Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Clara Mancini

95 items in this list.
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2025To Top

2024To Top

Cunha, Jennifer and Mancini, Clara (2024). The Day After: Ethical Considerations for the End of Enriching Animal Research Projects. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACI '24, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1–8.

Mancini, Clara; Metcalfe, Daniel and Hirsch-Matsioulas, Orit (2024). Justice by Design: The Case for Equitable and Inclusive Smart Cities for Animal Dwellers. In: Heitlinger, Sara; Foth, Marcus and Clarke, Rachel eds. Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities: Beyond Sustainability, Towards Cohabitation. Oxford University Press.

Szablewska, Natalia and Mancini, Clara (2024). Are Nonhuman Animals Entitled to Dignity, Privacy and Non-Exploitation?: A Smart Dairy Farm of the Future. In: Rogers, Nicole and Maloney, Michelle eds. The Anthropocene Judgments Project: Futureproofing the Common Law. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 39–58.

Mancini, Clara (2024). Responsible ACI: Expanding the Influence of Animal-Computer Interaction. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, 4-8 Dec 2023, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

Benford, Steve; Mancini, Clara; Chamberlain, Alan; Schneiders, Eike; Castle-Green, Simon; Fischer, Joel; Kucukyilmaz, Ayse; Salimbeni, Guido; Ngo, Victor; Barnard, Pepita and Adams, Matt (2024). Charting Ethical Tensions in Multispecies Technology Research through Beneficiary-Epistemology Space. In: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24), 11-16 May 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA, ACM.

Schneiders, Eike; Benford, Steve; Chamberlain, Alan; Mancini, Clara; Castle-Green, Simon; Ngo, Victor; Row Farr, Ju; Adams, Matt; Tandavanitj, Nick and Fischer, Joel (2024). Designing Multispecies Worlds for Robots, Cats, and Humans. In: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), ACM, New York, NY, USA, article no. 593.

Williams, Ellen; Sadler, Jennifer; Rutter, Steven Mark; Mancini, Clara; Nawroth, Christian; Neary, Joseph; Ward, Samantha; Charlton, Gemma and Beaver, Annabelle (2024). Human-animal interactions and machine-animal interactions in animals under human care: A summary of stakeholder and researcher perceptions and future directions. Animal Welfare, 33, article no. e77.

Neethirajan, Suresh; Scott, Stacey; Mancini, Clara; Boivin, Xavier and Strand, Elizabeth (2024). Human-computer interactions with farm animals—enhancing welfare through precision livestock farming and artificial intelligence. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11, article no. 1490851.

Cunha, Jennifer; Renguette, Corinne; Stella, Lily and Mancini, Clara (2024). Communication Functions in Speech Board Use by a Goffin's Cockatoo: Implications for Research and Design. In: ACI 2024: The International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, 2-5 Dec 2024, Glasgow, UK.

2023To Top

Schneiders, Eike; Chamberlain, Alan; Fischer, Joel E.; Benford, Steve; Castle-Green, Simon; Ngo, Victor; Kucukyilmaz, Ayse; Barnard, Pepita; Row Farr, Ju; Adams, Matt; Tandavanitj, Nick; Devlin, Kate; Mancini, Clara and Mills, Daniel (2023). TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals. In: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, ACM.

Ribeiro da Silva e Araujo, Gabriella; Mancini, Clara and Portugal do Nascimento, Luís Cláudio (2023). User-centred design for non-human animals: a preliminary overview of relevant themes and specific conceptual categories. In: Proceedings of the 2023 CRC PhD Student Conference, The Open University.

French, Fiona; Mancini, Clara and Martin, Christopher (2023). Sensory Jam 2022: Exploring other sensibilities – beyond human senses and aesthetics. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI '22), 5-8 Dec 2022, Newcastle, UK, ACM.

Mancini, Clara and Nannoni, Eleonora (2023). Animal Centered Research beyond ACI: Exploring the Applicability of Animal Centered Principles to All Animal Research. In: ACI'22: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACM, New York, article no. 24.

