Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Bill Bytheway

14 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 22:38:50 2025 GMT.

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Bornat, Joanna and Bytheway, Bill (2010). Perceptions and presentations of living with everyday risk in later life. British Journal of Social Work, 40(4) pp. 1118–1134.

Bytheway, Bill (2009). Writing about age, birthdays and the passage of time. Ageing and Society, 29(6) pp. 883–901.

Bornat, Joanna and Bytheway, Bill (2008). Tracking the lives of the oldest generation. Generations Review, 18(4) no page numbers.

Bytheway, Bill and Holland, Caroline (2007). Everyday age discrimination. In: British Society of Gerontology 36h Annual Conference: Realities of Ageing: Research into Action, 6-8 Sep 2007, Sheffield, UK.

Bytheway, Bill (2005). Ageism. In: Johnson, Malcolm L.; Bengtson, Vern L.; Coleman, Peter G. and Kirkwood, Thomas B. L. eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Age and Ageing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 338–345.

Bytheway, Bill (2005). Ageism and age categorization. Journal of Social Issues, 61(2) pp. 361–374.

Bytheway, Bill and Johnson, Julia (2004). Cataloguing old age. In: Andrews, Gavin J. and Phillips, David R. eds. Ageing and place: perspectives, policy and practice. Routledge Studies in Human Geography. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 176–187.

Bytheway, Bill (2003). Visual representations of late life. In: Faircloth, Christopher A. ed. Aging Bodies: Images and Everyday Experience. Walnut Creek, California, USA: AltaMira Press, pp. 29–53.

Bytheway, Bill (2002). Positioning gerontology in an ageist world. In: Andersson, Lars ed. Cultural gerontology. Westport, CT, USA: Auburn House, pp. 59–76.

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Johnson, Julia and Bytheway, Bill (2001). The use of medicines bought in pharmacies and other retail outlets. In: Heller, Tom; Muston, Rosemary; Sidell, Moyra and Lloyd, Cathy eds. Working for Health. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 319–328.

Johnson, J. and Bytheway, B. (2001). An evaluation of the use of diaries in a study of medication in later life. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 4(3) pp. 183–204.


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