Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Clive Savory

12 items in this list.
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Savory, Clive and Fortune, Joyce (2014). From translational research to open technology innovation systems. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 29(2) pp. 200–220.

Savory, Clive and Fortune, Joyce (2014). An emergent sectoral innovation system for healthcare services. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 27(6) pp. 512–529.

Savory, Clive and Fortune, Joyce (2013). NHS adoption of NHS-developed technologies. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation Programme, Southampton, UK.

Storey, John; Fortune, Joyce; Johnson, Michael and Savory, Clive (2011). The adoption and rejection patterns of practitioner-developed technologies: a review, a model and a research agenda. International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(5) pp. 1043–1067.

Savory, Clive (2010). Patient and public involvement in translative healthcare research. Clinical Governance: An International Journal, 15(3) pp. 191–199.

Savory, Clive (2009). Building knowledge translation capability into public-sector innovation processes. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 21(2) pp. 149–171.

Savory, Clive (2006). Does the UTTO model of technology transfer fit public sector healthcare services? International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 3(2) pp. 171–187.

Savory, Clive (2006). Knowledge Translation Capability and Public-Sector Innovation Processes. In: International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, 20-22 Mar 2006, Warwick, UK.

Savory, Clive (2006). Translating knowledge to build technological competence. Management Decision, 44(8) pp. 1052–1075.

Savory, Clive (2002). Building Systemic Practice Into Evaluation Of Knowledge Management Tools. In: 2nd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management (ICSTM-2002), 3-5 Apr 2002, Salford, UK.

Savory, Clive (2001). Co-Operative Inquiry as a basis for Evaluation of Knowledge Management Tools. In: 8th European Conference on IT Evaluation, 2001, Oriel College, Oxford, UK.


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