2022To Top

Mancini, Clara; Hirsch-Matsioulas, Orit and Metcalfe, Daniel (2022). Politicising Animal-Computer Interaction: an Approach to Political Engagement with Animal-Centred Design. In: Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, 5-8 Dec 2022, Newcastle, UK.

Coskun, Aykut; Cila, Nazli; Nicenboim, Iohanna; Frauenberger, Christopher; Wakkary, Ron; Hassenzahl, Marc; Mancini, Clara; Giaccardi, Elisa and Forlano, Laura (2022). More-than-human Concepts, Methodologies, and Practices in HCI. In: CHI EA '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, ACM, article no. 150.

2021To Top

Withington, Lucy; Diaz Pardo de Vera, David; Guest, Claire; Mancini, Clara and Piwek, Paul (2021). Artificial Neural Networks for classifying the time series sensor data generated by medical detection dogs. Expert Systems with Applications, 184, article no. 115564.

French, Fiona; Mancini, Clara and Sharp, Helen (2021). Concept Craft Cards: Deck of theoretical and practical suggestions for ACI developers. In: 13th Conference on Creativity and Cognition, C and C 2021, 22-23 Jun 2021, Virtual Event.

2020To Top

French, Fiona; Mancini, Clara and Sharp, Helen (2020). More than Human Aesthetics: Interactive Enrichment for Elephants. In: DIS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, ACM pp. 1661–1672.

Paci, Patrizia; Mancini, Clara and Price, Blaine (2020). Understanding the Interaction Between Animals and Wearables: The Wearer Experience of Cats. In: DIS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, ACM pp. 1701–1712.

Cox, Elizabeth; Mancini, Clara and Ruge, Luisa (2020). Understanding Dogs' Engagement with Interactive Games. In: ACI'2020: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, Nov 2020, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.

2019To Top

Chisik, Yoram and Mancini, Clara (2019). P for Politics D for Dialogue: Reflections on Participatory Design with Children and Animals. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACM Digital Library, article no. 15.

Paci, Patrizia; Mancini, Clara and Price, Blaine A. (2019). Wearer-Centered Design for Animal Biotelemetry: Implementation and Wearability Test of a Prototype. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers - ISWC '19, ACM pp. 177–185.

Paci, Patrizia; Mancini, Clara and Price, Blaine (2019). Designing for wearability: an animal-centred framework. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction.

Ruge, Luisa and Mancini, Clara (2019). A Method for Evaluating Animal Usability (MEAU). In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI'19), Association for Computer Machinery, New York, NY, USA, article no. 14.

2018To Top

Cox, Elizabeth; Ruge, Luisa; Mancini, Clara and Luck, Rachael (2018). User Centered Design Approaches to Measuring Canine Behavior: Tail Wagging as a Measure of User Experience. In: ACI2018 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM Digital Library, article no. 1.

Swagerman, Sanne; Mancini, Clara and Nack, Frank (2018). Visualizing Cat GPS Data: A Study of User Requirements. In: ACI '18 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACM Digital Library, article no. 10.

Mancini, Clara and Lehtonen, Jussi (2018). The Emerging Nature of Participation in Multispecies Interaction Design. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 9-13 Jun 2018, Hong Kong, China, ACM.

2017To Top

Mancini, Clara; Lawson, Shaun and Juhlin, Oskar (2017). Special Issue on Animal-Computer Interaction. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Mancini, Clara; Lawson, Shaun and Juhlin, Oskar (2017). Animal-Computer Interaction: the emergence of a discipline. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 98 pp. 129–134.

Zamansky, Anna; Roshier, Amanda; Mancini, Clara; Collins, Emily C.; Hall, Carol; Grillaert, Katie; Morrison, Ann; North, Steve and Wirman, Hanna (2017). A Report on the First International Workshop on Research Methods in Animal-Computer Interaction. In: CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 806–815.

Chisik, Yoram and Mancini, Clara (2017). Of Kittens and Kiddies: Reflections on Participatory Design with Small Animals and Small Humans. In: IDC '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children, ACM Press, pp. 753–756.

