Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Chris Cornforth

103 items in this list.
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2022To Top

Basterretxea, Imanol; Cornforth, Chris and Heras-Saizarbitoria, Inaki (2022). Corporate governance as a key aspect in the failure of worker cooperatives. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43(1) pp. 362–387.

2021To Top

2020To Top

Cornforth, Chris (2020). The governance of hybrid organisations. In: Billis, David and Rochester, Colin eds. Handbook of Hybrid Organisations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 220–236.

2019To Top

Raufflet, Emmanuel B.; Michaud, Valérie and Cornforth, Chris (2019). Guest Editorial: Introduction to the special issue. Management Decision, 57(6) pp. 1339–1343.

2018To Top

2017To Top

Tacon, Richard; Walters, Geoff and Cornforth, Chris (2017). Accountability in Nonprofit Governance: A Process-Based Study. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46(4) pp. 685–704.

2016To Top

Cornforth, Chris and Macmillan, Rob (2016). Evolution in Board Chair-CEO Relationships: A Negotiated Order Perspective. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45(5) pp. 949–970.

2015To Top

Cornforth, Chris (2015). The eternal triangle: the crucial role of the Chair and Chief Executive in empowering the board. In: Novkovic, Sonia and Miner, Karen eds. Co-operative Governance Fit to Build Resilience in the Face of Complexity. Brussels: International Co-operative Alliance, pp. 95–100.

2014To Top

2013To Top

Cornforth, Chris and Brown, William A. eds. (2013). Nonprofit Governance: Innovative Perspectives and Approaches. Routledge Contemporary Corporate Governance Series. Abingdon: Routledge.

2012To Top

Harrison, Yvonne; Murray, Vic and Cornforth, Chris (2012). Perceptions of board chair leadership effectiveness in nonprofit and voluntary sector organizations. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary Nonprofit Organizations, 24(3) pp. 688–712.

2011To Top

Hayes, John Paul; Cornforth, Chris and Vangen, Siv (2011). Tensions: a challenge to governance and cross-sector partnerships. In: 18th Multi-Organisational Partnerships Alliances and Networks, 4-6 Jul 2011, Glasgow.

2010To Top

Cornforth, Chris and Chambers, Naomi (2010). The role of corporate governance and boards in organizational performance. In: Walshe, Kieran; Harvey, Gill and Jas, Pauline eds. Connecting knowledge and performance in public services: from knowing to doing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 99–127.

Cornforth, Chris and Spear, Roger (2010). The governance of hybrid organisations. In: Billis, David ed. Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector: Challenges for Practice, Theory and Policy. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, pp. 70–89.

Cornforth, Chris and Robson, Paul (2010). Governance issues in voluntary organisations with local-national structures. In: VSSN Conference, May 2010, Sheffield Hallam University.

Cornforth, Chris and Chambers, Naomi (2010). The role of corporate governance and boards in organisational performance. In: Walsh, Kieran; Harvey, Gill and Jas, Pauline eds. Connecting Knowledge and Performance in Public Services: From Knowing to Doing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 99–127.

2009To Top

Cornforth, Chris; Harrison, Yvonne and Murray, Vic (2009). The role and impact of chairs of governing bodies in the UK voluntary sector. In: NCVO/VSSN Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference 2009, 07-08 Sep 2009, Warwick University, UK.

Cornforth, Chris; Harrison, Yvonne and Murray, Vic (2009). A comparison of the role and impact of board chairs in United Kingdom and North American nonprofit organizations. In: Nonprofit Governance Conference, 23-24 Apr 2009, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA.

2008To Top

Cornforth, Chris; Mordaunt, Jill and Aiken, Michael (2008). Building capacity: Understanding the dilemmas of intevening in small and medium size charities. In: NCVO/VSSN Annual Research Conference, 9-10 Sep 2008, Warwick University.

2007To Top

Cornforth, Chris; Spear, Roger and Aiken, Michael (2007). Governing social enterprise: emerging challenges and needs. In: 36th Annual ARNOVA Conference, 15-17 Nov 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Cornforth, Chris; Mordaunt, Jill; Aiken, Michael and Otto, Shirley (2007). The grant maker, the change-maker and the organisation: exploring the relationship of capacity building. In: VSSN/NCVO Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference, 5-6 Sep 2007, University of Warwick, UK.

Cornforth, Chris; Spear, Roger and Aiken, Michael (2007). Governance and social enterprise. In: CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Oct 2007, Victoria, Canada.

2005To Top

Cornforth, Chris (2005). Conclusions: contexualising and managing the paradoxes of governance. In: Cornforth, Chris ed. The governance of public and non-profit organizations: what do boards do? Routledge Studies in the management of voluntary and non-profit organizations. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 237–253.

Cornforth, C. J. (2005). Contribution. In: Akpeki, Tesse ed. The Board Answer Book. UK: National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO).

Baguley, John; Cornforth, Chris and Mallory, Geoff (2005). How do Northern non-governmental organizations (NGOs) internationalise?: a stage theory approach. In: ISTR and EMES Conference, 27-29 Apr 2005, Paris, France.

