Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Belinda Tynan

48 items in this list.
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2015To Top

2014To Top

Ferguson, Rebecca; Macfadyen, Leah P.; Clow, Doug; Tynan, Belinda; Alexander, Shirley and Dawson, Shane (2014). Setting learning analytics in context: overcoming the barriers to large-scale adoption. Journal of Learning Analytics, 1(3) pp. 120–144.

2013To Top

2012To Top

Andrews, Trish; Tynan, Belinda and Backstrom, Kendra (2012). Distance learners' use of non-institutional social media to augment and enhance their learning experience. In: Ascilite 2012: Future Challenges, Sustainable Futures, 25-28 Nov 2012, Wellington, New Zealand.

Andrews, Trish and Tynan, Belinda (2012). Distance learners: connected, mobile and resourceful individuals. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 28(4) pp. 565–579.

2011To Top

Bossu, Carina and Tynan, Belinda (2011). OERs: new media on the learning landscape. On the Horizon, 19(4) pp. 259–267.

Andrews, Trish; Tynan, Belinda and James, Rosalind (2011). The lived experience of learners' use of new media in distance teaching and learning. On the Horizon, 19(4) pp. 321–330.

Andrews, Trish; Tynan, Belinda and Stewart, Cherry (2011). Ubiquitous learning: issues in the Australian higher education context. In: Kidd, Terry T. and Chen, Irene eds. Ubiquitous Learning: Strategies for Pedagogy, Course Design, and Technology. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, pp. 41–60.

Andrews, Trish and Tynan, Belinda (2011). Changing student learning preferences: what does this mean for the future of universities? In: Ascilite 2011: Changing Demands, Changing Directions, 4-7 Dec 2011, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 118–122.

Dalgarno, Barney; Lee, Mark J. W.; Carlson, Lauren; Gregory, Sue and Tynan, Belinda (2011). Institutional support for and barriers to the use of 3D immersive virtual worlds in higher education. In: AscIlite 2011: Changing Demands, Changing Directions, 4-7 Dec 2011, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 316–330.

Delgarno, Barney; Lee, Mark J. W.; Carlson, Lauren; Gregory, Sue and Tynan, Belinda (2011). An Australian and New Zealand scoping study on the use of 3D immersive virtual worlds in higher education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(1) pp. 1–15.

Wise, Nathan and Tynan, Belinda (2011). The DEHub virtual learning space: a niche social network community of practice. In: Keppell, Mike; Souter, Kay and Riddle, Matthew eds. Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces in Higher Education: Concepts for the Modern Learning Environment. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing (IGI Global), pp. 136–146.

Andrews, Trish; Smyth, Robyn; Tynan, Belinda; Berriman, Andrew; Vale, Deborah and Caladine, Richard (2011). Mobile technologies and rich media: expanding tertiary education opportunities in developing countries. In: Abdel-Wahab, Ahmed Gad and El-Masry, Ahmed Ahmed A. eds. Mobile Information Communication Technologies Adoption in Developing Countries: Effects and Implications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (IGI Global), pp. 103–116.

Lee, Mark J. W.; McCloughlin, Catherine and Tynan, Belinda (2011). Podcasting in distance learning: true pedagogical innovation or just more of the same? In: Lee, Mark J. W and McCloughlin, Catherine eds. Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (IGI Global), pp. 228–246.

Tynan, Belinda and Barnes, Cameron (2011). Web 2.0 and professional development of academic staff. In: Lee, Mark J. W. and McCloughlin, Catherine eds. Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference (IGI Global), pp. 365–379.

2010To Top

Caladine, Richard; Andrews, Trish; Tynan, Belinda; Smyth, Robyn and Vale, Deborah (2010). New communications options: a renaissance in videoconference use. In: Veletsianos, George ed. Emerging Technologies in Distance Education. Issues in Distance Education. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Athabasca University Press, pp. 249–266.

Delgamo, Barney; Lee, Mark J. W.; Carlson, Lauren; Gregory, Sue and Tynan, Belinda (2010). 3D immersive virtual worlds in higher education: an Australian and New Zealand scoping study. In: ASCILITE 2010: Curriculum, Technology and Transformation for an Unknown Future, 5-8 Dec 2010, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, pp. 269–280.

Andrews, Trish and Tynan, Belinda (2010). Why the student voice? The case for investigating the distance learners' experience of ICT in distance education. In: ASCILITE 2010: Curriculum, Technology and Transformation for an Unknown Future, 5-8 Dec 2010, Syndey, New South Wales, Australia, pp. 60–64.

Tynan, Belinda (2010). A community for learning and teaching, research, and innovation in distance education. In: Sixth Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, 24-28 Nov 2010, Kochi, India.

Tynan, Belinda; Adlington, Rachael; Stewart, Cherry; Vale, Deborah; Sims, Rod and Shanahan, Peter (2010). Managing projects for change: contextualised project management. Journal of Distance Education, 24(1) pp. 187–206.

