Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Catherine Carden
2024To Top
Cooke, Carolyn; Peterkin, Anton; Todd-Ellis, Ashleigh; Carden, Catherine; Scott, Chloe; Mogridge, Claire; Buck, Julie; Gallastegi, Lore and Wroe, Stuart (2024). Understanding study intensity change among education studies (primary) concurrent students. PRAXIS, Open University.
2023To Top
Bower, Virginia; Taylor, Julie; Hampson-Stemp, Hayley; Fullard, Michael; Peterson, Andrew and Carden (ed.), Catherine (2023). Character and ITE: A Practical Guide. In Carden, Catherine ed. Character and ITE: A Practical Guide Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
2022To Top
Carden, Catherine ed. (2022). Primary Teaching: Learning and Teaching in Primary Schools Today (2nd Ed.). London: SAGE.
Carden, Catherine and Bower, Virginia
Carden, Catherine and Bethune, Adrian
2021To Top
Carden, Catherine (2021). Are we too quick to kick wellbeing ideas into the 'long grass'. Bowden Education.
Carden, Catherine (2021). Confidence or Competence: Are we being seduced by over-confidence? Bowden Education.
Carden, Catherine and Bower, Virginia (2021). Leadership - Checking IN versus Checking UP. In The Headteacher Teach Co.
Barnes, Jonathan and Carden, Catherine (2021). Our Forgotten Children. Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK.
Carden, Catherine (2021). Children and teachers must be given the opportunity to tell their stories…. Shawmind, Sheffield, UK.
Carden, Catherine; Gumbrell, David; Twiselton, Sam and Taylor, Andrew (2021). The Story Behind the Story: Back to school and teacher and pupil mental health. Shawmind.
Carden, Catherine (2021). Effective Leadership [Podcast]. Bowden Education.
Carden, Catherine
2020To Top
Carden, Catherine; Twiselton, Sam; Gumbrell, David and Bethune, Adrian (2020). Reframing the Debate on Teacher Mental Health and Wellbeing. Shawmind.
Carden, Catherine and Barnes, Jonathan (2020). Mr Creativity - a candle in the wind. Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK.
Carden, Catherine (2020). The Impact of 1:1 Mentoring on Early Career Teachers. Bowden Education.
Carden, Catherine (2020). Work-Life Balance [Podcast]. Bowden Education.
Carden, Catherine (2020). A Listening Ear: Investing in mentoring may seem like a luxury, but it might well be the best staff development money you ever spend. In Teach Primary Teach Co.
Carden, Catherine and Bower, Virginia (2020). Onwards and Upwards. Teach Co.
Carden, Catherine (2020). Putting People at the Centre of Your Leadership. Bowden Education.
Carden, Catherine (2020). We Train Dogs - we must educate teachers (part 2). Bowden Education.
2019To Top
Carden, Catherine (2019). Teacher well being and work-life balance [Podcast]. Faculti.
Carden, Catherine and Bower, Virginia (2019). The Un-Boot Camp. Bowden Education.
Carden, Catherine and Bower, Virginia (2019). The Importance and Value of Professional Learning and Development. Bowden Education.
Carden, Catherine (2019). Is a Work-Life Balance Unattainable for School Leaders? In Primary School Management Teach Co.
Carden, Catherine (2019). Are you a School Leader or a Manager? Teach Co.
Carden, Catherine (2019). How to Support School Leaders in Tough Times. In Primary School Management Teach Co.
Carden, C. and Warnock, J. (2019). Fight for your rights. In Teach Primary Teach Primary, Teach Co.
Carden, Catherine and Warnock, Joanne (2019). How we took our school from special measures to good. In Primary School Management Teach Co.
2018To Top
Carden, Catherine ed. (2018). Primary Teaching: Learning & Teaching in Primary Schools Today. Primary Teaching Now. London: SAGE.
2013To Top
Carden, Catherine and Young, Vanessa
Carden, Catherine (2013). We train dogs - we must educate teachers. In ConsiderEd Canterbury Christ Church University.