Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Chris Jones

70 items in this list.
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Edited BookTo Top

Dirckinck-Holmfield, Lone; Jones, Chris and Lindström, Berner eds. (2009). Analysing Networked Learning Practices in Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Banks, Sheena; Hodgson, Vivien; Jones, Chris; Kemp, Bob; McConnell, David and Smith, Christine eds. (2006). Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006. Lancaster, UK: Lancaster University.

Banks, Sheena; Goodyear, Peter; Hodgson, Vivien; Jones, Chris; Lally, Vic; McConnell, David and Steeples, Christine eds. (2004). Networked Learning 2004: a Research Based Conference on E-Learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Networked Learning. Lancaster: Lancaster University.

Steeples, Christine and Jones, Christopher eds. (2002). Networked learning: perspectives and issues. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. London, UK: Springer-Verlag.

Book SectionTo Top

Pinto, Ana; Thompson, Kate; Jones, Chris and Clow, Doug (2014). iSpot: your place to share nature. In: Carvalho, Lucila and Goodyear, Peter eds. The Architecture of Productive Learning Networks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 225–238.

Goodyear, Peter; Jones, Chris and Thompson, Katherine (2013). Computer-supported collaborative learning: instructional approaches, group processes and educational designs. In: Spector, J. M.; Merrill, M. D.; Elen, J. and Bishop, M. J. eds. Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (4th Edition). New York: Springer, pp. 439–452.

Jones, Chris (2013). Networked learning environments. In: Keppell, Mike; Souter, Kay and Riddle, Matthew eds. Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces in Higher Education: Concepts for the Modern Learning Environment. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 102–118.

Jones, Chris (2012). The new shape of the student. In: Huang, Ronghuai; Kinshuk and Spector, J. Michael eds. Reshaping Learning - The Frontiers of Learning Technologies in Global Context. New Frontiers of Educational Research. New York: Springer, pp. 91–112.

Jones, Chris (2012). Networked learning, stepping beyond the net generation and digital natives. In: Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone; Hodgson, Vivien and McConnell, David eds. Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning. New York: Springer, pp. 27–41.

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Jones, Chris (2011). The next generation: design and the infrastructure for learning in a mobile and networked world. In: Olofsson, A. D. and Lindberg, J. Ola eds. Informed Design of Educational Technologies in Higher Education: Enhanced Learning and Teaching. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (an Imprint of IGI Global), pp. 57–78.

Jones, Chris (2011). Students, the Net Generation and Digital Natives:Accounting for Educational Change. In: Thomas, Michael ed. Deconstructing Digital Natives: Young People, Technology, and the New Literacies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 30–48.

Ryberg, Thomas; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone and Jones, Chris (2011). Catering to the needs of the "Digital Natives" or educating the "Net Generation". In: Lee, Mark J. W. and McLoughlin, Catherine eds. Web 2.0-based e-learning: Applying social informatics for tertiary teaching. IGI Global, pp. 301–318.

Conole, Grainne and Jones, Chris (2010). Sharing practice, problems and solutions for institutional change. In: Goodyear, Peter and Relatis, Symeon eds. Technology-Enhanced Learning: Design Patterns and Pattern Languages. Technology Enhanced Learning (2). Sense Publishers, pp. 277–296.

Jones, Chris and Dirckinck-Holmfield, Lone (2009). Analysing networked learning practices: An introduction. In: Dirckinck-Holmfield, Lone; Jones, Chris and Lindström, Berner eds. Analysing Networked Learning Practices in Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development. Technology Enhanced Learning (4). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 1–28.

Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone and Jones, Chris (2009). Issues and concepts in networked learning: Analysis and the future of networked learning. In: Dirckinck-Holmfield, Lone; Jones, Chris and Lindström, Berner eds. Analysing Networked Learning Practices in Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Jones, Chris (2009). Networked learning and postgraduate professionals: Comparing course designs. In: Dirckinck-Holmfield, Lone; Jones, Chris and Lindström, Berner eds. Analysing Networked Learning Practices in Higher Education and Continuing Professional Development. Technology Enhanced Learning (4). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 117–137.

Jones, Chris (2007). Designing for practice: practicing design in the social sciences. In: Beetham, Helen and Sharp, Rhona eds. Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: Designing and delivering e-learning. UK: Routledge, pp. 166–179.

Jones, Chris; Cook, John and de Laat, Maarten (2007). Collaboration. In: Conole, Grainne and Oliver, Martin eds. Contemporary perspectives in e-learning research: themes, methods and impact on practice. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 174–189.

