and Development. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 303–315.

Wield, David (1988). Industry and industrialization. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. Oxford University Press, pp. 187–215.

Wield, David (1988). Making a Living. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. Oxford University Press, pp. 242–260.

Wield, David (1988). International relocation of industry. In: Crow, Ben; Thorpe, Mary and Wield, David eds. Survival and Change in the Third World. Oxford University Press, pp. 264–287.

Wield, David (1988). Sunrise or sunset industries? Technology transfer. In: Blackburn, Phillip; Sharpe, Richard and Kinnock, Neil eds. Britain’s Industrial Renaissance. UK: Routledge, pp. 103–192.

Wield, David (1987). Banking on the new technology: cooperation competition and the clearers. In: Harris, Laurence; Coatley, Jerry; Croasdale, Martin and Evans, Trevor eds. New perspectives on the financial system. Routledge/Croom Helm Ltd, pp. 240–273.

Smith, S. and Wield, D. (1987). New technology and bank work: Banking on IT as an organisational technology. In: Finnegan, Ruth; Salaman, Graeme and Thompson, Kenneth eds. Information Technology: Social Issues. Hodder Arnold H&S, pp. 98–113.

Wield, D. and Quintas, P. R. (1987). The technological relevance of Science Parks. In: Sunman, H. ed. Science parks and the growth of technology-based enterprises : the proceedings of the UK Science Park Association's Annual Conference held on 6th December 1986. UK: CSP Economic Publications, pp. 45–53.

Wield, David (1985). Exercise '81: The introduction of new manufacturing technologies into Babcock Power Ltd. In: Rhodes, Edward and Wield, David eds. Implementing New Technologies: Choice, Decision and Change in Manufacturing. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 19–40.

Wield, D. and Steward, F. (1984). Science, planning and the state. In: McLennan, Gregor; Held, David and Hall, Stuart eds. State and Society in Contemporary Britain: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, pp. 176–203.

Wield, David (1983). Mozambique - late colonisation and early problems of transition. In: White, Gordon ed. Revolutionary Socialist Development in the Third World. Harvester Wheatsheaf, pp. 75–113.

Wield, David (1981). Manufacturing industry. In: Stoneman, Colin ed. Zimbabwe’s Inheritance. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 151–173.

Wield, David (1979). Mine labour and Southern Mozambique. In: ed. Mozambique. University of Edinburgh, Centre for African Studies, pp. 78–85.

Wield, David (1979). Technology in Zimbabwean Industry. In: ed. Zimbabwe: Towards a New Order: An Economic and Social Survey. Geneva: UNCTAD.

Journal ItemTo Top

Papamichail, George; Rosiello, Alessandro and Wield, David (2019). Capacity-building barriers to S3 implementation: an empirical framework for catch-up regions. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 32(1) pp. 66–84.

Mittra, James; Mastroeni, Michele; Haddow, Gill; Wield, David and Barlow, Elisabeth (2019). Re-imagining Healthcare and Medical Research Systems in Post Devolution Scotland. Sociological Research Online, 24(1) pp. 55–72.

Wield, David; Tait, Joyce; Chataway, Joanna; Mittra, James and Mastroeni, Michele (2017). Conceptualising and practising multiple knowledge interactions in the life sciences. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 116 pp. 308–315.

Mastroeni, Michele; Omidvar, Omid; Rosiello, Alessandro; Tait, Joyce and Wield, David (2017). Science and Innovation Dynamics and Policy in Scotland: the perceived impact of enhanced autonomy. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 16(1) pp. 3–24.

Mittra, James; Tait, Joyce and Wield, David (2011). The future of pharmaceutical innovation: new challenges and opportunities. IPTonline(36) pp. 32–34.

Wield, D.V. and Forbes, Naushad (2008). Innovation dynamics in catch-up firms: process, product and proprietary capabilities for development. Industry and Innovation, 15(1) pp. 69–92.

Chataway, Joanna; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David (2007). The Indian pharmaceutical industry before and after TRIPS. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19(5) pp. 559–563.

Chataway, Jo; Smith, James and Wield, David (2007). Shaping scientific excellence in agricultural research. International Journal of Biotechnology, 9(2) pp. 172–187.

