Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by David Rowland

32 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 16:20:40 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Rowland, David (2024). Performing simultaneous triplets and dotted rhythms in Schubert's piano music. In: Gardiner, Matthew and Martin, Christine eds. Schubert's Piano. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 116–135.

Rowland, David ed. (2024). Clementi Correspondence and Other Documents. Muzio Clementi Opera Omnia, CCE 5. Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni.

2022To Top

Rowland, David (2022). Further Light on Clementi's 1807 Contract with Beethoven. In: Miller, Malcolm and Kinderman, William eds. Beethoven the European: Transcultural Contexts of Performance, Interpretation and Reception. Speculum Musicae (48). Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 203–216.

2020To Top

Rowland, David (2020). British Listeners c1780-1830. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 17(3) pp. 359–379.

Rowland, David (2020). Composers, publishers and the market in late Georgian Britain. In: Sala, Massimiliano ed. Music publishing and composers (1750-1850). Speculum Musicae (37). Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 85–112.

2019To Top

Rowland, David (2019). Music Publishing in Britain ca. 1840-1900. In: Sala, Massimiliano ed. Music and the Second Industrial Revolution. Music, Science & Technology (2). Turnhout: Brepols.

Rowland, David (2019). The listening experiences of John Yeoman (1748 – 1824). In: Barlow, Helen and Rowland, David eds. The experience of listening to music: methodologies, identities, histories. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

2018To Top

Rowland, David (2018). Clementi's Introduction in European musical life, 1801-1830. In: Sala, Luca Lévi and Stewart-MacDonald, Rohan H. eds. Muzio Clementi and British Musical Culture: Sources, Performance Practice and Style. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 69–83.

Rowland, David (2018). Composers and publishers in Clementi's London. In: Golding, Rosemary ed. The Music Profession in Britain, 1780-1920: New Perspectives on Status and Identity. Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 32–52.

2017To Top

Rowland, David (2017). The development of piano technique in England c. 1790-1810. In: Zur Entwicklung des Klavierspiels von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach bis Clara Schumann (Philipsen, Christian; Lustig, Monika and Omonsky, Ute eds.), Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte, Wissner Verlag, Kloster Michaelstein, Augsburg, Michaelstein, pp. 237–249.

Rowland, David (2017). London's Art Music and provincial listeners in England c.1700-1850. In: Barlow, Helen and Rowland, David eds. Listening to Music: People, Practices and Experiences. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Rowland, David (2017). Introduction. In: Barlow, Helen and Rowland, David eds. Listening to Music: People, Practices and Experiences. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Rowland, David (2017). Piano sonority and melody c.1800-1835. In: The lyric and the vocal element in instrumental music of the nineteenth century (Stepien-Kutera, Kamila ed.), Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, Warsaw, pp. 39–61.

2016To Top

Rowland, David (2016). European music publishing during the Napoleonic wars. In: Jardin, Étienne ed. Music and War in Europe from the French Revolution to WWI. Music, criticism and politics (2). Turnhaut: Brepols, pp. 223–232.

2015To Top

Rowland, David (2015). Pianists and the European music trade c. 1790-1820. In: Sala, Massimiliano ed. Piano culture in 19th-century Paris. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 17–26.

2014To Top

Rowland, David (2014). Nineteenth-century pianists and Baroque music. Musurgia. Analyse et pratique musicales, 21(1-2) pp. 79–90.

2013To Top

Rowland, David (2013). Haydn's music and Clementi's publishing circle. In: Chesser, Richard and Wyn Jones, David eds. The Land of Opportunity: Joseph Haydn and Britain. London: British Library Publishing, pp. 92–111.

Rowland, David, ed. Chopin Rondos. By Frederic Chopin . London, Edition Peters (2013).

2012To Top

Rowland, David (2012). Dussek in London's commercial world. In: Stewart-MacDonald, Rohan and Illiano, Roberto eds. Jan Ladislav Dussek: A Bohemian Composer «en voyage» through Europe. Quaderni Clementiani (4). Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, pp. 87–111.

2011To Top

Rowland, David (2011). Clementi as publisher. In: Kassler, Michael ed. The Music Trade in Georgian England. Farnham, Surrey and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, pp. 159–191.

Rowland, David (2011). Clementi's music business. In: Kassler, Michael ed. The Music Trade in Georgian England. Farnham, Surrey and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, pp. 125–157.

2010To Top

Rowland, David (2010). Clementi & Co. in international markets. In: Illiano, Roberto and Sala, Luca eds. Instrumental Music and the Industrial Revolution. Ad Parnassum Studies (5). Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, pp. 525–542.

Rowland, David ed. (2010). The Correspondence of Muzio Clementi. Muzio Clementi Opera Omnia. Critical Edition, 14. Bologna: Ut Orpheus Edizioni.

Rowland, David (2010). Chopin and early nineteenth century piano schools. In: Szklener, Artur ed. The Sources Of Chopin’s Creative Style: Inspirations And Contexts. Warsaw: Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, pp. 83–96.

2009To Top

Rowland, David (2009). Piano businesses in England and France. In: Getreau, Florence ed. Le pianoforte en France 1780-1820. Musique Images Instruments (11). Paris: CNRS Editions, pp. 127–135.

2006To Top

Rowland, David (2006). Viotti and Clementi: Friendship, publishing, the Philharmonic Society and the Royal Academy of Music. In: Sala, Massimiliano ed. Giovanni Battista Viotti: A composer between the two revolutions. Bologna, Italy: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, pp. 377–394.

2005To Top

Rowland, David (2005). Performance practices in the nineteenth-century concerto. In: Keefe, Simon ed. The Cambridge companion to the concerto. Cambridge Companions Series. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 227–246.

Rowland, David (2005). The Performance of Chopin's works for piano and orchestra. In: Szklener, Artur ed. Chopin in performance: History, theory, practice. Warsaw, Poland: Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, pp. 169–183.

2004To Top

Rowland, David (2004). Clementi's early business career: new documents. In: Bösel, Richard and Sala, Massimiliano eds. Muzio Clementi. Cosmopolita della Musica. Atti del convegno internazionale in occasione del 250° anniversario della nascita (1752-2002). Roma, 4-6 dicembre 2002. Bologna, Italy: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, pp. 49–59.

2002To Top

Rowland, David (2002). Clementi and the British concerto tradition. In: Illiano, Roberto; Sala, Luca and Sala, Massimiliano eds. Muzio Clementi: studies and prospects. Muzio Clementi Omnia Opera (61). Bologna, Italy: Ut Orpheus Edizioni, pp. 179–190.


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