Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ana-Despina Tudor

14 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 18:20:49 2025 GMT.

2018To Top

Minocha, Shailey; Tilling, Steve and Tudor, Ana-Despina (2018). Role of Virtual Reality in Geography and Science Fieldwork Education. In: Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series, Learning from New Technology, 25 Apr 2018, Belfast.

Tudor, Ana-Despina; Minocha, Shailey; Collins, Melanie and Tilling, Steve (2018). Mobile virtual reality for environmental education. Journal of Virtual Studies, 9(2) pp. 25–36.

Minocha, Shailey; Tudor, Ana-Despina; Banks, Duncan; Holland, Caroline; McNulty, Catherine; Ail, Rohit; Palmer, Jane and Bowering, Sue (2018). Role Of Digital Health Wearables In The Wellbeing And Quality Of Life Of Older People And Carers. In: Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS): Using Technology in Social Care, 14 Mar 2018, Belfast.

2017To Top

Minocha, Shailey and Tudor, Ana-Despina (2017). Virtual Reality in education and for employability. In: Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Online Winter Conference 2017, 12-13 Dec 2017, Online [webinar].

Minocha, Shailey and Tudor, Ana-Despina (2017). Educational Affordances of Mobile Virtual Reality. In: Interaction Design Centre Seminar Series, Invited Talk, 31 Oct 2017, Middlesex University London, UK.

Minocha, Shailey and Tudor, Ana-Despina (2017). Virtual reality in education. In: Learning Design and Technology Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group, 20 Sep 2017, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK.

Minocha, Shailey and Tudor, Ana-Despina (2017). Virtual reality for employability skills. In: Employability in a distance learning context: using virtual reality, Employability Scholarship Network, 20 Jul 2017, The Open University, Milton Keynes, England.

Minocha, Shailey; Tudor, Ana-Despina and Tilling, Steve (2017). Affordances of Mobile Virtual Reality and their Role in Learning and Teaching. In: The 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference, 3-6 Jul 2017, University of Sunderland’s St. Peter’s Campus, UK.

Minocha, Shailey; Holland, Caroline; Banks, Duncan; McNulty, Catherine and Tudor, Ana-Despina (2017). Investigating the role of wearable activity-tracking technologies in the well-being and quality of life of people aged 55 and over. In: Wearable Technologies Special Interest Group, ACTIS (Advanced Clinical Technology Innovation Support) programme, 10 May 2017, Kents Hill Park Training & Conference Centre, Milton Keynes, England.

Tilling, Steve; Tudor, Ana-Despina; Kitchen, Becky and Minocha, Shailey (2017). Investigating the role of virtual reality in geography via Google Expeditions. In: Geographical Association Annual Conference 2017, 20-22 Apr 2017, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Parkinson, Alan; Kitchen, Rebecca; Tudor, Ana-Despina; Minocha, Shailey and Tilling, Steve (2017). Role of smartphone-driven virtual reality field trips in inquiry-based learning. In: Geographical Association Annual Conference 2017, 20-22 Apr 2017, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Tudor, Ana-Despina; Minocha, Shailey; Tilling, Steve; Needham, Richard and Cutler, Marianne (2017). Google expeditions and fieldwork: friends or foes? In: ASE (The Association for Science Education, UK) Annual Conference 2017, 4-7 Jan 2017, University of Reading, UK.

2016To Top

Minocha, Shailey; Tudor, Ana-Despina; Tilling, Steve and Needham, Richard (2016). Extending Science lessons with Virtual Reality. In: ASE (The Association for Science Education, UK) Northern Conference 2016, 19 Nov 2016, Sheffield Institute of Education.


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