French, Fiona; Mancini, Clara and Sharp, Helen (2017). Exploring Research through Design in Animal-Computer Interaction. In: Proc. Fourth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACI2017, 21-23 Nov 2017, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, ACM Digital Library.

Paci, Patrizia; Mancini, Clara and Price, Blaine (2017). The Role of Ethological Observation for Measuring Animal Reactions to Biotelemetry Devices. In: Proc. Fourth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACI2017, 21-23 Nov 2017, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.

Väätäjä, Heli; Majaranta, Päivi; Törnqvist, Heini; Ainasoja, Mari; Surakka, Veikko; Juhlin, Oskar and Mancini, Clara (2017). Technology for Bonding in Human-Animal Interaction. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction - ACI2017, ACM Press.

2016To Top

Mancini, Clara (2016). Animal-Computer Interaction: a Manifesto (2011) and sections from Towards an Animal-Centred Ethics for Animal-Computer Interaction (2016). In: Bastian, Michelle; Jones, Owain; Moore, Niamh and Roe, Emma eds. Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 54–65.

Mancini, Clara; Li, Sha; O'Connor, Grainne; Valencia, Jose; Edwards, Duncan and McCain, Helen (2016). Towards Multispecies Interaction Environments: Extending Accessibility to Canine Users. In: ACI '16: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACM, article no. 8.

French, Fiona; Mancini, Clara and Sharp, Helen (2016). Exploring methods for interaction design with animals: a case-study with Valli. In: ACI '16: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction, ACM, article no. 3.

North, Steve and Mancini, Clara (2016). Frameworks for ACI: Animals as Stakeholders in the Design Process. Interactions, 23(4) pp. 34–36.

Paci, Patrizia; Mancini, Clara and Price, Blaine A. (2016). Towards a Wearer-Centred Framework for Animal Biotelemetry. In: Proceedings of Measuring Behaviour 2016 (Spink, A.J ed.), 25-27 May 2016, Dublin.

French, Fiona; Mancini, Clara and Sharp, Helen (2016). Playful UX for Elephants. In: Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2016: 10th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research pp. 445–448.

2015To Top

Johnston-Wilder, Olivia; Mancini, Clara; Aengenheister, Brendan; Mills, Joe; Harris, Rob and Guest, Claire (2015). Sensing the Shape of Canine Responses to Cancer. In: ACE '15: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, article no. 63.

French, Fiona; Mancini, Clara and Sharp, Helen (2015). Designing Interactive Toys for Elephants. In: CHI PLAY '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, ACM pp. 523–528.

Robinson, Charlotte; Mancini, Clara; van der Linden, Janet; Guest, Claire; Swanson, Lydia; Marsden, Helen; Valencia, Jose and Aengenheister, Brendan (2015). Designing an Emergency Communication System for Human and Assistance Dog Partnerships. In: ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015), ACM pp. 337–347.

Robinson, Charlotte; Mancini, Clara; van der Linden, Janet; Guest, Claire and Swanson, Lydia (2015). Exploring Assistive Technology for Assistance Dog Owners in Emergency Situations. In: PETRA '15: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, ACM New York, NY, USA, article no. 92.

Mancini, Clara; Harris, Rob; Aengenheister, Brendan and Guest, Claire (2015). Re-centering multispecies practices: a canine interface for cancer detection dogs. In: CHI '15: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, pp. 2673–2682.

2014To Top

Robinson, Charlotte; Mancini, Clara; van der Linden, Janet; Swanson, Lydia and Guest, Claire (2014). Exploring the use of personas for designing with dogs. In: ACI 2014: Pushing Boundaries Beyond ‘Human’, 27 Oct 2014, Helsinki.

Mancini, Clara; van der Linden, Janet; Kortuem, Gerd; Dewsbury, Guy; Mills, Daniel and Boyd, Paula (2014). Ubicomp for animal welfare: envisioning smart environments for kenneled dogs. In: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2014), ACM Press pp. 117–128.

