Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Cristiana Bernardi

19 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Nov 11 08:53:41 2024 GMT.

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Abhayawansa, Subhash; Guthrie, James and Bernardi, Cristiana (2019). [Editorial] Intellectual capital accounting in the age of integrated reporting: a commentary. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 20(1) pp. 2–10.

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Bernardi, Cristiana (2020). Implementing Integrated Reporting - Lessons from the Field. SpringerBriefs in Accounting. Cham: Springer.

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Demartini, Paola; Bernardi, Cristiana and Marii, Adriana (2023). What can we learn from the first ‘like meat’ business made in Italy? New Business Models for the Vegan Production. In: New Perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches to entrepreneurship: Proceedings 6th PISB Workshop 2023, pp. 11–30.

Demartini, Paola and Bernardi, Cristiana (2017). A management control system for environmental and social initiatives: An intellectual capital approach. In: Guthrie, James; Dumay, John; Ricceri, Federica and Nielsen, Christian eds. The Routledge Companion to Intellectual Capital. Routledge.

Dumay, John; Bernardi, Cristiana; Guthrie, James and Demartini, Paola (2016). Integrated reporting: A structured literature review. Accounting Forum, 40(3) pp. 166–185.

Demartini, Paola; Paoloni, Mauro; Paoloni, Paola and Bernardi, Cristiana (2014). Managerial Integrated Reporting Evidence from practice. Management Control(3) pp. 37–58.

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Halari, Anwar; Bernardi, Cristiana; Dimes, Ruth and Shields, Karin (2024). The concept of capitals. In: Smith, Susan; Murphy, Richard and Rose, Jennifer eds. Principles of Accounting. Ely, UK: Accounting Streams, ch. 10.

Halari, Anwar; Bernardi, Cristiana; Dimes, Ruth and Shields, Karin (2024). The concept of capitals. In: Smith, Susan; Murphy, Richard and Rose, Jennifer eds. Principles of Accounting. Accounting Streams.

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La Torre, M.; Bernardi, C.; Guthrie, J. and Dumay, J. (2019). Integrated Reporting and Integrating Thinking: Practical Challenges. In: Arvidsson, S. ed. Challenges in Managing Sustainable Business. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Perkiss, Stephanie; Bernardi, Cristiana; Dumay, John and Haslam, Jim (2021). A sticky chocolate problem: Impression management and counter accounts in the shaping of corporate image. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 81, article no. 102229.


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