Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Clem Herman

56 items in this list.
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2024To Top

2023To Top

Herman, Clem; Kendall-Nicholas, Jane and Sadler, Wendy (2023). People like me—Encouraging girls to see themselves in STEM careers. In: AIP Conference Proceedings, 3040(1), article no. 060006.

2021To Top

Herman, Clem (2021). Women in Computing Higher Education: Students, Educators and Researchers. In: Arnold, Gillian; Dee, Hannah; Herman, Clem; Moore, Sharon; Palmer, Andrea and Shah, Shilpa eds. Women in Tech: A practical guide to increasing gender diversity and inclusion. Swindon: BCS Publications, pp. 48–68.

2020To Top

Murphy, Kerry; Cullen, Jane; Addae-Kyeremeh, Eric; Stutchbury, Kris; Velasco, Maria; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Ansine, Janice; Herman, Clem; Biard, Olivier and Mallet, Joshua (2020). OpenSTEM Africa: Strengthening science education in Ghana. In: The 9th eSTEeM Annual Conference: Informing Student Success – From Scholarship to Practice, 29-30 Apr 2020, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

2019To Top

Sondhi, Gunjan; Raghuram, Parvati; Herman, Clem and Ruiz-Ben, Esther (2019). Skilled Migration and IT Sector: A Gendered Analysis. In: Rajan, S. Irudaya ed. India Migration Report 2018: Migrants in Europe. New Delhi: Routledge.

Herman, Clem; Gracia, Rosaria; MacNiven, Lesley; Clark, Bernie and Doyle, Geraldine (2019). Using a Blended Learning Approach to support Women returning to STEM. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 34(1) pp. 40–60.

Herman, Clem and Butler, Diane (2019). [Editorial] Innovations in STEM distance education. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 34(1) pp. 1–5.

2018To Top

Corneliussen, Hilde G.; Herman, Clem and Gajjala, Radhika (2018). ICT Changes Everything! But Who Changes ICT? In: This Changes Everything – ICT and Climate Change: What Can We Do? (Kreps, David; Ess, Charles; Louise, Leenen and Kai, Kimppa eds.), HCC13 2018. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer, Cham, pp. 250–257.

Herman, Clem and Kirkup, Gill (2018). Combining feminist pedagogy and transactional distance to create gender-sensitive technology-enhanced learning. In: Aneja, Anu ed. Gender and Distance Education: Indian and International Contexts. Routledge India, pp. 10–29.

Herman, Clem; Kendall-Nicholas, Jane and Sadler, Wendy (2018). People Like Me Evaluation Report. The WISE Campaign, Leeds.

Herman, Clem; Donelan, Helen; Jefferis, Helen and Hughes, Janet (2018). Entering STEM in later life: examining the motivations of adult women studying computing. In: 4th Biennial Network Gender and STEM Conference: Reimagining Who Does STEM and Why, 31 Jul - 2 Aug 2018, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA.

2017To Top

2015To Top

2013To Top

Herman, Clem; Lewis, Suzan and Humbert, Ann Laure (2013). Women scientists and engineers in European companies: putting motherhood under the microscope. Gender Work and Organisation, 20(5) pp. 467–478.

2012To Top

Herman, Clem and Lewis, Suzan (2012). Entitled to a sustainable career? Motherhood in science, engineering and technology. Journal of Social Issues, 68(4) pp. 767–789.

Herman, Clem; Morton, Pat and Butcher, Jane (2012). Changing discourses in women and science policy: responding to austerity in gender and SET. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2012 - Sociology in an Age of Austerity, 11-13 Apr 2012, University of Leeds.

2011To Top

Herman, Clem (2011). Returning to SET: reflections on an online module. In: European Gender Summit: Quality Research and Innovation Through Equality, 8-9 Nov 2011, Brussels, Belgium.

Herman, Clem (2011). After a career break: supporting women returning to ICT. International Journal of Gender Science and Technology, 3(2) pp. 536–543.

Herman, Clem and Peachey, Anna (2011). Second Life, second chance: using virtual worlds to supportwomen returning to SET. In: 6th European Conference on Gender and ICT, 08-10 Mar 2011, Umea, Sweden.

Herman, Clem; Hodgson, Barbara; Kirkup, Gill and Whitelegg, Elizabeth (2011). Innovatory educational models for women returners in science, engineering and technology professions. In: Jackson, Sue; Malcolm, Irene and Thomas, Kate eds. Gendered Choices: Learning Work Identities in Lifelong Learning. Lifelong Learning Book Series (15). London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Springer, pp. 53–68.

2010To Top

Herman, Clem (2010). “I should be so lucky”: women returners narratives of transition between family and work. In: Equality Diversity Inclusion Conference, 14-16 Jul 2010, Vienna, Austria.

Herman, Clem; Lewis, Suzan and Humbert, Anne Laure (2010). ‘Accommodating’ female scientists and engineers: changing organisational cultures or just being exceptional? In: Gender Work and Organisation, 21-23 Jun 2010, University of Keele.