Jones, Chris and Conole, Grainne (2006). Who will own the new VLE? Sharing practice, problems and alternative solutions. In: Markauskaite, Lina; Goodyear, Peter and Reimann, Peter eds. Who’s Learning? Who’s Technology? Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Tertiary Education, 3-6 December, 2006, Volume 1. Sydney: Sydney University Press, pp. 391–399.

Jones, C.; Ferreday, D. and Hodgson, V. (2006). Networked Learning, a relational approach – weak and strong ties. In: Banks, Sheena; Hodgson, Vivien; Jones, Chris; Kemp, Bob; McConnell, David and Smith, Christine eds. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006. Lancaster: Lancaster University.

Jones, C.; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L. and Lindström, B. (2005). CSCL - the next ten years – a view from Europe. In: Koschmann, Timothy; Chan, Tak-Wai and Suthers, Daniel D. eds. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005: The Next 10 Years! London: Routledge.

Jones, Christopher R. (2004). Nobody knows you’re a dog. What amounts to context in networked learning? In: Bayne, Sian and Land, Ray eds. Education in Cyberspace. London: Routledge, pp. 105–116.

Goodyear, Peter; Jones, Christopher; Asensio, Mireia; Hodgson, Vivien and Steeples, Christine (2004). Undergraduate students’ experiences of networked learning in UK higher education: A survey-based study. In: Goodyear, Peter; Banks, Sheena; Hodgson, Vivien and McConnell, David eds. Advances in Research on Networked Learning. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (4). Berlin: Springer, pp. 91–121.

Jones, Chris (2004). Theory and the practices of learning technology. In: Banks, Sheena; Goodyear, Peter; Hodgson, Vivien; Jones, Chris; Lally, Vic; McConnell, David and Steeples, Christine eds. Networked Learning 2004 : a Research Based Conference on E-Learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Networked Learning. Lancaster: Lancaster University, pp. 22–27.

Jones, Chris; Zenios, Maria and Griffiths, Jill (2004). Academic use of digital resources: disciplinary differences and the issue of progression. In: Banks, Sheena; Goodyear, Peter; Hodgson, Vivien; Jones, Chris; Lally, Vic; McCconnell, David and Steeples, Christine eds. Networked Learning 2004: a Research Based Conference on E-Learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Networked Learning. Lancaster: Lancaster University, pp. 222–229.

Jones, Chris and Esnault, Liliane (2004). The metaphor of networks in learning: communities, collaboration and practice. In: Banks, Sheena; Goodyear, Peter; Hoddgson, Vivien; Jones, Chris; Lally, Vic; McCconnell, David and Steeples, Christine eds. Networked Learning 2004: a Research Based Conference on E-Learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Networked Learning. Lancaster: Lancaster University, pp. 317–323.

Jones, Chris (2004). Quantitative and qualitative research: conflicting paradigms or perfect partners? In: Banks, Sheena; Goodyear, Peter; Hodgson, Vivien; Jones, Chris; Lally, Vic; McConnell, David and Steeples, Christine eds. Networked Learning 2004: a Research Based Conference on E-Learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Networked Learning. Lancaster: Lancaster University, pp. 106–112.

Goodyear, Peter and Jones, Chris (2003). Implicit theories of learning and change: their role in the development of e-learning environments for higher education. In: Naidu, Som ed. Learning & Teaching with Technology: Principles and Practice. Open & Flexible Learning Series. London: Kogan Page, pp. 29–41.

Jones, Christopher R. (2002). What ethnography sees: networked learning as a context for action. In: Rust, Chris ed. Improving Student Learning: Improving Student Learning Using Learning Technology. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.

Jones, Chris (2002). Situation, learning and design: contexts for educational use of computer networks. In: Williamson, Andy; Gunn, Cathy; Young, Alison and Clear, Tony eds. Winds of Change in the Sea of Learning. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Auckland, New Zealand: UNITEC Institute of Technology, pp. 309–318.

Jones, Chris (2002). Is there a policy for networked learning? In: Banks, Sheena; Goodyear, Peter; Hodgson, Viven and McConnell, David eds. Networked Learning 2002: A Research Based Conference on E-Learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning: proceedings of the Third International Conference on Networked Learning. Lancaster: Lancaster University.

Jones, Chris and Asensio, M. (2002). Designs for networked learning in HE. In: Steeples, Christine and Jones, Chris eds. Networked Learning: Perspectives and Issues. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. London: Springer-Verlag.

Steeples, Christine; Jones, Chris and Goodyear, Peter (2002). Beyond e-learning: a future for networked learning. In: Steeples, Christine and Jones, Chris eds. Networked Learning: Perspectives and Issues. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. London: Springer.