Cornforth, Chris ed. (2005). The governance of public and non-profit organizations: What do boards do? Routledge Studies in the Management of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations, 6. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge.

Baguley, J.; Cornforth, C. and Mallory, G. (2005). Globalizing NGOs: A stage theory perspective on processes of international evolution. In: 34th Annual ARNOVA Conference, Nov 2005, Washington, USA.

2004To Top

Baguley, John; Cornforth, Chris and Mallory, Geoff (2004). What drives non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to internationalise? In: 33rd Annual ARNOVA Conference, Nov 2004, Los Angeles, USA.

Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob (2004). Editorial:failure and turnaround in public and non-profit organizations. Public Money and Management, 24(4) pp. 197–199.

Cornforth, Chris and Mordaunt, Jill (2004). The governance of the voluntary and community sector - the starting point. In: ed. Developing an Integrated Governance Strategy for the Vountary and Community Sector: volume of evidence. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: The Foundation for Good Governance, pp. 7–14.

Mordaunt, Jill; Cornforth, Chris and Otto, Shirley (2004). Crisis, failure and recovery and the governance of public and nonprofit organizations: the effects of participation. In: 6th International Society for Third Sector Research Conference,, 11-14 Jul 2004, Toronto, Canada.

Cornforth, Chris (2004). The governance of social enterprises: a paradox perspective. Economie et Solidarites, 35(1/2) pp. 81–99.

Cornforth, Chris and Mordaunt, Jill (2004). The role of boards in organizational failure and turnaround. In: 8th International Research Symposium on Public Management, Apr 2004, Budapest, Hungary.

2003To Top

Cornforth, Chris and Mordaunt, Jill (2003). What do boards do when things go wrong? In: 32nd Annual ARNOVA Conference, 20-22 Nov 2003, Denver.

Cornforth, Chris (2003). Contextualising non-profit governance: the influence of contextual factors on board characteristics and paradoxes. In: 19th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium: Organization Analysis Informing Social and Global Development, Jul 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Cornforth, Chris ed. (2003). The Governance of public and non-profit organisations: what do boards do? Routledge Studies in the Management of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations. Oxford, UK: Routledge.

Cornforth, Chris and Simpson, Claire (2003). The changing face of charity governance: the impact of organizational size. In: Cornforth, C.J. ed. The Governance of Public and Non-profit Organizations: what do boards do? Routledge Studies in the Management of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations. London: Routledge, pp. 187–206.

Cornforth, Chris (2003). The changing context of governance - emerging issues and paradoxes. In: Cornforth, Chris ed. The governance of public and non-profit organizations: what do boards do? Routledge Studies in the Management of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 1–20.

Edwards, Charles and Cornforth, Chris (2003). What influences the strategic contribution of boards? In: Cornforth, Chris ed. The governance of public and non-profit organizations: what do boards do? Routledge Studies in the Management of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 77–96.

Cornforth, Chris (2003). Introduction: the changing context of governance - emerging issues and paradoxes. In: Cornforth, Chris ed. The Governance of Public and Non-profit Organizations: What do boards do? London, UK: Routledge.

Cornforth, Chris (2003). Summary and conclusions: Contextualising and managing the paradoxes of governance. In: Cornforth, Chris ed. The Governance of Public and Non-profit Organizations: What do Boards do? London, UK: Routledge.

2002To Top

2001To Top

Cornforth, Chris (2001). Recent trends in charity governance and trusteeship. Guide to Board Development. London: NCVO.

1999To Top

Cornforth, Chris (1999). Power relations between boards and senior managers in the governance of public and non-profit organisations. In: 2nd International Conference on Corporate Governance and Direction, 13-15 Oct 1999, Henley Management College, UK.

Cornforth, Chris (1999). Improving the value of voluntary boards. Journal of Voluntary Action, 1(2)

1998To Top

Cornforth, Chris; Paton, Rob and Batsleer, Julian (1998). Opening up non-profit management development: Lessons from the Open University's voluntary sector management programme. In: O'Neill, Michael and Fletcher, Kathleen eds. Non-profit Management Education: US and World Perspectives. Westport, CT: Praegan, pp. 33–45.

Cornforth, Chris; Batsleer, Julian and Paton, Rob (1998). Opening up non-profit management development: a national development based on distance learning. In: O'Neill, Michael and Fletcher, Kathleen eds. Non-profit Management Education: US and World Perspectives. Westport, CT, USA: Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 33–45.

1997To Top

Edwards, Charles and Cornforth, Chris (1997). Who governs? Managing the tension between the political and managerial role of boards. In: 2nd International Research Symposium of Public Service Management, Sep 1997, Aston, UK.

1996To Top

Cornforth, Chris and Edwards, Charles (1996). Organizational governance: does it travel across sectoral boundaries? In: International Research Symposium on Public Services Management, Mar 1996, Aston Business School, UK.