Ayele, Seife; Chataway, Joanna and Wield, David (2006). Partnerships in African Crop Biotech. Nature Biotechnology, 24(6) 619 -621.

Chataway, Jo; Smith, James and Wield, David (2006). Science and technology partnerships and poverty alleviation in Africa. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 5(2) pp. 103–123.

Forbes, Naushad and Wield, David (2004). What is R&D? Why does it matter? Science and Public Policy, 31(4) pp. 267–277.

Tait, J.; Chataway, J. and Wield, D. (2002). The life science sector: evolution of agro-biotechnology in Europe. Science and Public Policy, 29(4) pp. 253–258.

Hewitt, Tom; Wangwe, Sam and Wield, David (2002). Seeing eye to eye: organizational behaviour, brokering and building trust in Tanzania. Public Administration and Development, 22(2) pp. 97–108.

Wield, David (2001). BASF: AgBio fast follower. AgBioForum, 4(1) pp. 58–62.

Forbes, Naushad and Wield, David (2000). Managing R&D in technology-followers. Research Policy, 29(9) pp. 1095–1109.

Boyle, Godfrey; Thomas, Christine and Wield, David (2000). Beyond single vision. Futures, 32(3-4) pp. 221–228.

Wield, David (1999). Tools for project development within a public action framework. Development in Practice, 9(1-2) pp. 33–42.

Chataway, Jo; Webster, Andrew and Wield, David (1999). Technologies in Transition. Technovation, 19(6/7) pp. 339–344.

Hewitt, Tom and Wield, David (1997). Networks in Tanzanian Industrialisation. Science and Public Policy, 24(6) pp. 395–404.

Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Wield, David (1997). Team approaches to developing innovative projects and processes. International Journal of Innovation Management, 1(4) pp. 333–354.

Levidow, Les; Carr, Susan; von Schomburg, Rene and Wield, David (1997). European Biotechnology Regulation: Framing the Risk Assessment of a Herbicide-Tolerant Crop. Science, Technology and Human Values, 22(4) pp. 472–505.

Wield, David (1997). Coordination of donors in African universities. Higher Education Policy, 10(1) pp. 41–54.

Levidow, L.; Carr, S.; Schomburg, R. and Wield, D. (1996). Harmonization Difficulties of Uncertainty-Based Regulation. Science and Public Policy, 23(3) pp. 135–157.

Henry, Nick; Massey, Doreen and Wield, David (1995). Along the road: R & D, society and space. Research Policy, 24(5) pp. 707–726.

Braun, Ernest and Wield, David (1994). Regulation as a Means for the Social Control of Technology. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 6(3) pp. 259–273.

Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Wield, David (1994). Problems Experienced by Engineers with Environmental Product Development Projects. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 6(2) pp. 177–188.

Massey, Doreen and Wield, David (1992). Science parks: a concept in science, society, and 'space' (a realist tale). Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 10(4) pp. 411–422.

Massey, Doreen and Wield, David (1992). Evaluating science parks. Local Economy, 7(1) pp. 10–25.

Turner, Calum; Roy, Robin and Wield, David (1990). Materials: A new revolutionary generic technology? Conditions and policies for innovation. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2(3) pp. 221–235.

Smith, S. L. and Wield, D. V. (1987). Banking on the new technology - Choices and constraints. International Journal of Information Management, 7(3) pp. 115–129.

Smith, Stephen and Wield, David (1986). New technologies in banking - revolutionary change? Telecommunications Policy, 10(1) pp. 13–16.

Marleyn, Oscar; Wield, David and Williams, Richard (1982). Notes on the political and organisational offensive in Mozambique and its relationship to agricultural policy. Review of African Political Economy(24) pp. 114–120.

Braganca, A de and Wield, David (1979). Zimbabwe : réflexions sur le problème rhodésien. Revue Tiers-Monde, 20(77) pp. 79–118.

Smith, Pamela and Wield, David (1978). Frelimo concentrates on the practical side of science. Nature, 276(5690) pp. 751–752.

Barker, Carol and Wield, David (1978). International firms in Tanzania. Utafiti, 3(2) pp. 316–341.

Wield, D. V. and Gillam, E. (1977). Deformation behaviour of Cu-Zn-Si alloys close to their martensitic translormation temperature. Acta Metallurgica, 25(7) pp. 725–733.

