Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Carrie Cable

25 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 22:20:22 2025 GMT.

2014To Top

Robertson, Leena H.; Drury, Rose and Cable, Carrie (2014). Silencing bilingualism: a day in a life of a bilingual practitioner. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 17(5) pp. 610–623.

2012To Top

Cable, Carrie; Driscoll, Patricia; Mitchell, Rosamond; Sing, Sue; Cremin, Teresa; Earl, Justine; Eyres, Ian; Holmes, Bernadette; Martin, Cynthia and Hiens, Barbara (2012). Language learning at Key Stage 2: findings from a longitudinal study. Education 3-13, 40(4) pp. 363–378.

2011To Top

Cable, Carrie and Goodliff, Gill (2011). Transitions in professional identity: women in the early years workforce. In: Jackson, Sue; Maclolm, Irene and Thomas, Kate eds. Gendered choices: learning, work, identities in lifelong learning. Lifelong learning book series (15). Amsterdam: Springer Academic Publishers, Lifelong Learning Series, pp. 173–188.

2010To Top

Cable, C.; Driscoll, P.; Mitchell, R.; Sing, S.; Cremin, T.; Earl, J.; Eyres, I.; Holmes, B.; Martin, C. and Heins, B. (2010). Languages and Learning at Key Stage 2: A Longitudinal Study Final Report. Department for Children, Schools and Families, UK.

2009To Top

Cable, Carrie; Drury, Rose and Helavaara Robertson, Leena (2009). A day in the life of a bilingual practitioner. In: Cable, Carrie; Miller, Linda and Goodliff, Gill eds. Working with Children in the Early Years, 2nd edition. London: Routledge, pp. 21–32.

Miller, L.; Goodliff, G. and Cable, C. (2009). A day in the life of an early years practitioner. In: EECERA, 2009, Strasbourg, France.

2008To Top

Cable, Caroline (2008). Teaching assistants in the early years. In: Miller, Linda and Cable, Caroline eds. Professionalism in the Early Years. London: Hodder Education, pp. 54–64.

Miller, Linda and Cable, Carrie eds. (2008). Professionalism in the Early Years. London, UK: Hodder Education.

Devereux, Jane and Cable, Carrie (2008). The early years teacher. In: Miller, Linda and Cable, Carrie eds. Professionalism in the Early Years. Hodder Education, pp. 41–53.

Cable, Carrie and Miller, Linda (2008). Looking to the future. In: Miller, Linda and Cable, Carrie eds. Professionalism in the Early Years. London: Hodder Education, pp. 167–177.

2007To Top

Cable, Carrie; Goodliff, Gill and Miller, Linda (2007). Developing reflective early years practitioners within a regulatory framework. Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, 9(2) pp. 1–19.

Cable, C.; Goodliff, G. and Attar, D. (2007). Work-based learning and transitions in professional identity: women in the early years workforce. In: Women in Lifelong Learning Network, 18 May 2007, Birkbeck College, University of London.

Cable, Carrie and Goodliff, Gill (2007). Work-based learning and transitions in professional identity. In: Open CETL Conference, 15-16 Oct 2007, Milton Keynes.

2006To Top

Cable, Caroline; Eyres, Ian and Collins, Janet (2006). Bilingualism and inclusion: more than just rhetoric? Support for Learning, 21(3) pp. 129–134.

2005To Top

Cable, Carrie and Eyres, Ian (2005). Primary teaching assistants; curriculum in context. UK: David Fulton Publishers.

2004To Top

Eyres, Ian; Cable, Carrie; Hancock, Roger and Turner, Janet (2004). 'Whoops, I forgot David’ – children’s perceptions of the adults who work in their classrooms. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 24(2) pp. 149–162.

Cable, C.; Collins, J. and Eyres, I. (2004). Including teaching assistants. In: BERA Annal Conference, 16-18 Sep 2004, University of Leeds.

Cable, C.; Eyres, I.; Hancock, R. and Turner, J. (2004). Children's perceptions of teaching assistants: role, responsibilities and contribution to school life and learning. In: BERA Annual Conference, 13-15 Sep 2004, University of Leeds.

2002To Top

Hancock, Roger; Swann, Will; Marr, Alan; Turner, Janet and Cable, Carrie (2002). Classroom assistants in primary schools: Employment and deployment. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Swindon.


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