Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Bart Willems

12 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 15:21:46 2025 GMT.

2007To Top

Willems, Bart; Taam, Ronald E.; Kolb, Ulrich; Dubus, Guillaume and Sandquist, Eric L. (2007). Theoretical orbital period distributions of cataclysmic variables above the period gap: Effects of circumbinary disks. Astrophysical Journal, 657(1) pp. 465–481.

2006To Top

Willems, B.; Kolb, U. and Justham, S. (2006). Eclipsing binaries in extrasolar planet transit surveys: the case of SuperWASP. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 367(3) pp. 1103–1112.

2005To Top

Willems, B. and Kolb, U. (2005). The Orbital period distribution of wide binary millisecond pulsars. In: Binary Radio Pulsars, 11-17 Jan 2004, Aspen, Colorado, USA.

Willems, Bart; Kolb, Ulrich; Sandquist, Eric L.; Taam, Ronald E. and Dubus, Guillaume (2005). Angular momentum losses and the orbital period distribution of cataclysmic variables below the period gap: effects of circumbinary disks. Astrophysical Journal, 635(1) pp. 1263–1280.

Kolb, U. and Willems, B. (2005). Thermal-timescale mass transfer and evolved donor stars in CVs. In: The Astrophysics of cataclysmic variables and related objects, 11-16 Jul 2004, Strasbourg, France.

2004To Top

Uytterhoeven, K.; Willem, B.; Lefever, K.; Aerts, C.; Telting, J. H. and Kolb, U. (2004). Interpretation of the variability of the β Cephei star λ Scorpii. I. The multiple character. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 427(2) pp. 581–592.

Kolb, U. and Willems, B. (2004). Population synthesis studies of white dwarf binaries. In: Compact Binaries in the Galaxy and Beyond, 17-22 Nov 2003, California, U.S.A..

2003To Top

Willems, B. and Kolb, U. (2003). On the detection of pre-low-mass X-ray binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 343(3) pp. 949–958.

Willems, B. and Kolb, U. (2003). The population of wide binary millisecond pulsars. Astronomische Nachrichten, 324(1-2) p. 169.

Willems, B.; Van Hoolst, T. and Smeyers, P. (2003). Nonadiabatic resonant dynamic tides and orbital evolution in close binaries. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 397(3) pp. 973–986.


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