Cornforth, C.; Thomas, A and Mayoux, L (1996). Organizational tensions in international NGOs: towards a research agenda. In: Researching the UK Voluntary Sector Conference, Oct 1996, London, UK.

1995To Top

Cornforth, Chris (1995). Patterns of co-operative management: Beyond the degeneration thesis. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 16(4) pp. 487–523.

1994To Top

Cornforth, Chris and Thomas, Alan (1994). The structure of the worker co-operative sector in the UK: interpreting recent trends. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 65(4) pp. 641–656.

Cornforth, Chris (1994). Governing non-profit organizations: heroic myths and human tales. In: Saxon-Harrold, Susan and Kendall, Jeremy eds. Researching the Voluntary Sector. London, UK: Charities Aid Foundation.

Cornforth, C. and Thomas, A. (1994). Worker co-operatives 1988-1993: decline or growth? In: Howe, Lily ed. The world of co-operative enterprise 1995. Oxford, UK: Plunkett Foundation.

1992To Top

Cornforth, Chris (1992). Co-operatives. In: Széll, György ed. Concise encyclopaedia of participation and co-management. De Gruyter studies in organization. New York: Walter De Gruyter Inc.

1991To Top

Paton, R. and Cornforth, C. J. (1991). What's different about managing in voluntary and nonprofit organizations? In: Batsleer, Julian; Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob eds. Issues in voluntary and nonprofit management. Addison-Wesley, pp. 36–46.

1990To Top

Cornforth, Chris and Thomas, Alan (1990). Co-operative development: Barriers, support structures and cultural factors. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 11(4) pp. 451–461.

Cornforth, Chris (1990). Worker co-operatives: Temporary phenomenon or growing trend. In: Széll, György and Lammers, Cornelis J. eds. International Handbook of Participation in Organizations. UK: Oxford University Press.

Cornforth, Chris (1990). Conceptions of management in voluntary and non-profit organizations. In: Conference of the Association of Voluntary Action Scholars, 1990.

1989To Top

Cornforth, Chris (1989). The role of support organizations in developing worker co-operatives: a model for promoting economic and industrial democracy? In: Széll, György; Blyton, Paul and Cornforth, Chris eds. The State, Trade Unions and Self-Management: Issues of Competence and Control. de Gruyter Studies in Organization. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, pp. 107–124.

Thomas, Alan and Cornforth, Chris (1989). A model for democratic decision-making: the case of worker co-operatives. Economic Analysis and Workers Management, 23(1) pp. 1–15.

Thomas, Alan and Cornforth, Chris (1989). The survival and growth of worker co-operatives: a comparison with small businesses. International Small Business Journal, 8(1) pp. 34–50.

Blyton, Paul; Cornforth, Chris and Széll, György eds. (1989). The state, trade unions and self-management: issues of competence and control. Walter De Gruyter Inc.

Cornforth, Chris (1989). Lake School of English. In: Thomas, Alan and Thornley, Jenny eds. Co-ops to the Rescue. London, UK: ICOM Co-Publications.

Cornforth, Chris (1989). Worker co-operatives in Britain: a review of the literature. In: London Business School Library, The ed. London Business School Small Business Bibliography. London, UK: London Business School.

1988To Top

Cornforth, Chris (1988). Can entrepreneurship be institutionalised? The case of worker co-operatives. International Small Business Journal, 6(4) pp. 10–19.

Cornforth, Chris (1988). The role of managers in worker co-operatives. In: Bayley, J. Elise; Parnell, Edgar and Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies, The eds. Yearbook of Co-operative Enterprise 1988. Oxford, UK: Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies.

Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob (1988). Worker co-operatives and the democratisation of work in Europe. In: Wiseman, J. ed. Worker Freedom: The Promise of Workplace Democracy. New York: TOES Books.

1987To Top

1986To Top

Cornforth, Chris (1986). Worker co-operatives: factors affecting their success and failure. In: Curran, James; Stanworth, John and Watkins, David eds. The Survival of the Small Firm. Aldershot: Gower.

Cornforth, Chris (1986). Local co-operative support organizations in Britain: an assessment of their effectiveness in developing working co-operatives. In: Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies, The; International Co-operative Alliance, The and Horace Plunkett Foundation, The eds. The Yearbook of Agricultural Co-operation. Oxford, UK: Plunkett Foundation.

Cornforth, Chris (1986). The role of local co-operative development agencies in promoting worker co-operatives. In: Faulkner, Terry ed. Readings in Small Business. Aldershot: Gower.

1985To Top

1984To Top

Cornforth, Chris (1984). The role of local co-operative development agencies in promoting worker co-operatives. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 55(3) pp. 253–280.

1983To Top

Cornforth, C.; Taylor, S. and Varelidis, N. (1983). Learning through work experience in Britain. Journal of European Industrial Training, 7(6) pp. 3–10.

1982To Top

Cornforth, Chris (1982). Trade unions and producer co-operatives. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 3(1) pp. 17–30.

1981To Top


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