Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Bryan Singer

21 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 08:29:45 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

2023To Top

2019To Top

2018To Top

Singer, Bryan F.; Fadanelli, Monica; Kawa, Alex B. and Robinson, Terry E. (2018). Are cocaine-seeking “habits” necessary for the development of addiction-like behavior in rats? The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(1) pp. 60–73.

2017To Top

Singer, Bryan F.; Bryan, Myranda A.; Popov, Pavlo; Robinson, Terry E. and Aragona, Brandon J. (2017). Rapid induction of dopamine sensitization in the nucleus accumbens shell induced by a single injection of cocaine. Behavioural Brain Research, 324 pp. 66–70.

2016To Top

Singer, Bryan F.; Bubula, Nancy; Przybycien-Szymanska, Magdalena M.; Li, Dongdong and Vezina, Paul (2016). Stimuli associated with the presence or absence of amphetamine regulate cytoskeletal signaling and behavior. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 26(11) pp. 1836–1842.

Singer, Bryan (2016). The myth of the drug-habit: defining addiction as a disease. In: Newton, David ed. Youth Substance Abuse: A Reference Handbook. Contemporary World Issues. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, pp. 158–163.

Singer, Bryan F.; Guptaroy, Bipasha; Austin, Curtis J.; Wohl, Isabella; Lovic, Vedran; Seiler, Jillian L.; Vaughan, Roxanne A.; Gnegy, Margaret E.; Robinson, Terry E. and Aragona, Brandon J. (2016). Individual variation in incentive salience attribution and accumbens dopamine transporter expression and function. European Journal of Neuroscience, 43(5) pp. 662–670.

Ahrens, Allison M.; Singer, Bryan F.; Fitzpatrick, Christopher J.; Morrow, Jonathan D. and Robinson, Terry E. (2016). Rats that sign-track are resistant to Pavlovian but not instrumental extinction. Behavioural Brain Research, 296 pp. 418–430.

Singer, Bryan F.; Bubula, Nancy; Li, Dongdong; Przybycien-Szymanska, Magdalena M.; Bindokas, Vytautas P. and Vezina, Paul (2016). Drug-Paired Contextual Stimuli Increase Dendritic Spine Dynamics in Select Nucleus Accumbens Neurons. Neuropsychopharmacology, 41(8) pp. 2178–2187.

Singer, Bryan F.; Bryan, Myranda A.; Popov, Pavlo; Scarff, Raymond; Carter, Cody; Wright, Erin; Aragona, Brandon J. and Robinson, Terry E. (2016). The sensory features of a food cue influence its ability to act as an incentive stimulus and evoke dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens core. Learning & Memory, 23(11) pp. 595–606.

2014To Top

Vander Weele, Caitlin M.; Porter-Stransky, Kirsten A.; Mabrouk, Omar S.; Lovic, Vedran; Singer, Bryan F.; Kennedy, Robert T. and Aragona, Brandon J. (2014). Rapid dopamine transmission within the nucleus accumbens: Dramatic difference between morphine and oxycodone delivery. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40(7) pp. 3041–3054.

Singer, Bryan F.; Neugebauer, Nichole M.; Forneris, Justin; Rodvelt, Kelli R.; Li, Dongdong; Bubula, Nancy and Vezina, Paul (2014). Locomotor conditioning by amphetamine requires cyclin-dependent kinase 5 signaling in the nucleus accumbens. Neuropharmacology, 85 pp. 243–252.

Singer, Bryan F.; Anselme, Patrick; Robinson, Mike J. F. and Vezina, Paul (2014). Neuronal and psychological underpinnings of pathological gambling. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, article no. 230.

2013To Top

Singer, Bryan F. and Robinson, Terry E. (2013). The Incentive-Sensitization Disease Model of Addiction: Where Are We Now? In: Rennie, J. ed. McGraw-Hill Education Yearbook Of Science And Technology 2014. Science Reference. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 167–169.

2012To Top

Singer, B. F.; Scott-Railton, J. and Vezina, P. (2012). Unpredictable saccharin reinforcement enhances locomotor responding to amphetamine. Behavioural Brain Research, 226(1) pp. 340–344.

2010To Top

Loweth, Jessica A.; Singer, Bryan F.; Baker, Lorinda K.; Wilke, Georgia; Inamine, Hidetoshi; Bubula, Nancy; Alexander, John K.; Carlezon, Jr., William A.; Neve, Racheal L. and Vezina, Paul (2010). Transient Overexpression of α-Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell Enhances Behavioral Responding to Amphetamine. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(3) pp. 939–949.

2009To Top

Singer, Bryan F.; Tanabe, Lauren M.; Gorny, Grazyna; Jake-Matthews, Charmaine; Li, Yilin; Kolb, Bryan and Vezina, Paul (2009). Amphetamine-Induced Changes in Dendritic Morphology in Rat Forebrain Correspond to Associative Drug Conditioning Rather than Nonassociative Drug Sensitization. Biological Psychiatry, 65(10) pp. 835–840.

2005To Top

Hunter, John D.; Hanan, Diana M.; Singer, Bryan F.; Shaikh, Samir; Brubaker, Katherine A.; Hecox, Kurt E. and Towle, Vernon L. (2005). Locating chronically implanted subdural electrodes using surface reconstruction. Clinical Neurophysiology, 116(8) pp. 1984–1987.


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