Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Debbie Humphry

11 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 19:55:28 2025 GMT.

Book SectionTo Top

Humphry, Debbie (2017). ‘The Best New Place to Live’? Visual Research with Residents in East Village and E20. In: Cohen, Phil and Watt, Paul eds. London 2012 and the Post-Olympics City A Hollow Legacy? London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 179–204.

Humphry, Debbie (2013). Inside Outside: a Visual Investigation of Belonging in a North London Neighbourhood. In: Kusenbach, Margarethe and Paulsen, Krista E. eds. Home: International Perspectives on Culture, Identity and Belonging. Frankfurt am Maim: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, pp. 249–268.

Journal ItemTo Top

Humphry, Debbie; Clifford, Ellen; Greene, Andy; Peters, Paula and Walker, Keith (2020). Introduction to, and Interview with, Disabled People Against Cuts. City, 24(1-2) pp. 376–399.

Humphry, Debbie (2020). Campaigning in the time of coronavirus. City, 24(3-4) pp. 423–430.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Humphry, Debbie and Bernstock, Penny (2021). The commodification of intermediate housing, subsidies for the wealthy and community led alternatives. In: IIBG/RGS The Royal Geographic Society Annual International Conference, 31 Aug - 3 Sep 2021, London.

OtherTo Top

Humphry, Debbie; Mayo, Marjorie; Barbawoo, Much; Panjwani, Sarah Mussa and Seoighe, Rachel (2021). Community Voices for Holloway: What People want on the Holloway Prison Redevelopment. Community Plan for Holloway, London.

Crockett, Nicole; Cohen, Phil and Humphry, Debbie (2016). Speaking out of Place: End of Project Report. The Building Exploratory and LivingMaps Network, London.


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