Hodgson, Barbara and Herman, Clem (2010). Re/constructing engineering and technology careers: support for women returners in the UK. In: Godfroy-Genin, Anne-Sophie ed. Women in Engineering and Technology Research. Berlin: Lit Verlag, pp. 489–504.

Herman, Clem and Webster, Juliet (2010). Taking a lifecycle approach: redefining women returners to science, engineering and technology. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 2(2) pp. 179–205.

2009To Top

Donelan, Helen; Herman, Clem; Kear, Karen and Kirkup, Gill (2009). Online participation: Shaping the networks of professional women. In: Dumova, Tatyana and Fiordo, Richard eds. Handbook of Research on Social Interaction Technologies and Collaboration Software: Concepts and Trends, Volume 2. UK: Information Science Reference, pp. 270–280.

Herman, Clem; Lewis, Suzan and Humbert, Anne (2009). Part time working as a gendered sub-culture in SET: A cross cultural study. In: Equal Opportunities International Conference, 15-17 Jul 2009, Istanbul.

Donelan, Helen; Herman, Clem; Kear, Karen and Kirkup, Gill (2009). Patterns of online networking for women’s career development. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 24(2) pp. 92–111.

Herman, Clem (2009). Paying the price: The impact of maternity on career progression of women scientists and engineers in Europe. In: Beiträge von Ihsen, Susanne; Klumpers, Johannes; Pageler, Sylke; Ulrich, Roya and Wieneke-Toutaoui, Burghilde eds. Gender and Diversity in Engineering and Science. Dusseldorf: VDI - The Association of German Engineers, pp. 47–56.

Herman, Clem (2009). It's not the break that's the problem: Women SET professionals and career breaks in European companies. Women in Science and Technology: Creating Sustainable Careers EUR 23; DG for Research: European Communities, Brussels.

2008To Top

Herman, Clem and Hodgson, Barbara (2008). Articulating Work Life Balance: Perspectives of Women Returners to STEM. In: International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists (ICWES 14): 'A Changing world: new opportunities for women engineers and scientists', 15-18 Jul 2008, Lille, France.

Herman, Clem and Carter, Ruth (2008). Empowering women to return to their SET careers. In: Proceedings of 12th International GASAT Conference, 3-8 Sep 2006, University of Brighton.

Herman, Clem (2008). Crossing the digital divide: experiences of gender and technology in a community ICT centre. In: Van Slyke, Craig; Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi and Vanslyke, Craig eds. Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey, New York: IGI Global.

2007To Top

Hodgson, Barbara and Herman, Clem (2007). Re/constructing engineering and technology careers: support for women returners in the UK. In: Women in Engineering and Technology Research: PROMETEA International Conference, 26-27 Oct 2007, Paris.

Herman, Clem (2007). Public discourses private lives: East and West European Women’s careers in Science, Engineering and Technology. In: 5th Gender Equality and Higher Education Conference, 28-31 Aug 2007, Humboldt University Berlin.

Herman, Clem and Webster, Juliet (2007). Editorial Comment. Information Communication and Society, 10(3) pp. 279–286.

2006To Top

Herman, Clem (2006). Crossing the digital divide: experiences of gender and technology in a community ICT Centre. In: Trauth, Eileen M. ed. Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology [2 vols.], Volume 1. Hershey, PA, USA: Idea Group Reference, pp. 154–159.

2005To Top

Herman, Clem and Ellen, Debbie (2005). Women IT Technicians: moving through the glass partition. In: Crossing Cultures Changing Lives: Integrating Research on Girls Choices of IT Careers, 31 Jul - 3 Aug 2005, University of Oxford, UK.

Ellen, Debbie and Herman, Clem (2005). Vendor-specific certifications: lessons and experiences from two women’s training centres in the UK offering MCSE training. In: JVET Sixth International Conference Researching Policy and Practice in Vocational Education and Training, 13-15 Jul 2005, University of Oxford, UK.

Ellen, Debbie and Herman, Clem (2005). Women’s training revisited: developing new learning pathways for women IT technicians using a holistic approach. In: Turner, Eva ed. The Gender politics of ICT. UK: Middlesex University Press, pp. 251–264.

2003To Top

Bissell, Christopher; Chapman, David; Herman, Clem and Robinson, Lee (2003). Still a gendered technology?: Issues in teaching ICT at the UK Open University. European Journal of Engineering Education, 28(1) pp. 27–35.

Herman, Clem (2003). Becoming digital: empowerment, identity and community ICTs. In: Mortberg, Christina M.; Elovaara, Pirjo and Lundgren, Agneta eds. How do we make a difference?: Information Technology, Transnational Democracy and Gender. Lulea, Sweden: Lulea University of Technology/Luleå Tekniska Universitet, pp. 237–250.

2002To Top

Kear, Karen; Monk, John and Herman, Clem (2002). Cyborgs in groups. In: ALT-C 2002: learning technologies for communication, 9-11 Sep 2002, Sunderland, UK.

2001To Top

Herman, Clem (2001). From Visions to Reality: Changing Women's Perspectives at the Village Hall. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, 31(4) pp. 15–22.


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