Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Bradley Kelman

5 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Sep 17 03:37:51 2024 BST.

2024To Top

Skottfelt, Jesper; Wander, Matt; Cropper, Mark S.; Dryer, Benjamin; Hall, David J.; Hayes, Richard; Kelman, Bradley; Kitching, Thomas; Kohley, Ralf; Lagattuta, David J.; Lee-Payne, Zoe; Liebing, Patricia; Massey, Richard J.; McCracken, Henry J.; Nakajima, Reiko and Nightingale, James W. (2024). Tracking radiation damage of Euclid VIS detectors after 1 year in space. In: Proc. SPIE 13092, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 16-20 Jun 2024, Yokohama, Japan.

Kelman, Bradley; Prod’homme, Thibaut; Skottfelt, Jesper; Hall, David; Lemmel, Frederic; Seibert, Constanze; Verhoeve, Peter and Hubbard, Michael (2024). Investigation of an irradiated CCD device: Building and testing a Charge Transfer Inefficiency correction pipeline using the Pyxel framework. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1068, article no. 169678.

2022To Top

Arko, Matej; Prod’homme, Thibaut; Lemmel, Frédéric; Serra, Benoit; George, Elizabeth; Kelman, Bradley; Pichon, Thibault; Biancalani, Enrico and Gilbert, James (2022). Pyxel 1.0: an open source Python framework for detector and end-to-end instrument simulation. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 8(04), article no. 048002.

Arko, Matej; Prod'homme, Thibaut; Lemmel, Frédéric; Serra, Benoit; George, Elizabeth; Kelman, Bradley; Pichon, Thibault; Biancalani, Enrico and Gilbert, James (2022). Pyxel 1.0: an open source Python framework for detector and end-to-end instrument simulation. In: Proc. SPIE 12187, Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy X (Angeli, George Z. and Dierickx, Philippe eds.), SPIE, Bellingham, WA, article no. 1218705.

Kelman, Bradley; Prod'homme, Thibaut; Skottfelt, Jesper; Lemmel, Frederic; Arko, Matej; Liebing, Patricia; Verhoeve, Peter; Dryer, Benjamin; Hall, David and Hubbard, Michael (2022). Calibrating and correcting charge transfer inefficiency in CCDs using Pyxel. In: Proc. SPIE 12191, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy X, 12191F.


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