Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Claire Chatterton

22 items in this list.
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Chatterton, Claire (2023). Commentary: Memories of nursing in Singapore: an oral history approach. Journal of Research in Nursing, 28(1) pp. 21–22.

Chatterton, Claire and Mitchell, Ann (2019). Women with Postpartum Psychosis and their babies: Then and Now. The Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing, 7(1) pp. 64–72.

Chatterton, Claire (2019). Dame Sarah Swift. The Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing, 7(1) pp. 80–83.

Chatterton, Claire (2017). Sister Catherine Black: ‘King’s nurse, Beggar’s nurse.’. Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing., 6 pp. 50–51.

Chatterton, Claire (2017). Sister Minnie Wood (continued). Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing., 6 pp. 49–50.

Chatterton, Claire (2016). Sister Minnie Wood. Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing., 5 pp. 81–82.

Chatterton, Claire (2016). Pioneering days for trauma care. Mental Health Practice, 19(9) p. 11.

Chatterton, Claire (2015). Nursing Biography: Catherine E Bennett. Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing., 4 pp. 66–68.

Chatterton, Claire (2015). Inpatient mental health care in the first world war. Mental Health Practice, 19(1) pp. 35–37.

Chatterton, Claire (2015). 'The weakest link in the chain of nursing'? Recruitment and retention in mental health nursing in England, 1948-68. In: Borsay, Anne and Dale, Pamela eds. Mental Health Nursing: The working lives of paid carers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Nursing History and Humanities. Manchester University Press, pp. 169–189.

Chatterton, Claire (2014). Training mental health nurses in the United Kingdom– a historical overview. Part One: pre 1948. Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing., 3 pp. 22–32.

Chatterton, Claire (2014). ‘Always remember that you are in your senses: from keeper to attendant to nurse’. In: Knowles, Thomas and Trowbridge, Serena eds. Insanity and the Lunatic Asylum in the Nineteenth Century. Perspectives in Economic and Social History (36). London: Pickering and Chatto., pp. 85–98.

Chatterton, Claire (2013). “An unsuitable job for a woman? Gender and mental health nursing.”. Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing., 2 pp. 44–49.

Chatterton, Claire and Wade, Lesley (2013). Charlotte Seymour Yapp. The Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing, 2 pp. 49–51.

Chatterton, Claire (2012). Mental health nursing—an overview of its development. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6(12) pp. 612–617.

Chatterton, Claire (2012). What is the ‘best evidence’ for researching nursing history? Bulletin of the UK Association for the History of Nursing., 1(2) pp. 5–20.

Chatterton, Claire (2004). 'Caught in the middle'? Mental nurse training in England 1919–51. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 11(1) pp. 30–35.

Chatterton, Claire (2000). Women in mental health nursing: Angels or custodians? International History of Nursing Journal, 5(2) pp. 11–19.


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