Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Caroline Holland

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Holland, Caroline; Clark, Andrew; Katz, Jeanne and Peace, Sheila (2007). Social interactions in urban public places. Public Spaces. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Kellaher, Leonie (2006). Environment and Identity in Later Life. Growing Older. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.

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Holland, Caroline (2018). Communal Living. In: Tetley, Josie; Cox, Nigel; Jack, Kirsten and Witham, Garry eds. Nursing Older People at a Glance. At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare). Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 96–97.

Tetley, Josie; Holland, Caroline; Waights, Verina; Hughes, Jonathan; Holland, Simon and Warren, Stephanie (2015). Exploring New Technologies through Playful Peer-to-Peer Engagement in Informal Learning. In: Prendergast, David and Garattini, Chiara eds. Aging and the Digital Life Course. Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 39–62.

Holland, Caroline (2015). Public places and age. In: Twigg, Julia and Martin, Wendy eds. Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 455–462.

Clark, Andrew; Holland, Caroline and Ward, Richard (2012). Authenticity and validity in community research: looking at age discrimination and urban social interactions in the UK. In: Goodson, Lisa and Phillimore, Jenny eds. Community Research for Participation: From Theory to Method. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 37–54.

Holland, Caroline and Ward, Richard (2012). On going grey. In: Ylänne, Virpi ed. Representing Ageing: Images and identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115–131.

Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila (2012). Life course. In: Smith, Susan J ed. International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Elsevier, pp. 163–168.

Holland, Caroline (2011). The role of technologies in the everyday lives of older people. In: Katz, Jeanne; Peace, Sheila and Spurr, Sue eds. Adult Lives: a Life Course Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 151–160.

Holland, Caroline (2010). With respect to old age. In: Seden, Janet; Matthews, Sarah; McCormick, Michael and Morgan, Alun eds. Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 90–96.

Symonds, Anthea and Holland, Caroline (2008). The same hairdo: the production of the stereotyped image of the older woman. In: Ward, Richard and Bytheway, Bill eds. Researching Age and Multiple Discrimination. The Representation of Older People in Ageing Research (8). London, UK: Centre for Policy on Ageing.

Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Kellaher, Leonie (2005). The Influence of neighborhood and community on well-being and identity in later life: an English perspective. In: Rowles, Graham D. and Chaudhury, Habib eds. Home and identity in late life: International perspectives. New York, USA: Springer Publishing Company, pp. 297–315.

Holland, C.; Kellaher, L.; Peace, S. M.; Scharf, T.; Breeze, E.; Gow, J. and Gilhooly, M (2005). Getting out and about. In: Walker, Alan ed. Understanding quality of life in old age. Growing older. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press, pp. 49–63.

Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Kellaher, Leonie (2005). Making space for identity. In: Andrews, Gavin J. and Phillips, David R. eds. Ageing and place: perspectives, policy, practice. Routledge Studies in Human Geography, 9. Oxford, UK: Routledge, pp. 188–204.

Kellaher, Leonie; Peace, Sheila and Holland, Caroline (2004). Environment, identity and old age: quality of life or a life of quality. In: Walker, A. and Hagan Hennessy, C. eds. Growing older: quality of life in old age. Maidenhead, Berkshire,UK: Open University Press, pp. 60–80.

Peace, Sheila and Holland, Caroline (2001). Housing an ageing society. In: Peace, Sheila and Holland, Caroline eds. Inclusive housing in an ageing society. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 1–26.

Peace, Sheila and Holland, Caroline (2001). Inclusive housing. In: Peace, Sheila and Holland, Caroline eds. Inclusive housing in an ageing society. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 235–260.

Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila (2001). Regulating informality: Small homes and the inspectors. In: Bacigalupo, Vivien; Bornat, Joanna; Bytheway, Bill; Johnson, Julia and Spurr, Sue eds. Understanding Care, Welfare and Community: A Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 240–246.

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Waights, Verina; Holland, Caroline; Huchet, Estelle and Fisk, Malcolm (2019). Age-Friendly Standards Around ICT. International Journal of Standardization Research, 17(2), article no. 1.

Gage, Heather; Cheynel, Jerome; Williams, Peter; Mitchell, Katherine; Stinton, Christopher; Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Sheehan, Bartley (2015). Service utilisation and family support of people with dementia: a cohort study in England. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(2) pp. 166–177.

Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline; Mitchell, Kate; Gage, Heather; Thein, Nwe and Sheehan, Bart (2013). Carers’ perspectives on choosing a care home for a relative with dementia. Families, Relationships and Societies, 2(2) pp. 211–228.

Sheehan, Bart D.; Lall, Ranjit; Stinton, Christopher; Mitchell, Kate; Gage, Heather; Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne (2012). Patient and proxy measurement of quality of life among general hospital in-patients with dementia. Aging & Mental Health, 16(5) pp. 603–607.

