Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Brigid Featherstone

22 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 11:25:38 2025 GMT.

BookTo Top

White, Sue; Morris, Kate and Featherstone, Brid (2014). Re-imagining Child Protection: Towards Humane Social Work with Families. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Edited BookTo Top

Featherstone, Brid; Hooper, C-A .; Scourfield, J. and Taylor, J. eds. (2010). Gender and Child Welfare in Society. Chichester: Wiley.

Book SectionTo Top

Ruxton, Sandy; Robb, Martin; Featherstone, Brigid and Ward, Michael (2018). Beyond Male Role Models: Gender Identities and Work with Young Men in the UK. In: Kulkarni, Mangesh and Jain, Rimjhim eds. Global Masculinities: Interrogations and Reconstructions. India: Routledge.

Robb, Martin; Featherstone, Brid; Ruxton, Sandy and Ward, Michael R.M. (2018). Family relationships and troubled masculinities: the experience of young men in contact with care and welfare services. In: O'Dell, Lindsay; Brownlow, Charlotte and Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna eds. Different Childhoods: Non/Normative Development and Transgressive Trajectories. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp. 72–84.

Featherstone, Brid (2010). Gender, rights, responsibilities and social policy. In: Wallbank, Julie; Choudry, Shazia and Herring, Jonathan eds. Gender, Rights and Family Law. London: Routledge, pp. 26–42.

Featherstone, Brid (2010). Ethic of care. In: Gray, Mel and Webb, Stephen A. eds. Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 73–84.

Featherstone, Brid (2010). Engaging fathers: promoting gender equality. In: Featherstone, Brid; Hooper, Carol-Ann; Scourfield, Jonathan and Taylor, Julie eds. Gender and Child Welfare in Society. Wiley, pp. 173–194.

Featherstone, Brid and Green, Lorraine (2009). Judith Butler. In: Gray, Mel and Webb, Stephen A. eds. Social Work Theories and Methods. London: Sage, pp. 53–62.

Journal ItemTo Top

Featherstone, Brid; Morris, Kate and White, Sue (2014). A marriage made in hell: early intervention meets child protection. British Journal of Social Work, 44(7) pp. 1735–1749.

Featherstone, Brid; White, Sue and Wastell, Dave (2012). Ireland's opportunity to learn from England's difficulties? Auditing uncertainty in child protection. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 12(1) pp. 49–62.

Featherstone, Brid and Fraser, Claire (2012). Working with fathers around domestic violence: contemporary debates. Child Abuse Review, 21(4) pp. 255–263.

Featherstone, Brid; Fraser, Claire; Ashley, Cathy and Ledward, Pam (2011). Advocacy for parents and carers involved with children's services: making a difference to working in partnership? Child & Family Social Work, 16(3) pp. 266–275.

Featherstone, Brid (2010). Writing fathers in but mothers out!!! Critical Social Policy, 30(2) pp. 208–224.


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