Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Claudia Aradau

29 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Jan 12 10:47:26 2025 GMT.

2014To Top

Aradau, Claudia; Huysmans, Jef; Neal, Andrew and Voelkner, Nadine eds. (2014). Critical Security Methods. New Frameworks for Analysis. New International Relations. Abingdon: Routledge.

2013To Top

Hill, Andrew and Aradau, Claudia (2013). The politics of Drawing: children, evidence, and the Darfur conflict. International Political Sociology, 7(4) pp. 369–387.

2012To Top

2011To Top

Aradau, Claudia and Van Munster, Rens (2011). Politics of Catastrophe: Genealogies of the Unknown. PRIO New Security Studies. Abingdon, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.A.: Routledge.

2010To Top

Aradau, Claudia and Blanke, Tobias (2010). Governing circulation: A critique of the biopolitics of security. In: de Larrinaga, Miguel and Doucet, Marc G. eds. Security and Global Governmentality: Globalization, Governance and the State. London: Routledge.

Aradau, Claudia (2010). Derrida: Aporias of otherness. In: Moore, Cerwyn and Farrands, Chris eds. International Relations Theory and Philosophy: Interpretive Dialogues. London: Routledge, pp. 107–118.

Aradau, Claudia (2010). Articulations of sovereignty. In: Denemark, Robert A. ed. The International Studies Encyclopedia. Oxford: Blackwell.

2009To Top

Aradau, Claudia and van Munster, Rens (2009). Poststructuralism, continental philosophy, and the remaking of security studies. In: Mauer, Victor and Dunn Cavelty, Myriam eds. The Routledge Handbook of Security Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 73–83.

Aradau, Claudia (2009). Alain Badiou. In: Edkins, Jenny and Vaughan-Williams, Nick eds. Critical Theorist and International Relations. UK: Routledge.

Aradau, Claudia (2009). The Roma in Italy: racism as usual? Radical Philosophy, 153 pp. 2–6.

Aradau, Claudia and van Munster, Rens (2009). Exceptionalism and the 'War on Terror': Criminology meets international relations. British Journal of Criminology, 49(5) pp. 686–701.

Aradau, Claudia (2009). Vida, derechos y riesgos: las paradojas del tráfico de personas [Life, rights and risks: the paradoxes of human trafficking]. In: Nicolas Lazo, Gemma; Bodelon Gonzalez, Encarnacion and Bergalli, Roberto eds. Género y dominación. Críticas feministas del derecho y el poder. Rubi: Anthropos, pp. 233–246.

2008To Top

Aradau, Claudia and van Munster, Rens (2008). Taming the Future: The Dispositif of Risk in the War on Terror. In: Amoore, Louise and de Goede, Marieke eds. Risk and the War on Terror. London, UK: Routledge.

Aradau, Claudia; Lobo-Guerrero, Luis and van Munster, Rens (2008). Security, Technologies of Risk, and the Political: Guest Editors' Introduction. Security Dialogue, 39(2/3) pp. 147–154.

2007To Top

c.a.s.e. collective; Aradau, Claudia; Bell, Colleen; Bonditti, Philippe; Davidshofer, Stephan; Guillaume, Xavier; Huysmans, Jef; Jeandesboz, Julien; Jutila, Matti; McCormack, Tara; Neal, Andrew; Olsson, Christian; Ragazzi, Francesco; Squire, Vicki; Stritzel, Holger; van Munster, Rens and Williams, Michael C. (2007). Europe, knowledge, politics: engaging with the limits, the c.a.s.e. collective responds. Security Dialogue, 38(4) pp. 559–576.

Aradau, Claudia and van Munster, Rens (2007). Governing terrorism through risk: Taking precautions, (un)knowing the future. European Journal of International Relations, 13(1) pp. 89–115.

2006To Top

Aradau, Claudia (2006). Limits of security, limits of politics? A response. Journal of International Relations and Development, 9(1) pp. 81–90.

2004To Top

Aradau, Claudia (2004). Security and the democratic scene: desecuritization and emancipation. Journal of International Relations and Development, 7(4) pp. 388–413.

Aradau, Claudia (2004). The perverse politics of four-letter words: Risk and pity in the securitisation of human trafficking. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 33(2) pp. 251–277.


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