Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Christine Plastow
2024To Top
Gilles, Greg; Frank, Karolina; Plastow, Christine and Webb, Lewis eds. (2024). Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Women in Ancient Cultures - Ancient History & Classics. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press.
Gilles, Greg; Frank, Karolina; Plastow, Christine and Webb, Lewis
Bullen, David and Plastow, Christine eds. (2024). Greek Tragedy, Education, and Theatre Practices in the UK Classics Ecology. Classics In and Out of the Academy. London, UK: Routledge.
Plastow, Christine and Bullen, David
Plastow, Christine
2023To Top
Filonik, Jakub; Plastow, Christine and Zelnick-Abramovitz, Rachel eds. (2023). Citizenship in Antiquity: Civic Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean. Rewriting Antiquity. London: Routledge.
Plastow, Christine
Filonik, Jakub; Plastow, Christine and Zelnick-Abramovitz, Rachel
2022To Top
Plastow, Christine
2021To Top
Plastow, Christine
2020To Top
Plastow, Christine
Plastow, Christine (2020). Homicide in the Attic Orators: Rhetoric, Ideology, and Context. London: Routledge.
Rabinowitz, Nancy; Bell, Marcus; Bullen, David and Plastow, Christine
2019To Top
Plastow, Christine
Plastow, Christine
Plastow, Christine
Plastow, Christine
2018To Top
Plastow, Christine
Plastow, Christine