Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Cathy Schofield

38 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 15 11:06:30 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

2023To Top

Schofield, Cathy and Elder, Tracey (2023). Changing cultures – adoption of predictive analytics to enhance student retention. In: Advance HE (HEA) Fourth Research and Scholarship in College Higher Education Conference, 4-6 Jul 2023, Keele University.

Schofield, Cathy and Gisby, Alison (2023). A framework for understanding student engagement in online higher education activities. In: Advance HE (HEA) Fourth Research and Scholarship in College Higher Education Conference, 4-6 Jul 2023, Keele University, UK.

Schofield, Cathy and Gisby, Alison (2023). Dimensions of engagement: students’ choices. In: OU Psychology & Counselling Teaching and Learning Conference, 11 Mar 2023, Milton Keynes.

Schofield, Cathy (2023). Student Motivation and Engagement. In: School’s Student Engagement Committee Faculty Symposium, 13 Jan 2023, Thompson Rivers University, Canada.

2022To Top

Schofield, Cathy and Gisby, Alison (2022). The impact of student motivation on engagement with online study. In: Advance HE (HEA) Third Research and Scholarship in College Higher Education Conference, 5-7 Jul 2022, Newcastle University.

Gisby, Alison and Schofield, Cathy (2022). Enhancing student engagement – why not give them what they value? In: Advance HE (HEA) Third Research and Scholarship in College Higher Education Conference, 5-7 Jul 2022, Newcastle University.

2019To Top

Schofield, Cathy; Palmer, Andrea and Keech, Caroline (2019). A cross cultural examination of the experiences of parents of children when being diagnosed with Foetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 25(3) pp. 130–135.

2018To Top

Schofield, Cathy and McKenzie, Liz (2018). An exploration of important factors in the decision-making process undertaken by foundation degree students with respect to level 6 progression. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 42(6) pp. 827–836.

2017To Top

Schofield, Cathy (2017). Is research activity necessary for research-informed teaching? In: Association of Colleges (AoC) Third Research and Scholarship in College Higher Education Conference, 27 Jun 2017, Birmingham, UK.

Schofield, Cathy (2017). Making the dissertation real. In: Association of Colleges (AoC) Third Research and Scholarship in College Higher Education Conference, 27 Jun 2017, Birmingham, UK.

2016To Top

Schofield, Cathy (2016). The impact of research funding on college-based HE lecturers. In: Association of Colleges (AoC) Second Research and Scholarship in College Higher Education Conference, 28 Jun 2016, Birmingham, UK.

Schofield, Cathy (2016). Student experiences of lecturer research in different higher education settings. In: International Conference for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), 7-9 Dec 2016, Newport Wales.

Schofield, Cathy and McKenzie, Liz (2016). Degrees of Freedom Revisited: Factors affecting Foundation degree students’ choice of top-up. In: International Conference for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), 7-9 Dec 2016, Newport, Wales.

2015To Top

Gray, C.; Turner, R.; Sutton, C.; Petersen, C.; Stevens, S.; Swain, J.; Esmond, B.; Schofield, C. and Thackeray, D. (2015). Research methods teaching in vocational environments: developing critical engagement with knowledge? Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 67(3) pp. 274–293.

Schofield, C. and Burton, F.L. (2015). An investigation into higher education student and lecturer views on research publication and their interest in the production of a college partnership science journal. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52(3) pp. 265–276.

Schofield, Cathy; McKenzie, Liz and Turner, Rebecca (2015). Impact of research funding on the experience and status of college-based higher education lecturers. In: Annual Conference for the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), 9-11 Dec 2015, Newport, Wales.

Schofield, Cathy (2015). Changing views of research activity in college-based higher education. In: Annual Conference for the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), 9-11 Dec 2015, Newport, Wales.

Schofield, Cathy (2015). Integrating research meaningfully into the student learning experience. In: Association of Colleges (AoC) College HE Research and Scholarship Conference, 24 Jun 2015, Bloomsbury, London.

2014To Top

Schofield, Cathy; Kneale, Pauline; Cotton, Debby; Gresty, Karen and Winter, Jennie (2014). Collaborate, publish or be damned? Patterns of academic publishing between institutions offering higher education. In: Annual Conference for the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), 10-12 Dec 2014, Newport, Wales.

Schofield, Cathy and McKenzie, Liz (2014). Degrees of Freedom: Factors affecting Foundation degree students’ course choices. In: Annual Conference for the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), 10-12 Dec 2014, Newport, Wales.

Kendall, S.; Bloxham, S. and Schofield, C. (2014). Gifted and Talented programmes: do they favour particular children? In: Annual Conference for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), 25-26 Nov 2014, St George’s Park.

Schofield, Cathy (2014). Higher Education Provision in a Crowded Marketplace. In: Inaugural International Research Conference organised by the Further Education Research Association (FERA), 11-13 Jul 2014, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, UK.

2013To Top

Schofield, Cathy; Cotton, Debby; Gresty, Karen; Kneale, Pauline and Winter, Jennie (2013). Higher education provision in a crowded marketplace. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 35(2) pp. 193–205.

Schofield, Cathy and Rollings, Jess (2013). Barriers and benefits to physical activity as perceived by year 9 coastal dwelling children. In: Annual Conference for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES), 3-5 Sep 2013, University of Central Lancashire.

2012To Top

Schofield, Cathy (2012). Higher Education Provision in a Crowded Marketplace. In: Annual Conference for the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), 12-14 Dec 2012, Newport, Wales.

Schofield, Cathy (2012). The Accidental Researcher. In: The Higher Education Academy HE in FE Conference: Developing and enhancing the practice and management of scholarly activity and research within Further Education colleges, 30 May 2012, Warwickshire College.

Schofield, Cathy (2012). Institutional marketing: a comparison of universities and HE in FE colleges. In: Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory (PedRIO) Inaugural Conference, 18 Apr 2012, Plymouth University.

2011To Top

Burton, Francesca and Schofield, Cathy (2011). Student confidence in using and applying research methods whilst studying within a sport and exercise discipline. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 3(1) pp. 15–27.

Schofield, Cathy and Burton, Francesca (2011). The development of a research methods toolkit to support sport science undergraduates and lecturers. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 3(1) pp. 28–34.

2010To Top

Schofield, Cathy and Dismore, Harriet (2010). Predictors of retention and achievement of higher education students within a further education context. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 34(2) pp. 207–221.

Schofield, Cathy (2010). Can entry profiles be predictors of retention and success of HE students within an FE context? In: Annual Conference for the British Educational Research Association (BERA), 1-4 Sep 2010, University of Warwick.

2009To Top

Schofield, Cathy (2009). Improving student retention: the vital first few months. In: QAA Higher Education in Further Education Colleges (HE in FECs) Liaison Group and The Higher Education Academy’s Furthering Higher Education 2009: Improving the HE in FE student experience, 30 Jan 2009, Aston University.


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