Robinson, Charlotte; Mancini, Clara; van der Linden, Janet; Guest, Claire and Harris, Rob (2014). Canine-centered interface design: supporting the work of diabetes alert dogs. In: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 26 Apr - 01 May 2014, Toronto, Canada, ACM, pp. 3757–3766.

Robinson, Charlotte; Mancini, Clara; van der Linden, Janet; Guest, Claire and Harris, Rob (2014). Empowering assistance dogs: an alarm interface for canine use. In: ISAWEL'14 Intelligent Systems for Animal Welfare, 4 Apr 2014, London.

Mancini, Clara; Dewsbury, Guy; van der Linden, Janet; Kortuem, Gerd; Mills, Daniel and Smith, Nikki (2014). Towards Smart Kennels for Supporting Canine Welfare: an Early Exploration of Requirements. In: First Symposium on Intelligent Systems for Animal Welfare, Proceedings of the 50th Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, AISB2014, 1-4 Apr 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London.

French, Fiona; Mancini, Clara; Smith, Neil and Sharp, Helen (2014). Designing smart toys for the cognitive enrichment of elephants. In: First Symposium on Intelligent Systems for Animal Welfare, Proceedings of the 50th Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, 1-4 Apr 2014, Goldsmiths, University of London.

2013To Top

2012To Top

Mancini, Clara; van der Linden, Janet; Bryan, Jon and Stuart, Andrew (2012). Exploring interspecies sensemaking: dog tracking semiotics and multispecies ethnography. In: Ubicomp 2012, 5-8 Sep 2012, Pittsburgh, USA, pp. 143–152.

Mancini, Clara; Lawson, Shaun; van der Linden, Janet; Häkkilä, Jonna; Noz, Frank and Juhlin, Oskar (2012). Animal-computer interaction SIG. In: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 5-10 May 2012, Austin, Texas.

Mancini, Clara; Coe, Tony; Lay, Jeffery and Rogers, Yvonne (2012). ContraVision: Designing a Contravideo Set. ACM Computers in Entertainment.

2011To Top

Damsgaard Jensen, Christian; Dragoni, Nicola; Basu, Anirban and Mancini, Clara (2011). Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Frontiers in Trust Management. Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, 1(4) pp. 1–4.

Mancini, Clara; Rogers, Yvonne; Thomas, Keerthi; Joinson, Adam; Price, Blaine; Bandara, Arosha; Jedrzejczyk, Lukasz and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2011). In the best families: tracking and relationships. In: 29th International ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2011, 07-12 May 2011, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 2419–2428.

2010To Top

Mancini, Clara; Rogers, Yvonne; Bandara, Arosha; Coe, Tony; Jedrzejczyk, Lukasz; Joinson, Adam; Price, Blaine; Thomas, Keerthi and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2010). Contravision: Exploring users' reactions to futuristic technology. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Human factors in computing systems, 10-15 Apr 2010, Atlanta Georgia, USA, pp. 153–162.

Price, Blaine A.; Mancini, Clara; Rogers, Yvonne; Bandara, Arosha K.; Coe, Tony; Joinson, Adam N.; Lay, Jeffery A. and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2010). ContraVision: presenting contrasting visions of future technology. In: 28th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 10-15 Apr 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 4759–4764.

Boesen, Julie; Rode, Jennifer A. and Mancini, Clara (2010). The domestic panopticon: location tracking in families. In: Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on Ubiquitous computing - Ubicomp '10, p. 65.

2009To Top

Thomas, Keerthi; Mancini, Clara; Jedrzejczyk, Lukasz; Bandara, Arosha K.; Joinson, Adam; Price, Blaine A.; Rogers, Yvonne and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2009). Studying location privacy in mobile applications: 'predator vs. prey' probes. In: Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, 15-17 Jul 2009, California, ACM, p. 1.

Mancini, Clara; Thomas, Keerthi; Rogers, Yvonne; Price, Blaine A.; Jedrzejczyk, Lukazs; Bandara, Arosha K.; Joinson, Adam N. and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2009). From spaces to places: Emerging contexts in mobile privacy. In: Proceedings of the 11th International conference on Ubiquitous computing, 30 Sep - 3 Oct 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA, ACM, pp. 1–10.

