Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Christine Wise

18 items in this list.
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Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric and Wise, Christine (2014). School-based learning and development: revisiting professional development for headteachers in India. In: Exploring Leadership Learning and Theories in Asia (ELLTA) 2014, 17-19 Nov 2014, Penang, Malaysia.

Anderson, Lesley; Bush, Tony and Wise, Christine (2001). Is funding fair?: Perceptions and experiences from foundation schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 29(4) 397 -409.

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Bennett, Nigel; Woods, Philip; Wise, Christine and Newton, Wendy (2007). Understandings of middle leadership in secondary schools: a review of empirical research. School Leadership and Management, 27(5) pp. 453–469.

Bennett, Nigel; Anderson, Lesley and Wise, Christine (2002). School-LEA partnerships: Recipe for success or chimera? In: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Validity and Value in Education Research, 1-5 Apr 2002, New Orleans, LA.

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Coles, Isabella and Wise, Christine (2001). Improving information handling skills through the learning resource centre. Management in Education, 15(5) pp. 20–22.

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Wise, Christine; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Anand, Kavita and Wheeler, Spokey (2014). Leadership development at scale to support policy: experiences from the TESS India project- a UKAID project. In: International Conference of British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society, 7-11 Jul 2014, Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Woods, Philip A.; Bennett, Nigel; Harvey, Janet A. and Wise, Christine (2004). Variabilities and dualities in distributed leadership: findings from a systematic literature review. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(4) pp. 439–457.

Wise, Christine (2003). Leaders of subject communities. In: Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley eds. Rethinking Educational Leadership: Challenging the Conventions. British Educational Leadership and Management Society series. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 131–142.

Wise, Christine; Anderson, Lesley and Bush, Tony (2001). Foundation schools and admissions: the local dimension. School Leadership and Management, 21(4) pp. 383–395.

Wise, Christine and Busher, H. (2001). The Subject leader in Middlewood. In: Middlewood, D and Burton, N. eds. Managing the curriculum. Educational Management Research Series. London: Paul Chapman Publishers Ltd.

Wise, Christine; Anderson, Lesley and Bush, Tony (2001). LEAs and Foundation Schools: Headteachers’ perceptions. Management in Education, 15(1)


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