Ward, Richard and Holland, Caroline (2011). 'If I look old, I will be treated old': hair and later-life image dilemmas. Ageing and Society, 31(02) pp. 288–307.

Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Kellaher, Leonie (2011). 'Option recognition' in later life: variations in ageing in place. Ageing and Society, 31(5) pp. 734–757.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Minocha, Shailey; Tudor, Ana-Despina; Banks, Duncan; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine; Ail, Rohit; Palmer, Jane and Bowering, Sue (2018). Role Of Digital Health Wearables In The Wellbeing And Quality Of Life Of Older People And Carers. In: Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS): Using Technology in Social Care, 14 Mar 2018, Belfast.

Peace, Sheila; Gopinath, Manik and Holland, Caroline (2017). Meanings of home for older couples and spouse caregivers. In: Home futures: towards a critical feminist geography of housing, ageing and health, Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers.

Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; Banks, Duncan; McNulty, Catherine and Tudor, Ana-Despina (2017). Investigating the role of wearable activity-tracking technologies in the well-being and quality of life of people aged 55 and over. In: Wearable Technologies Special Interest Group, ACTIS (Advanced Clinical Technology Innovation Support) programme, 10 May 2017, Kents Hill Park Training & Conference Centre, Milton Keynes, England.

Minocha, Shailey; Banks, Duncan; Holland, Caroline and Palmer, Jane (2017). Investigating the influence of wearable activity - tracking technologies on behaviour change in people aged 55 and over. In: 3rd Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference: Harnessing Digital Technology for Behaviour Change, 22-23 Feb 2017, Mary Ward House, Tavistock Place, London.

Minocha, Shailey and Holland, Caroline (2016). Digital inclusion: opportunities for older people. In: Older European Citizens in a Changing World, Conference and AGM, Ransackers Association, 20 Sep 2016, Europe House, London, England.

Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine; Banks, Duncan and Palmer, Jane (2016). Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in Milton Keynes: developing an action plan. In: Tackling Loneliness And Social Isolation Workshop, Ageing Well and Living Well, Milton Keynes Health and Wellbeing Board, 27 Apr 2016, Civic Offices, Milton Keynes Council, Milton Keynes, UK.

Minocha, Shailey; Banks, Duncan; Holland, Caroline; Palmer, Jane; McNulty, Catherine and Peasgood, Alice (2016). Role of wearable activity-tracking technologies in the well-being and quality of life of people aged 55 and over. In: Haptics for Education workshop at STEM Futures – Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age, 5th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2016, 14-15 Apr 2016, The Open University, UK.

Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine; Banks, Duncan and Palmer, Jane (2016). Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in the UK. In: Campaign to End Loneliness Research Hub Meeting, 14 Apr 2016, London School of Economics, 9th Floor Research Suite, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE.

Palmer, Jane; Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine and Banks, Duncan (2016). Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in Milton Keynes: the way forward. In: Ageing Well and Living Well Scoping Workshop, 23 Feb 2016, Age UK Milton Keynes, The Peartree Centre, Milton Keynes.

Holland, Caroline (2015). Values and Ethics in Making Emerging Technologies Work for Older People. In: Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging (Zhou, Jia and Gavriel, Salvendy eds.), Springer, pp. 201–209.

Holland, Caroline (2014). Digital urbanisation and the dignity of older citizens. In: IUAES 2014 with JASCA: The Future with/of Anthropologies, 15-18 May 2014, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan.

Holland, Caroline (2014). ICT and twenty-first century ageing. In: Meaning and Culture(s): Exploring the Life Course: 8th International Symposium on Cultural Gerontology/2nd Conference of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS), 10-12 Apr 2014, Galway, Ireland.

Holland, Caroline (2013). Empirical research with older people. In: Conducting Empirical Research with Older People: A Symposium at The Open University, 11 Apr 2013, Milton Keynes, UK.

Katz, Jeanne and Holland, Caroline (2012). Understanding informal carers’ decision-making in choosing a care home for a person with dementia in hospital. In: Second ISA Forum of Sociology: Social Justice and Democratization, 1-4 Aug 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila (2012). Exploring the goals of older people with high support needs in the UK: does their consumption match their aspirations? In: Second ISA Forum of Sociology: Social Justice and Democratization, 1-4 Aug 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Holland, Caroline (2012). Age-inclusive services: what do older people want to say? In: IFA 11th Global Conference on Ageing: Ageing Connects, 28 May - 1 Jun 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.

Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne (2012). Research Briefing: What happens to people with dementia identified in general hospital? In: MICRA / DART Joint Dementia Symposium: Rethinking ‘dementia’: Multi-disciplinary approaches to understanding dementia in everyday life., 28 May 2012, MICRA, Manchester University.

Holland, Caroline (2011). Thinking about home: place, time, and biography. In: Theorizing Age: Challenging the Disciplines: 7th International Symposium on Cultural Gerontology, Inaugural Conference of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS), 6-9 Oct 2011, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila (2011). Validating aspirations of older people with high support needs. In: British Society of Gerontology 40th Annual Conference: "Understanding and Promoting the Values of Older Age", 5-7 Jul 2011, Plymouth, UK.

