Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by David Scott
BTo Top
Bell, Emma and Scott, David Gordon
CTo Top
Coyle, M. and Scott, D.
Coyle, Michael J. and Scott, David eds. (2021). The Routledge International Handbook of Penal Abolition. London: Routledge.
Coyle, Michael J. and Scott, David
DTo Top
Drake, D.H. and Scott, D.G.
Drake, Deborah H. and Scott, David
Drake, Deborah H. and Scott, David
JTo Top
Jones, Robert; Hart, Emily and Scott, David
STo Top
Scott, David Gordon
Scott, David Gordon
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, D. and Sim, J.
Scott, D.
Scott, David
Scott, David (2020). For Abolition: Essays on Prisons and Socialist Ethics. Waterside Press.
Scott, David
Scott, D.
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David (2018). Against Imprisonment: An Anthology of Abolitionist Essays. Waterside Press.
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David with Bell, Emma; Gilmore, Joanna; Gosling, Helena; Moore, J. M. and Spear, Faith. (2016) Emancipatory Politics and Praxis: An anthology of essays written for the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, 2013–16. EG Press, London.
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, D.
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, David
Scott, D.