Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by David Shuker

28 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Jan 24 06:03:04 2025 GMT.

2009To Top

Himmelstein, Matthew W.; Boogaard, Peter J.; Cadet, Jean; Farmer, Peter B.; Kim, James H.; Martin, Elizabeth A.; Persaud, Rudranath and Shuker, David E. G. (2009). Creating context for the use of DNA adduct data in cancer risk assessment: II. Overview of methods of identification and quantitation of DNA damage. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 39(8) pp. 679–694.

Smiałek, Małgorzata A.; Moore, Sharon A.; Shuker, David E. G. and Mason, Nigel J. (2009). Quantification of radiation-induced single-strand breaks in plasmid DNA using a TUNEL/ELISA-based assay. Radiation Research, 172(5) pp. 529–536.

Jarabek, Annie M.; Pottenger, Lynn H.; Andrews, Larry S.; Casciano, Daniel; Embry, Michelle R.; Kim, James H.; Preston, R. Julian; Reddy, M Vijayaraj; Schoeny, Rita; Shuker, David; Skare, Julie; Swenberg, James; Williams, Gary M. and Zeiger, Errol (2009). Creating context for the use of DNA adduct data in cancer risk assessment: I. Data organization. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 39(8) pp. 659–678.

2008To Top

Guthery, William; Shuker, David; Pillinger, Colin; Tsanaclsi, Lolita and Morgan, Geraint (2008). Detection of opiates and benzodiazepines in human serum by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (2D-GC). In: Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Research Forum, 21-23 Jul 2008, University of Hull, U.K..

Narukulla, Raman; Shuker, David E. G.; Ramesh, Vasudevan and Xu, Yao-Zhong (2008). Unambiguous structural elucidation of base-modified purine nucleosides using NMR. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 46(1) pp. 1–8.

Smialek, M. A.; Hoffman, S. V.; Folkard, M.; Prise, K. M.; Shuker, D. E. G.; Braithwaite, N. St. J. and Mason, N. J. (2008). VUV irradiation studies of plasmid DNA in aqueous solution. In: Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems (McGuigan, KG ed.), 19-22 Jul 2007, Dublin, p. 12020.

2007To Top

Shuker, David (2007). Chemical genetics. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry, 103 pp. 165–173.

Lunn, J. C.; Kuhnle, G.; Mai, V.; Frankenfeld, C.; Shuker, D.; Glen, R. C.; Goodman, J. M.; Pollock, J. R. A. and Bingham, S. A. (2007). The effect of haem in red and processed meat on the endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Carcinogenesis, 28(3) pp. 685–690.

Guthery, Bill; Shuker, David E. G.; Pillinger, Colin T.; Gilmour, Mabs A.; Valussi, Silvia; Wicks, John; Tsanaclis, Lolita and Morgan, Geraint H. (2007). Stable isostopes(δ13C): A proposed means of identifying the source of gamma-hydroxybuturic acid (GHB). In: Joint Meeting of the International association of Forensic Toxicologists and International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, 26-30 Aug 2007, Seattle.

2006To Top

Lewin, Michelle H.; Bailey, Nina; Bandaletova, Tanya; Bowman, Richard; Cross, Amanda J.; Pollock, Jim; Shuker, David E.G. and Bingham, Sheila A. (2006). Red Meat Enhances the Colonic Formation of the DNA Adduct O6-Carboxymethyl Guanine: Implications for Colorectal Cancer Risk. Cancer Research, 66(3) pp. 1859–1865.

Shuker, David (2006). Chemical genetics. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry, 102 pp. 138–147.

2005To Top

Shuker, David E.G. (2005). Chemical genetics. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry, 101 pp. 137–147.

2004To Top

Shuker, David E.G. (2004). Chemical Genetics. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry, 100 pp. 191–205.

2003To Top

Stewart, Bernard W.; Greim, Helmut; Shuker, David and Kauppinen, Timo (2003). Defence of IARC monographs. The Lancet, 361(9365) p. 1300.

Shuker, D.E.G. (2003). The role of N-nitrosation in colon carcinogenesis: some recent insights. In: Scheppach, W and Scheurlen, M eds. Exogenous Factors in Colonic Carcinogenesis. Falk Symposium Series, 128 (128). Wurburg, Germany: Springer, pp. 216–214.

2002To Top

Farmer, Peter B.; Bartsch, H.; Boobis, A.; Chipman, K.; Gescher, A.; Kadlubar, F.F.; Manson, M.M.; Phillips, D.H.; Shuker, David; Swenberg, J.A.; Tannenbaum, S.R. and Wild, C.P. (2002). Basic or applied, it's the interaction that counts - Toxicology must not be driven by politics: it's science that should drive decision-making. Nature, 417(6895) p. 117.

Leuratti, Chiara; Watson, Mark A.; Deag, Eliot J.; Welch, Ailsa; Singh, Rajinder; Gottschalg, Elke; Marnett, Lawrence J.; Atkin, Wendy; Day, Nicholas E.; Shuker, David E.G. and Bingham, Sheila A. (2002). Detection of Malondialdehyde DNA adducts in human colorectal mucosa: relationship with diet and the presence of adenomas. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 11(3) pp. 267–273.

van den Brandt, P.; Voorrips, L.; Hertz-Picciotto, I.; Shuker, D.; Boeing, H.; Speijers, G.; Guittard, C.; Kleiner, J.; Knowles, M.; Wolk, A. and Goldbohm, A. (2002). The contribution of epidemiology. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 40(2-3) pp. 387–427.

2001To Top

Tullett, Jayne M.; Rees, Daryl D.; Shuker, David E. G. and Gescher, Andreas (2001). Lack of correlation between the observed stability and pharmacological properties of S-nitroso derivatives of glutathione and cysteine-related peptides. Biochemical Pharmacology, 62(9) pp. 1239–1247.

Singh, Rajinder; Leuratti, Chiara; Josyula, Shylaja; Sipowicz, Marek A.; Diwan, Bhalchandra A.; Kasprzak, Kazimierz S.; Schut, Herman A.J.; Marnett, Lawrence J.; Anderson, Lucy M. and Shuker, David E.G. (2001). Lobe-specific increases in malondialdehyde DNA adduct formation in the livers of mice following infection with Helicobacter hepaticus. Carcinogenesis, 22(8) pp. 1281–1287.

Everett, Simon M.; Singh, Raj; Leuratti, Chiara; White, Kay L. M.; Neville, Peter; Greenwood, Darren; Marnett, Lawrence J.; Schorah, Christopher J.; Forman, David; Shuker, David and Axon, Anthony T. R. (2001). Levels of Malondialdehyde-Deoxyguanosine in the gastric mucosa: Relationship with lipid peroxidation, ascorbic acid, and Helicobacter pylori. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 10(4) pp. 369–376.

Lucas, Lynda T.; Gatehouse, David; Jones, George D.D. and Shuker, David E.G. (2001). Characterization of DNA damage at purine residues in oligonucleotides and calf thymus DNA induced by the mutagen 1-nitrosoindole-3-acetonitrile. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 14(2) pp. 158–164.


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