Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Devendra Kodwani

37 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Dec 14 01:59:53 2024 GMT.

2024To Top

Ahmad, Sardar; Ullah, Subhan; Akbar, Saeed; Kodwani, Devendra and Brahma, Sanjukta (2024). The impact of compliance, board committees and insider CEOs on firm survival during crisis. International Review of Financial Analysis, 91, article no. 102979.

2023To Top

Ahmad, Sardar; Akbar, Saeed; Kodwani, Devendra; Halari, Anwar and Shah, Syed Zubair (2023). Compliance or non‐compliance during financial crisis: Does it matter? International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28(3) pp. 2348–2366.

2021To Top

Ullah, Subhan; Ahmad, Sardar; Akbar, Saeed; Kodwani, Devendra and Frecknall-Hughes, Jane (2021). Governance disclosure quality and market valuation of firms in UK and Germany. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(4) pp. 5031–5055.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Chaurasia, Sushil S.; Kodwani, Devendra; Lachhwani, Hitendra and Ketkar, Manisha Avadhut (2018). Big data academic and learning analytics: connecting the dots for academic excellence in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 32(6) pp. 1099–1117.

2017To Top

Areneke, Geofry Nfortaw Agbor; Kimani, Danson; Yusuf, Fatima; Kodwani, Devendra and Viney, Howard (2017). Global Diffusion of Anglo-American Governance: Evaluating Responses Across Three Emerging Economies. In: The 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4-8 Aug 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

2016To Top

Ahmad, Sardar; Kodwani, Devendra and Upton, Martin (2016). Non-compliance, board structures and the performance of financial firms during crisis: UK Evidence. In: International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS), Risk in Financial Markets and Institutions: New challenges, New solutions, 1-3 Jun 2016, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Casa Convalescència, Barcelona.

2015To Top

Kimani, Danson; Viney, Howard and Kodwani, Devendra (2015). Corporate Governance in Less Developed Countries. In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management(14377).

2013To Top

Datta, Sanjukta; Kodwani, Devendra and Viney, Howard (2013). Shareholder wealth creation following M&A: evidence from European utility sectors. Applied Financial Economics, 23(10) pp. 891–900.

2010To Top

Kodwani, Devendra (2010). Infrastructure in India. In: Budhwar, Pawan S. and Varma, Arup eds. Doing Business In India. Abingdon, Oxford, UK: Routledge, pp. 79–100.

Moro, Andrea and Kodwani, Devendra (2010). Trust me, I'm an entrepreneur! Can trust help SMEs to gain the credit they need? In: 5th Workshop on Trust within and Between Organisations, 28-29 Jan 2010, Madrid, Spain.

Moro, Andrea; Lucas, Michael and Kodwani, Devendra (2010). Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and their cost of capital. In: International Conference on Management of SMEs 2010, 17-18 Sep 2010, Nagpur, India.

Kodwani, Devendra (2010). Governance mechanisms for telecommunications and electricity industries in India: 19th Century to 21st Century. In: International Conference on Regulation and Competition Policy for Development: Practice and Challenges, 27-28 Jan 2010, University of Jordan, Amman.

2009To Top

Daniel, Elizabeth; Kodwani, Devendra and Datta, Sanjukta (2009). The impact of ICT-enabled offshoring announcements on share prices. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 22(3) pp. 241–256.

Kodwani, Devendra (2009). Regulatory challenges in electricity markets in India. In: Mehta, Pradeep S. and Evenett, Simon J. eds. Politics Trumps Economics: Political Economy and the Implementation of Competition Law and Regulation in Developing Countries. New Delhi, India: Academic Foundation, pp. 361–409.

Datta, S. and Kodwani, D. (2009). M&A in utilities in Europe: testing for agency and hubris hypotheses. In: ESRC Conference on Corporate Governance and Development, 5 Sep 2009, Birmingham Business School.

Kodwani, Devendra and Schillinger, Marcia (2009). Accounting judgement test and teaching of ethics. In: Moral and Social Action Interdisciplinary Colloquium, 27-31 Jul 2009, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz.

2008To Top

Datta, S.; Kodwani, D. and Viney, H. (2008). Market for corporate control and privatised utilities. In: European Financial Management Association Annual Conference, 25-28 Jun 2008, Athens, Greece.

2006To Top

Rutterford, Janette; Upton, Martin and Kodwani, Devendra eds. (2006). Financial Strategy (2nd Edition). Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

Kodwani, Devendra (2006). Competition and regulation in energy sector in India. In: Mehta, Pradeep S. ed. Towards a functional competition policy for India. New Delhi, India: Academic Foundation, pp. 189–197.

2005To Top

Kodwani, Devendra G. (2005). An Analytical Study of Option Greeks on Derivative Markets in India. In: Motamen-Samadian, Sima ed. Risk management in emerging markets. Centre for the Study of Emerging Markets. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, pp. 17–34.

2002To Top

Kodwani, Devendra (2002). Good quality management education. In: Srivastava, S.S. ed. Development of management education In India. New Delhi, India: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd..

Kodwani, D. K. (2002). Ensuring good quality management education in India: Role of Educational Markets. In: Srivastava, S. S. ed. Development of Management Education in India. New Delhi, India: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., pp. 28–45.

2000To Top

Kodwani, Devendra (2000). Economic Regulation of Utility Industries. Economic & Political Weekly, 35(30) pp. 2657–2661.

1998To Top

Dnes, Anthony W.; Kodwani, Devendra G.; Seaton, Jonathan S. and Wood, Douglas (1998). The regulation of the United Kingdon electricity industry: an event study of price-capping measures. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 13(3) pp. 207–226.

1997To Top

Wood, Douglas and Kodwani, Devendra (1997). Privatisation policy and power sector reforms: lessons from British experience for India. Economic and Political Weekly, 32(37) pp. 2350–2358.

Kodwani, Devendra (1997). Action research: bridging the gap between theory and practice. Synerygy, S.P. University Journal of Management, 1(2)

Kodwani, Devendra and Wood, Douglas (1997). Privatisation issues and methods: lessons from British experience for India. In: Titus, Varkey K. ed. Economic Liberalisation: its impact on Indian economy, business and society. Kansas, USA: Association of Indian Economic Studies, pp. 61–74.

1994To Top

Kodwani, Devendra (1994). Capital Markets: a consumers' handbook. New Delhi: Consumer Education and Research Center, Ahmedabad and Friederich Naumann Foundation.

Kodwani, Devendra and Gopalkrishnan, C. (1994). Restructuring PES: the case of a public utility. In: Gupta, Nirmal K. and Ahmad, Abad eds. Managing Transition. New Delhi, India: Wiley Eastern Limited, pp. 361–375.


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