Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Clare Woodward

28 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 11 05:16:33 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

2023To Top

Stutchbury, Kris; Woodward, Clare; Phiri, John; Sampa, Francis; Biard, Olivier and Gallastegi, Lore (2023). Instructional leadership - what it is and why it matters. UKFIET - the Education and Development Forum, UK.

2022To Top

Stutchbury, Kris; Gallastegi, Lore; Woodward, Clare and Gaved, Mark (2022). School-based Continuing Professional Development: the Role of School Leaders. In: Pan Commonwealth Forum 10, 14-16 Sep 2022, Calgary, Canada, Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

Gallastegi, Lore; Gaved, Mark; Woodward, Clare; Stutchbury, Kris and Henry, Fiona (2022). ICT Strengthening Partnership in Zambian schools. In: BAICE 2022: Partnerships in education: collaboration, co-operation and co-optation, 13-15 Sep 2022, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Gallastegi, Lore; Stutchbury, Kris; Woodward, Clare and Henry, Fiona (2022). School based professional development in partnership in Zambia. In: BAICE 2022: Partnerships in education: collaboration, co-operation and co-optation, 13-15 Sep 2022, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Chamberlain, Liz; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Woodward, Clare (2022). Disrupting language of instruction policy at a classroom level: oracy examples from South Africa and Zambia. In: The 57th UKLA International Conference - Reaching out through literacy: Enabling advantage for all, 1-3 Jul 2022, Birmingham, UK.

2021To Top

Stutchbury, Kris; Woodward, Clare; Gallastegi, Lore and Hanson, Rachel (2021). Supporting Teachers' Professional Development in Zambia in Covid Times. UKFIET - the Education and Development Forum, Cambridge, UK.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Solly, Michael and Woodward, Clare (2018). Using Mediated Authentic Video as a potential innovative solution for training at scale: a view from Bangladesh. In: Kuchah, Kuchah and Shamin, Fauzia eds. Intenational Perspectives on Teaching English in Difficult Circumstances: Contexts, Challenges and Possibilities. International Perspectives on English Language Teaching. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 221–242.

2017To Top

2016To Top

2015To Top

Twining, Peter; Davis, Niki; Charania, Amina; Chowfin, Aleta; Henry, Fiona; Nordin, Hasniza and Woodward, Clare (2015). Developing New Indicators To Describe Digital Technology Infrastructure In Primary And Secondary Education. Background Paper for ICT in Education Statistics; UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal.

2014To Top

Walsh, Christopher; Woodward, Clare; Solly, Michael and Shrestha, Prithvi (2014). The potential of mobile phones to transform teacher professional development. In: 28th Annual Conference Asian Association of Open Universities: Advancing open and distance learning: research and practices, The Open University of Hong Kong, pp. 641–651.

Woodward, Clare; Griffiths, Malcolm and Solly, Michael (2014). English in Action: a new approach to continuing professional development through the use of mediated video, peer support and low-cost mobilephones in Bangladesh. In: Hayes, David ed. Innovations In The Continuing Professional Development Of English Language Teachers. London: British Council, pp. 227–248.

2012To Top

Power, Tom; Shaheen, Robina; Solly, Michael; Woodward, Clare and Burton, Sonia (2012). English in action: school based teacher development in Bangladesh. Curriculum Journal, 23(4) pp. 503–529.

Jenkins, Alyson; Carroll, Fiona; Woodward, Clare; Kop, Rita and Jenkins, Emrys (2012). Exploring how social media can enhance the teaching of action research. Action Research, 10(2) pp. 170–188.

Woodward, Clare and Solly, Michael (2012). Implementing the pilot stage of English in Action: negotiating the route to sustainable improvement in ELT classroom practice. In: Tribble, Christopher and Odell, Adrian eds. Managing Change in English Language Teaching: Lessons from Experience. London: British Council, pp. 165–170.

Woodward, Clare and Solly, Michael (2012). Implementing English in Action in Bangladesh. In: Tribble, Christopher ed. Managing Change in English Language Teaching: Lessons from Experience. London: British Council, pp. 165–170.


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