Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Clare Lawson

28 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 09:39:20 2025 GMT.

BTo Top

Bischoff, Armin; Cremieux, Lisèle; Smilauerova, Marie; Lawson, Clare S.; Mortimer, Simon R.; Dolezal, Jiri; Lanta, Vojtech; Edwards, Andrew R.; Brook, Alex J.; Macel, Mirka; Leps, Jan; Steinger, Thomas and Müller-Schärer, Heinz (2006). Detecting local adaptation in widespread grassland species - the importance of scale and local plant community. Journal of Ecology, 94(6) pp. 1130–1142.

Bezemer, T. Martin; Lawson, Clare S.; Hedlund, Katarina; Edwards, Andrew R.; Brook, Alex J.; Igual, José M.; Mortimer, Simon R. and van der Putten, Wim H. (2006). Plant species and fuctional group effects on abiotic and microbial soil properties and plant-soil feedback responses in two grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 94(5) pp. 893–904.

Barber, K.R.; Leeds-Harrison, P.B.; Lawson, C.S. and Gowing, D.J.G. (2004). Soil aeration status in a lowland wet grassland. Hydrological Processes, 18(2) pp. 329–341.

CTo Top

Crémieux, Lisèle; Bischoff, Armin; Šmilauerová, Majka; Lawson, Clare S.; Mortimer, Simon R.; Doležal, Jiří; Lanta, Vojtěch; Edwards, Andrew R.; Brook, Alex J.; Tscheulin, Thomas; Macel, Mirka; Lepš, Jan; Müller-Schärer, Heinz and Steinger, Thomas (2008). Potential contribution of natural enemies to patterns of local adaptation in plants. New Phytologist, 180(2) pp. 524–533.

ETo Top

Edwards, Andrew R.; Mortimer, Simon R.; Lawson, Clare S.; Westbury, Duncan B.; Harris, Stephanie J.; Woodcock, Ben A. and Brown, Valerie K (2007). Hay strewing, brush harvesting of seed and soil disturbance as tools for the enhancement of botanical diversity in grasslands. Biological Conservation, 134(3) pp. 372–382.

Eschen, René; Mortimer, Simon R.; Lawson, Clare S.; Edwards, Andrew R.; Brook, Alex J.; Igual-Arroyo, José M.; Hedlund, Katarina and Schaffner, Urs (2007). Carbon addition alters early succession on ex-arable fields. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(1) pp. 95–104.

FTo Top

Fenollosa, E.; Fernandes, P.; Hector, A.; King, H.; Lawson, C.S.; Jackson, J. and Salguero‐Gómez, R. (2024). Differential responses of community‐level functional traits to mid‐ and late‐season experimental drought in a temperate grassland. Journal of Ecology, 112(10) pp. 2292–2306.

Fry, Ellen L.; Pilgrim, Emma S.; Tallowin, Jerry R.B.; Smith, Roger S.; Mortimer, Simon R.; Beaumont, Deborah A.; Simkin, Janet; Harris, Stephanie J.; Sheil, Robert S.; Quirk, Helen; Harrison, Kate A.; Lawson, Clare S.; Hobbs, Phil .J and Bardgett, Richard D. (2017). Plant, soil and microbial controls on grassland diversity restoration: a long-term, multi-site mesocosm experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(5) pp. 1320–1330.

JTo Top

Jackson, J.; Middleton, S. L.; Lawson, C. S.; Jardine, E.; Hawes, N.; Maseyk, K.; Salguero‐Gómez, R. and Hector, A. (2024). Experimental drought reduces the productivity and stability of a calcareous grassland. Journal of Ecology, 112(4) pp. 917–931.

Jackson, John; Lawson, Clare S.; Adelmant, Celestine; Huhtala, Evie; Fernandes, Philip; Hodgson, Rose; King, Hannah; Williamson, Lucy; Maseyk, Kadmiel; Hawes, Nick; Hector, Andrew and Salguero‐Gómez, Rob (2022). Short‐range multispectral imaging is an inexpensive, fast, and accurate approach to estimate biodiversity in a temperate calcareous grassland. Ecology and Evolution, 12(12), article no. e9623.

KTo Top

LTo Top

Lawson, Clare; Rothero, Emma; Gowing, David; Nisbet, Tom; Barsoum, Nadia; Broadmeadow, Samantha and Skinner, Ann (2018). The natural capital of floodplains: management, protection and restoration to deliver greater benefits. Valuing Nature Natural Capital Synthesis Report VNP09; The Valuing Nature Programme.