Gregory, Sue; Reiners, Torsten and Tynan, Belinda (2010). Alternative realities: immersive learning for and with students. In: Song, Holim ed. Distance Learning Technology, Current Instruction, and the Future of Education: Applications of Today, Practices of Tomorrow. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing (IGI Global), pp. 245–272.

McDonell, Jennifer; Parkes, Mitchell and Tynan, Belinda (2010). Virtual tutor support using SMARTHINKING: preliminary findings. In: ASCILITE 2010: Curriculum, Technology & Transformation for an Unknown Future, 5-8 Dec 2010, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, pp. 595–603.

Garbett, Dawn and Tynan, Belinda (2010). A lifeline for emerging academics. In: Cantwell, Robert H. and Scevak, Jill J. eds. An Academic Life: A Handbook For New Academics. Camberwell, Victoria, Australia: ACER Press, pp. 173–180.

2009To Top

Gregory, Sue and Tynan, Belinda (2009). Introducing Jass Easterman: my 'Second Life' learning space. In: ascilite 2009: Same places, different spaces, 6-9 Dec 2009, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 377–386.

Tynan, Belinda (2009). Bringing new learning to old cultures. In: Bamber, Veronica; Trowler, Paul; Saunders, Murray and Knight, Peter eds. Enhancing learning, teaching, assessment and curriculum in higher education: theory, cases, practices. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 127–132.

Tynan, Belinda (2009). Harnessing international collaboration and cooperation for research and capacity development. In: 4th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, 27 May 2009, Dakar, Senegal.

2008To Top

Tynan, Belinda; Stewart, Cherry; Adlington, Rachael; Littledyke, Mike and Swinsburg, Steve (2008). Participatory action research for professional development: changing our approach to distance learning. In: ASCILITE 2008 Conference: Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology?, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2008, Melbourne, Australia.

Andrews, Trish; Smyth, Robyn; Tynan, Belinda; Vale, Deb and Caladine, Richard (2008). Rich media technologies and uncertain futures: developing sustainable, scalable models. In: ASCILITE 2008 conference: Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology?, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2008, Melbourne, Australia.

Tynan, Belinda (2008). Authentic learning experiences: complementary organizational strategy for academic professional development. In: IADIS e-Learning 2008 Conference, 22-25 Jul 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Smyth, Robyn; Tynan, Belinda and Vale, Deborah (2008). Leading rich media implementation collaboratively: mobilising international, national and business expertise. In: IADIS e-Learning 2008 Conference, 22-25 Jul 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Lee, Mark J. W. and Tynan, Belinda (2008). Podcasts and distance learning. In: Salmon, Gilly and Edirisingha, Palitha eds. Podcasting for Learning in Universities. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 92–102.

Tynan, Belinda; Lee, Mark J. W. and Barnes, Cameron (2008). Polar bears, black gold, and light bulbs: creating stable futures for tertiary education through instructor training and support in the use of ICTs. In: ED-MEDIA 2008: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, 30 Jun - 4 Jul 2008, Vienna, Austria, pp. 3557–3564.

Ware, Helen and Tynan, Belinda (2008). The use of Wiki in teaching/learning peace studies: a platform for the disadvantaged. In: Fifth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning: Access to Learning for Development (PCF5), 13-17 Jul 2008, London, United Kingdom.

2007To Top

Barnes, Cameron and Tynan, Belinda (2007). The adventures of Miranda in the brave new world: learning in a Web 2.0 millennium. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 15(3) pp. 189–200.

Tynan, Belinda and Smyth, Robyn (2007). Evaluating the work of academic developers: a case study from the University of New England. In: 30th HERDSA Annual Conference: Enhancing Higher Education, Theory and Scholarship (HERDSA 2007), 8-11 Jul 2007, Adelaide, Australia.

Garbett, Dawn and Tynan, Belinda (2007). Storytelling as a means of reflecting on the lived experience of making curriculum in teacher education. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 32(1) pp. 45–51.

Tynan, Belinda R. and Garbett, Dawn L. (2007). Negotiating the university research culture: collaborative voices of new academics. Higher Education Research and Development, 26(4) pp. 411–424.

2006To Top

Colbran, Stephen and Tynan, Belinda (2006). Australian Law Postgraduate Network (ALPN). Legal Education Review, 16(1&2) pp. 35–53.

Tynan, Belinda and Colbran, Stephen (2006). Podcasting, student learning and expectations. In: ASCILITE 2006: Who's Learning? Whose Technology?, 3-6 Dec 2006, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, pp. 825–832.

2005To Top

Tynan, Belinda (2005). How do we go beyond the affordances of what we already do on campus? A case of supporting staff in developing a constructivist learning environment. In: ASCILITE 2005: Balance, Fidelity, Mobility. Maintaining the Momentum?, 4-7 Dec 2005, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, pp. 685–691.

2004To Top

Garbett, Dawn and Tynan, Belinda (2004). Preliminary findings: early childhood student teachers' perception of their confidence and competence. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 25(1) pp. 67–74.


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