Mancini, Clara; Rogers, Yvonne; Jedrzejczyk, Lukasz; Thomas, Keerthi; Price, Blaine; Joinson, Adam; Bandara, Arosha and Nuseibeh, Bashar (2009). A multi-pronged empirical approach to mobile privacy investigation. In: Workshop on Mobile User Experience Research: Challenges, Methods & Tools. 27th ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2009, 4-9 Apr 2009, Boston, USA.

2008To Top

Benn, Neil; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Domingue, John and Mancini, Clara (2008). Ontological Foundations for Scholarly Debate Mapping Technology. In: 2nd International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA '08), 28-30 May 2008, Toulouse, France.

2007To Top

Mancini, Clara; Pietsch, Christian and Scott, Donia (2007). Visualising discourse structure in interactive documents. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Association for Computational Linguistics, USA, pp. 89–92.

2006To Top

Buckingham Shum, Simon; Daw, Michael; Slack, Roger; Juby, Ben; Rowley, Andrew; Bachler, Michelle; Mancini, Clara; Michaelides, Danius; Procter, Rob; De Roure, David; Chown, Tim and Hewitt, Terry (2006). Memetic: from meeting memory to virtual ethnography & distributed video analysis. In: 2nd International Conference on e-Social Science, 28-30 Jun 2006, Manchester, UK.

Mancini, Clara and Scott, Donia (2006). Hyper-Document structure: maintaining discourse coherence in non-linear documents. In: International Symposium on Discourse and Document (ISDD'06), 15-16 Jun 2006, Caen, France..

Buckingham Shum, Simon; Slack, Roger; Daw, Michael; Ruby, Ben; Rowley, Andrew; Bachler, Michelle; Mancini, Clara; Michaelidis, Danius; Procter, Rob; de Roure, David; Chown, Tim and Hewitt, Terry (2006). Memetic: an infrastructure for meeting memory. In: 7th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems, 09-12 May 2006, Carry-le-Rouet, France.

Michaelides, Danius; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Juby, Ben; Mancini, Clara; Slack, Roger; Bachler, Michelle; Procter, Rob; Daw, Michael; Rowley, Andrew; Chown, Tim; De Roure, David and Hewitt, Terry (2006). Memetic: semantic meeting memory. In: 15th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2006, 26-28 Jun 2006, Manchester, UK.

Slack, Roger; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Mancini, Clara and Daw, Michael (2006). Design issues for VREs: can richer records of meetings enhance collaboration? In: Workshop on Usability Challenges for Cyberinfrastructures. 24th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2006, 22 Apr 2006, Montreal, Canada.

Mancini, Clara and Scott, Donia (2006). Visualising discourse coherence in non-linear document generation. In: Symposium on Interactive Visual Information Collections and Activity, IVICA 2006, 20-22 Oct 2006, College Station, Texas.

Mancini, Clara and Scott, Donia R. (2006). Hyper-Document structure: representing cognitive coherence in non-linear documents. Information Design Journal, 14(3) pp. 232–235.

2005To Top

Mancini, Clara (2005). Cinematic hypertext. Investigating a new paradigm. Frontiers In Artificial Intelligence and Applications (122). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press.

2004To Top

Mancini, Clara and Buckingham Shum, Simon (2004). Towards 'cinematic' hypertext. In: 15th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Hypertext 2004, 9-13 Aug 2004, Santa Cruz, California.

Uren, Victoria; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Mancini, Clara and Li, Gangmin (2004). Modelling of naturalistic argumentation in research literatures. In: 4th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument at The 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2004), 22-27 Aug 2004, Valencia, Spain.

2001To Top

Mancini, Clara and Buckingham Shum, Simon (2001). Cognitive coherence relations and hypertext: from cinematic patterns to scholarly discourse. In: Proceedings of the twelfth ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia - HYPERTEXT '01, p. 165.

2000To Top

Mancini, Clara (2000). From cinematographic to hypertext narrative. In: Hypertext '00: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Hypertext2000, 30 May - 3 Jun 2000, San Antonio, Texas.


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