Lawson, Clare (2016). Chapter 9 Management. In: Rothero, Emma; Lake, Sophie and Gowing, David eds. Floodplain Meadows - Beauty and Utility. A technical handbook. Milton Keynes: Floodplain Meadows Partnership, The Open University, pp. 57–67.

Lawson, Clare and Rothero, Emma (2016). Chapter 10 Restoration and creation of floodplain meadows. In: Rothero, Emma; Lake, Sophie and Gowing, David eds. Floodplain Meadows - Beauty and Utility. A technical handbook. Milton Keynes: Floodplain Meadows Partnership, The Open University, pp. 68–86.

Lepš, Jan; Doležal, Jiri; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Brown, Valerie K.; Hedlund, Katarina; Igual-Arroyo, Mariano; Jörgensen, Helene Bracht; Lawson, Clare S.; Mortimer, Simon R.; Peix-Geldart, Alvaro; Rodríguez Barrueco, Claudino; Santa Regina, Ignacio; Šmilauer, Petr and van der Putten, Wim H. (2007). Long-term effectiveness of sowing high and low diverse seed mixtures to enhance plant community development on ex-arable fields. Applied Vegetation Science, 10(1) pp. 97–110.

Lawson, Clare S.; Ford, Martin A. and Mitchley, Jonathan (2004). The influence of seed addition and cutting regime on the success of grassland restoration on former arable land. Applied Vegetation Science, 7(2) pp. 259–266.

Lawson, Clare S.; Ford, Martin A.; Mitchley, Jonathan and Warren, John M. (2004). The establishment of heathland vegetation on ex-arable land: The response of Calluna vulgaris to soil acidification. Biological Conservation, 116(3) pp. 409–416.

MTo Top

Morris, J.; Bailey, A. P.; Lawson, C. S; Leeds-Harrison, P. B.; Alsop, D. and Vivash, R. (2008). The economic dimensions of integrating flood management and agri-environment through washland creation: a case from Somerset, England. Journal of Environmental Management, 88(2) pp. 372–381.

Macel, M.; Lawson, C. S.; Mortimer, S. R.; Smilauerova, M.; Bischoff, A.; Cremieux, L.; Dolezal, J.; Edwards, A. R.; Lanta, V.; van der Putten, W. H.; Rodriguez Barrueco, C.; Muller-Scharer, H. and Steinger, T. (2007). Climate vs. soil factors in local adaptation of two common plant species. Ecology, 88(2) pp. 424–433.

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STo Top

WTo Top

Woodcock, Ben A.; Westbury, Duncan B.; Brook, Alex J.; Lawson, Clare S.; Edwards, Andrew R.; Harris, Stephanie J.; Heard, Matthew S.; Brown, Valerie K. and Mortimer, Simon R. (2012). Effects of seed addition on beetle assemblages during the re-creation of species-rich lowland hay meadows. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5(1) pp. 19–26.

Woodcock, Ben A.; Edwards, Andrew R.; Lawson, Clare S.; Westbury, Duncan B.; Brook, Alex J.; Harris, Stephanie J.; Masters, Greg; Booth, Roger; Brown, Valerie K. and Mortimer, Simon R. (2010). The restoration of phytophagous beetles in species-rich chalk grassland. Restoration Ecology, 18(5) pp. 638–644.

Woodcock, Ben A.; Vogiatzakis, Ioannis N.; Westbury, Duncan B.; Lawson, Clare S.; Edwards, Andrew R.; Brook, Alex J.; Harris, Stephanie J.; Lock, Kerry A.; Maczey, Norbert; Masters, Greg; Brown, Valerie K. and Mortimer, Simon R. (2010). The role of management and landscape context in the restoration of grassland phytophagous beetles. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47(2) pp. 366–376.

Woodcock, B. A.; Edwards, A. R.; Lawson, C. S.; Westbury, D. B.; Brook, A. J.; Harris, S. J.; Brown, V. K. and Mortimer, S. R. (2008). Contrasting success in the restoration of plant and phytophagous beetle assemblages of species rich mesotrophic grasslands. Oecologia, 154(4) pp. 773–783.

Warren, John; Lawson, Clare and Belcher, Kenneth (2007). The Agri-Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Woodcock, B. A.; Lawson, C. S.; Mann, D. J. and McDonald, A. W. (2006). Effects of grazing management on beetle and plant assemblages during the re-creation of a flood-plain meadow. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 116(3-4) pp. 225–234.


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