Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Bundy Mackintosh

7 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Feb 12 00:52:13 2025 GMT.

2006To Top

Marcel, Anthony; Mackintosh, Bundy; Postma, Peggy; Cusack, Rhodri; Vuckovich, Joseph; Nimmo-Smith, Ian and Cox, Sylvia M. L. (2006). Is susceptibility to perceptual migration and fusion modality-specific or multimodal? Neuropsychologia, 44(5) pp. 693–710.

2005To Top

Watkins, Ed; Moulds, Michelle and Mackintosh, Bundy (2005). Comparisons between rumination and worry in a non-clinical population. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43(12) pp. 1577–1585.

Munafo, Marcus A.; Johnstone, Elaine C. and Mackintosh, Bundy (2005). Association of serotonin transporter genotype with selective processing of smoking-related stimuli in current smokers and ex-smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 7(5) pp. 773–778.

Yiend, Jenny; Mackintosh, Bundy and Mathews, Andrew (2005). Enduring consequences of experimentally induced biases in interpretation. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43(6) pp. 779–797.

Barnard, P. J.; Ramponi, C.; Battye, G. and Mackintosh, B. (2005). Anxiety and the deployment of visual attention over time. Visual Cognition, 12(1) pp. 181–211.

2004To Top

Marcel, Anthony; Postma, Peggy; Gillmeister, Helge; Cox, Sylvia; Rorden, Christopher; Nimmo-Smith, Ian and Mackintosh, Bundy (2004). Migration and fusion of tactile sensation — premorbid susceptibility to allochiria, neglect and extinction? Neuropsychologia, 42(13) pp. 1749–1767.

Mathews, Andrew and Mackintosh, Bundy (2004). Take a closer look: emotion modifies the boundary extension effect. Emotion, 4(1) pp. 36–45.


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