Journal ItemTo Top

Jones, Chris and Czerniewicz, Laura (2011). Editorial: Theory in learning technology. Research in Learning Technology, 19(3) pp. 173–177.

Jones, C. and Healing, G. (2010). Net generation students: agency and choice and the new technologies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(5) pp. 344–356.

Jones, C. and Czerniewicz, L. (2010). Describing or debunking? The net generation and digital natives. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(5) pp. 317–320.

Jones, Chris and Hosein, Anesa (2010). Profiling university students' use of technology: where is the NET generation divide? The International Journal of Technology Knowledge and Society, 6(3) pp. 43–58.

Jones, Chris (2010). A new generation of learners? The net generation and digital natives. Learning, Media and Technology, 35(4) pp. 365–368.

Jones, Chris and Healing, Graham (2010). Networks and locations for student learning. Learning Media and Technology, 35(4) pp. 369–385.

Jones, C. R.; Ferreday, D. and Hodgson, V. (2008). Networked learning a relational approach: Weak and strong ties. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(2) pp. 90–102.

Jones, Chris (2008). Networked Learning: weak links and boundaries. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(2) pp. 87–89.

Ferreday, Debra; Hodgson, Vivien and Jones, Chris (2006). Dialogue, language and identity: critical issues for networked management learning. Studies in Continuing Education, 28(3) pp. 223–239.

Jones, Chris; Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone and Lindström, Berner (2006). A relational, indirect, meso-level approach to CSCL design in the next decade. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 1(1) pp. 35–56.

Goodyear, Peter; Jones, Chris; Asensio, Mireia; Hodgson, Vivien and Steeples, Christine (2005). Networked learning in Higher Education: Students' expectations and experiences. Higher Education, 50(3) pp. 473–508.

Zenios, M.; Goodyear, P. and Jones, C. (2004). Researching the impact of the networked information environment on learning and teaching. Computers and Education, 43(1-2) pp. 205–213.

Jones, Chris (2004). Networks and learning: communities, practices and the metaphor of networks — a response. ALT-J: Association for Learning Technology Journal, 12(2) pp. 195–198.

Goodyear, Peter; Asensio, Mireia; Jones, Chris; Hodgson, Vivien and Steeples, Christine (2003). Relationships between conceptions of learning approaches to study and students' judgements about the value of their experiences of networked learning. ALT-J: Association for Learning Technology Journal, 11(1) pp. 17–27.

Jones, Chris and Brophy, Peter (2002). Digital Resources in Higher Education - Some issues arising from the formative evaluation of a national initiative in the United Kingdom. European Journal of Engineering for Information Society Applications, 4(3)

Jones, C. and Asensio, M. (2001). Experiences of assessment: using phenomenography for evaluation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17(3) pp. 314–321.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Jones, Chris (2012). Networked learning and digital technology. In: 8th International Conference on Networked Learning 2012, 02-04 Apr 2012, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Jones, Chris and Kennedy, Gregor (2011). Stepping beyond the paradigm wars: pluralist methods for research in learning technology. In: ALT-C 2011, 18th International Conference: Thriving in a Colder and More Challenging Climate, 6-8 Sep 2011, Leeds, UK.

Jones, Chris and Healing, Graham (2010). Learning nests and local habitations. In: 7th International Conference on Networked Learning, 3-4 May 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.

Jones, Chris and Cross, Simon (2009). Is there a net generation coming to university? In: ALT-C 2009 “In Dreams Begins Responsibility”: Choice, Evidence and Change, 8-10 Sep 2009, Manchester, UK.

Jones, Chris and Ramanau, Ruslan (2009). The Net Generation enters university: What are the implications for Technology Enhanced Learning? In: M-2009: Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference, 7-10 Jun 2009, Maastricht, NL.

Jones, Chris (2009). A context for collaboration: The institutional selection of an infrastructure for learning. In: 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learnings, 8-13 Jun 2009, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.

Jones, Chris; Aoki, Kumiko; Rusman, Ellen and Schlusmans, Kathleen (2009). A comparison of three Open Universities and their acceptance of Internet Technologies. In: Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, 7-10 Jun 2009, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Jones, Chris (2008). Infrastructures, institutions and networked learning. In: 6th International Conference on Networked Learning, 5-6 May 2008, Halkidiki, Greece.

Jones, Chris (2008). Networked Learning - A social practice perspective. In: 6th International Conference on Networked Learning, 5-6 May 2008, Halkidiki, Greece.

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