Barker, C. E.; Bhagavan, M. R.; Collande, M.; Wield, D. V. and Coulson, A. C (1977). The structure and balance of industrial production in Tanzania. Utafiti, 2(1) pp. 81–98.

Gillam, E and Wield, D. V. (1976). Premartensitic instability in beta- Cu Zn Si alloys. Scripta Metallurgica, 10(11) pp. 965–970.

Wield, D. V. and Gillam, E. (1972). Shape memory effect and pseudoelasticity in Cu-Zn-Si alloys. Scripta Metallurgica, 6(12) pp. 1157–1160.

Mohan, R.; Shields, J.; Goodlad, S. and Wield, D. (1970). The demand for non-technical studies at Imperial College. Liberal Education : journal of the Association of Liberal Education, 17 pp. 32–37.

Marlow, P.; Presland, A. E. B. and Wield, D. (1970). Some replica techniques for the scanning electron microscope. Micron, 2 pp. 139–147.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Joshi, Pallavi; Kale, Dinar and Wield, David (2024). Novel approaches for scaling up engineering-based inclusive innovation. In: 31st International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024, 9-11 Jul 2024, University College London, London, UK.

Papamichail, George; Rosiello, Alessandro and Wield, David (2017). Capacity-building barriers to S3 implementation: an empirical framework for catch-up regions. In: 12th Regional Innovation Policies Conference (RIP2017), 26-27 Oct 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain.

Rosiello, Alessandro; Mastroeni, Michele; Omidvar, Omid; Tait, Joyce and Wield, David (2015). Science and Innovation in Scotland: a study on the impact of enhanced autonomy. In: 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD 2015), 18-19 Jun 2015, University of Sheffield, pp. 666–685.

Mugwagwa, Julius; Hanlin, Rebecca; Iluyemi, Adesina; Chataway, Jo; Wield, David and Smith, James (2010). Systems of health innovation in Africa: policy lessons from home and abroad. In: Second Science with Africa Conference, 23-25 Jun 2010, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Papaioannou, Theo; Wield, David and Chataway, Joanna (2007). Knowledge ecologies and ecosystems? An empirically grounded reflection on recent developments in innovation systems theory. In: The 6th International Triple Helix Conference on University-Government-Industry Relations, 16-18 May 2007, Singapore.

Slater, Rachel; Frederickson, James; Thomas, Christine; Potter, Stephen and Wield, David (2006). Partnership working: new roles for local authorities. In: Waste 2006: Sustainable Waste and Resource Management (Vegh, Beatrix and Royle, John eds.), The Waste Conference Limited, Warwick University, UK, Warwick, UK, pp. 623–632.

OtherTo Top

Omidvar, Omid; Tait, Joyce and Wield, David (2014). Science and Industrial Dynamics in Scotland. Innogen Working Paper No. 110, Edinburgh.

Mastroeni, Michele; Barlow, Elisabeth; Mittra, James and Wield, David (2014). The Imagined Health Community: Narratives Of Scottish Health And Independence. Innogen Working Paper No. 112, Edinburgh.

Mittra, James; Mastroeni, Michele; Wield, David; Barlow, Elisabeth and Snowden, Ken (2014). The Scottish Institutional Ecology of Health and Clinical/Medical Research and Key Issues for Scottish Independence. Innogen Working Paper No. 109, Edinburgh.

Haddow, Gill; Mittra, James; Snowden, Ken; Barlow, Elisabeth and Wield, David (2014). From 'Sick Man' To 'Living Lab' - The Narrative of Scottish Health Since Devolution. Innogen Working Paper No. 108, Edinburgh.

Tait, Joyce; Wield, David; Bruce, Ann and Chataway, Joanna (2007). OECD International Futures Project on “The Bioeconomy to 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda”. Health Biotechnology to 2030. OECD International Futures Project on "The Bioeconomy to 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda; OECD, Paris, France.

Forbes, Naushad and Wield, David (1999). Managing R&D in Technology-followers. DPP Working Paper 43; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Wield, David (1995). Coordination of Donors in African Universities. DPP Working Paper 32; Development Policy and Practice Research Group, Faculty of Technology, The Open University.

Wield, David (1991). Forging the Links: Evaluation of SAREC support to research development in engineering and sciences in Mozambique. Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries, Stockholm, Sweden.


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