Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by David Hales

12 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Oct 15 04:54:55 2024 BST.

2011To Top

Rahman, Rameez; Vinkó, Tamás; Hales, David; Pouwelse, Johan and Sips, Henk (2011). Design space analysis for modeling incentives in distributed systems. In: SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., ACM, New York, NY, USA, 41 pp. 182–193.

2010To Top

Hales, David (2010). Mix, chain and replicate: methodologies for agent-based modelling of social systems. In: Mollona, Edoardo ed. Computational Analysis of Firms’ Organization and Strategic Behaviour. Routledge Research in Strategic Management. Abingdon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 106–122.

Hales, David (2010). Rationality meets the tribe: recent models of cultural group selection. In: Mollona, Edoardo ed. Computational Analysis of Firms’ Organization and Strategic Behaviour. Routledge Research in Strategic Management. Abingdon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 231–246.

Rahman, R.; Hales, D.; Vinkó, T.; Pouwelse, J. and Sips, H. (2010). No more crash or crunch: sustainable credit dynamics in a P2P community. In: 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2010), 28 Jun - 2 Jul 2010, Caen, Normandy, France.

Rahman, Rameez; Meulpolder, Michel; Hales, David; Pouwelse, John; Epema, Dick and Sips, Henk (2010). Improving efficiency and fairness in P2P systems with effort-based incentives. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 23-17 May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.

2009To Top

Edmonds, Bruce; Norling, Emma and Hales, David (2009). Towards the evolution of social structure. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory (CMOT), 15(2) pp. 78–94.

Rossi, Giovanni; Arteconi, Stefano and Hales, David (2009). Evolving networks for social optima in the “weakest link game”. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory (CMOT), 15(2) pp. 95–108.

Rahman, Rameez; Hales, David; Meulpolder, Michel; Heinink, Vincent; Pouwelse, Johan and Sips, Henk (2009). Robust vote sampling in a P2P media distribution system. In: IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 2009. IPDPS 2009, 23-29 May 2009, Rome.

Hales, David; Rahman, Rameez; Zhang, Boxun; Meulpolder, Michel and Pouwelse, Johan (2009). BitTorrent or BitCrunch: evidence of a credit squeeze in BitTorrent? In: 18th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, 2009. WETICE '09, 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2009, Groningen.

2008To Top

Marcozzi, Andrea and Hales, David (2008). Emergent social rationality in a peer-to-peer system. Advances in Complex Systems, 11(4) pp. 581–595.

Hales, David and Arteconi, Stefano (2008). Motifs in evolving cooperative networks look like protein structure networks. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 3(2) pp. 239–249.

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