Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Amanda Wrigley

38 items in this list.
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Hobden, Fiona and Wrigley, Amanda (2018). Broadcasting Greece: an introduction to Greek antiquity on the small screen. In: Hobden, Fiona and Wrigley, Amanda eds. Ancient Greece on British Television. Screening Antiquity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1–23.

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Lodhi, Aasiya and Wrigley, Amanda (2018). Introduction: Radio Modernisms. Media History, 24(2) pp. 159–165.

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Smart, Billy and Wrigley, Amanda (2016). Television history: archives, excavation and the future. A discussion. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies, 11(1) pp. 96–109.

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Wrigley, Amanda (2018). Tragedy for Teens: Ancient Greek Tragedy on BBC and ITV Schools Television in the 1960s. In: Hobden, Fiona and Wrigley, Amanda eds. Ancient Greece on British Television. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 84–108.

Wrigley, Amanda (2018). Afterlives of BBC Radio Features. Media History, 24(2) pp. 266–282.

Wrigley, Amanda (2017). Aeschylus’ Oresteia on British Television. In: Kennedy, Rebecca Futo ed. Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aeschylus. Brill's Companions to Classical Reception (11). Brill, pp. 430–454.

Wrigley, A. (2015). Sophoclean television: Electra without subtitles on ITV in 1962. In: Vatain-Corfdir, J. ed. La Scène en Version Originale. Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne (PUPS), pp. 55–65.

Wrigley, A. (2015). The Anger of Achilles: A Prize-Winning ‘Epic for Radio’ by Robert Graves. In: Gibson, A. G. G. ed. Robert Graves and the Classical Tradition. Oxford University Press, pp. 314–331.

Wrigley, Amanda (2015). The Spaces of Medieval Mystery Plays on British Television. Shakespeare Bulletin, 33(4) pp. 569–593.

Wrigley, Amanda (2014). Space and Place in Joan Kemp-Welch’s Television Productions of Theatre Plays. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 34(3) pp. 405–419.

Wrigley, Amanda (2014). Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood, ‘a Play for Voices’ on Radio, Stage and Television. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies, 9(3) pp. 77–88.

Wrigley, Amanda (2014). Aristophanes at the BBC, 1940s-1960s. In: Olson, S. Douglas ed. Ancient Comedy and Reception: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Henderson. De Gruyter, pp. 849–870.

Wrigley, Amanda (2013). Practising Classical Reception Studies ‘in the Round’: Mass Media Engagements with Antiquity and the 'Democratic Turn' towards the Audience. In: Hardwick, Lorna and Harrison, Stephen eds. Classics in the Modern World: A Democratic Turn. Oxford University Press, pp. 350–364.

Wrigley, Amanda (2013). Louis MacNeice, Classical Antiquity and BBC Radio: From Wartime Propaganda to Radio Plays. In: Wrigley, Amanda and Harrison, Stephen eds. Louis MacNeice: The Classical Radio Plays. Oxford University Press, pp. 1–30.

Wyver, John and Wrigley, Amanda (2012). Screen Plays: Theatre Plays on British Television. Viewfinder: Moving Image and Sound, Knowledge and Access, 86

Wrigley, Amanda (2012). Classics on TV: Greek Tragedy on the Small Screen. Journal of Classics Teaching, 26

Wrigley, A. and Davis, R. (2011). Greek immigrants playing ancient Greeks at Chicago’s Hull-House: whose antiquity? Journal of American Drama and Theatre, 23(2) pp. 7–29.

Wrigley, Amanda (2011). A wartime radio Odyssey: Edward Sackville-West and Benjamin Britten's The Rescue (1943). Radio Journal:International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 8(2) pp. 81–103.

Wrigley, Amanda (2009). Engagements with Greek drama and Homeric epic on BBC Radio in the 1940s and 1950s. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis The Open University.

Wrigley, Amanda (2009). Louis MacNeice’s Radio Classics: “All So Unimaginably Different”? In: Lowe, Dunstan and Shahabudin, Kim eds. Classics For All: Reworking Antiquity in Mass Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 39–63.

Wrigley, Amanda (2009). Antigone and the 'Theban Maidens' in Aberdeen, 1919. Aberdeen University Review, 62(2) pp. 118–121.

Wrigley, A. (2007). Aristophanes Revitalized! Music and Spectacle on the Academic Stage. In: Hall, E. and Wrigley, A. eds. Aristophanes In Performance 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds And Frogs. Maney Publishing, pp. 136–154.

Wrigley, Amanda (2007). Stages of imagination: Greek plays on BBC Radio. In: Stray, Christopher ed. Remaking the Classics: Literature, Genre and Media in Britain 1800-2000. Duckworth, pp. 57–74.

Wrigley, Amanda (2007). The Balliol Players at Holywell Manor. In: Murray, Oswyn ed. Holywell Manor: An Anecdotal History. Holywell Manor, Balliol College Graduate Centre.

Wrigley, Amanda (2005). Aeschylus’ Agamemnon on BBC radio, 1946–1976. International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 12(2) pp. 216–244.


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