Holland, Caroline; Katz, Jeanne; Mitchell, Kathryn and Thein, Nwe (2011). A mixed method investigation of people with dementia in transition from general hospital to care homes. In: British Society of Gerontology 40th Annual Conference: "Understanding and Promoting the Value of Older Age", 5-7 Jul 2011, Plymouth, UK.

Tetley, Josie; Holland, Caroline; Nederland, Trud; Toorn, Jessica van den; Reichert, Monika; Lis, Katharina; Mason, Anne; Kokol, Peter; Blazun, Helena; Hughes, Jonathan; Waights, Verina and Holland, Simon (2010). Older people & technological innovations-lifelong, learning and applications for health and wellbeing. In: Fourth European Nursing Congress Older Persons: the Future of Care., 4-7 Oct 2010, Rotterdam.

Tetley, Josephine; Holland, Caroline; Hughes, Jonathan; Waights, Verina and Holland, Simon (2010). Older people and technological innovations: lifelong learning and applications for health and wellbeing. In: 39th British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, 6-8 Jul 2010, Brunel University, Uxbridge.

Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne (2010). Reflections of family carers of people with dementia recently admitted to a care home. In: British Society of Gerontology 39th Annual Conference: Identities, Care and Everyday Life, 6-8 Jul 2010, Uxbridge, UK.

Tetley, Josie; Hughes, Jonathan; Holland, Caroline and Waights, Verina (2009). Older people and technological innovations. In: British Society of Gerontology 38th Annual Conference - Culture Diversity and Ageing, 2-4 Sep- 2009, Bristol, UK.

Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Kellaher, Leonie (2009). Option recognition in later life: variations in ageing in place. In: 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Health, Wealth and Longevity, 5-9 Jul 2009, Paris, France.

Holland, Caroline and Ward, Richard (2009). Hair in later life: body image, identity and age discrimination. In: 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Health, Wealth and Longevity, 5-9 Jul 2009, Paris, France.

Holland, Caroline (2008). Participatory research with older people. In: Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, 14-17 May 2008, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, pp. 308–309.

Holland, Caroline and Ward, Richard (2008). In the hairdresser’s chair: negotiating an appropriate image in later life. In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 17 : micro and macro connections, 3-5 Apr 2008, Amsterdam.

Bytheway, Bill and Holland, Caroline (2007). Everyday age discrimination. In: British Society of Gerontology 36h Annual Conference: Realities of Ageing: Research into Action, 6-8 Sep 2007, Sheffield, UK.

Peace, Sheila; Katz, Jeanne; Holland, Caroline and Clark, Andrew (2007). Spaces for all. In: Rethink! New perspectives on public spaces, 24 Apr 2007, London.

Clark, Andrew; Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne (2005). Intergenerational relationships around town: Aylesbury in winter and spring. In: British Society of Gerontology 34th Annual Scientific Meeting, 14-16 Jul 2005, University of Keele.

Clark, Andrew; Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Katz, Jeanne (2005). Sense of community, public space, and intergenerational (in)activity in Middle England. In: Annual Meeting of The Association of American Geographers, 5-9 Apr 2005, Denver, CO, UK.

Peace, Sheila; Holland, Caroline and Kellaher, Leonie (2003). From research to practice to policy: from ‘environment and identity’ to ‘senior housing charter’. In: Social Policy Association Annual Conference – What Works? Evidence, Research and Inference in Social Policy., 15-17 Jul 2003, University of Teeside.

Peace, Sheila; Kellaher, Leonie and Holland, Caroline (2002). Making space for identity. In: 31st Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, 12-14 Sep 2002, Birmingham.

Holland, C.; Peace, S. and Kellaher, L. (2002). Environment and identity in later life: a cross-setting study. In: British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 13-15 Mar 2002, Blackpool.

Holland, Caroline and Peace, Sheila (2001). Inclusive housing in an ageing society. In: Quality in later life: rights, rhetoric and reality: proceedings of the British Society of Gerontology 30th Annual Conference.

Peace, Sheila and Holland, Caroline (2000). Mapping environmental well-being for older people: one aspect of quality of life. In: 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America, 7-21 Nov 2000, Washington, DC.

Peace, Sheila; Kellaher, Leonie and Holland, Caroline (2000). Understanding environmental well-being in later life. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Gerontology, annual Conference, pp. 20–21.

Holland, C. A. and Peace, S. M. (1998). Small residential homes: family care or mini institution? In: 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, 20-24 Nov 1998, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Holland, Caroline (1996). A life-course perspective on adaptive strategies in later life. In: 49th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, 17-21 Nov 1996, Washington, DC, USA.

Holland, Caroline (1996). A room of one’s own? In: Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, 20-22 Sep 1996, Liverpool, UK.

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