Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Alessandro Sancino

69 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Oct 7 07:42:33 2024 BST.

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Anessi-Pessina, Eugenio; Barbera, Carmela; Langella, Cecilia; Manes-Rossi, Francesca; Sancino, Alessandro; Sicilia, Mariafrancesca and Steccolini, Ileana (2020). Reconsidering public budgeting after the COVID-19 outbreak: key lessons and future challenges. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 32(5) pp. 957–965.

BTo Top

Bannink, Duco; Sancino, Alessandro and Sorrentino, Maddalena (2024). Governance without we. Wicked problems and collaborative governance. Public Policy and Administration (early access).

Barbera, Carmela; Nabatchi, Tina; Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca (2023). Monetary and symbolic rewards: do they matter for fostering co-commissioning and co-delivery of public services? Public Management Review [Early Access].

Bengo, Irene; Boni, Leonardo and Sancino, Alessandro (2022). EU financial regulations and social impact measurement practices: A comprehensive framework on finance for sustainable development. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 29(4) pp. 809–819.

Beer, Andrew; Ayres, Sarah; Clower, Terry; Faller, Fabian; Sancino, Alessandro and Sotarauta, Markku (2019). Place leadership and regional economic development: a framework for cross-regional analysis. Regional Studies, 53(2) pp. 171–182.

Bryson, John; Sancino, Alessandro; Benington, John and Sørensen, Eva (2017). Towards a multi-actor theory of public value co-creation. Public Management Review, 19(5) pp. 640–654.

Borgonovi, Elio and Sancino, Alessandro (2014). Reshaping (local) public management in turbulent times: conceptualizing domains and providing recommendations for public managers. In: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, 3-5 Dec 2014, Sydney.

Braga, Alessandro; Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca (2013). Gli enti locali tra crisi e spending review: quale ruolo per il non-profit? [Local authorities between crisis and spending review: what role for non-profit sector?]. Non Profit: diritto e management degli enti non commerciali, 19(2/3) pp. 21–36.

CTo Top

Cristofoli, Daniela; Trivellato, Benedetta; Sancino, Alessandro; Maccio’, Laura and Markovic, Josip (2021). Public network leadership and the ties that lead. Journal of Management and Governance, 25 pp. 251–274.

Campanale, C; Mauro, S G and Sancino, Alessandro (2020). Managing co-production and enhancing good governance principles: insights from two case studies. Journal of Management and Governance

Cristofoli, Daniela; Maccio, Laura and Sancino, Alessandro (2011). Managing successful networks: the case of intermunicipality collaboration”. In: ed. Yearbook of Swiss Administrative Sciences. Winterthur: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Verwaltungswissenschaften, pp. 121–139.

Caperchione, Eugenio; Pattaro, Anna Francesca and Sancino, Alessandro (2009). Un confronto internazionale: come altri Paesi europei hanno declinato il Patto di stabilità interno

(An international comparison: how some European countries have applied the Internal Stability and Growth Pact).
In: Amatucci, Fabio; Pezzani, Fabrizio and Vecchi, Veronica eds. Le Scelte Di Finanziamento Degli Enti Locali. Milan: Egea, pp. 91–110.

ETo Top

Esposito, Paolo; Braga, Alessandro; Sancino, Alessandro and Ricci, Paolo (2023). The strategic governance of the digital accounting environment: insights from virtual museums. Meditari Accountancy Research, 31(2) pp. 366–380.

Esposito, Paolo; Ricci, Paolo and Sancino, Alessandro (2020). Leading for social change: Waste management in the place of social (ir)responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(2) pp. 667–674.

GTo Top

Gerli, Paolo; Mora, Luca; Zhang, Jun and Sancino, Alessandro (2024). Friends or enemies? Unraveling niche-regime interactions in grassroots digital innovations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 202, article no. 123342.

Garavaglia, Christian; Sancino, Alessandro and Trivellato, Benedetta (2021). Italian mayors and the management of COVID-19: adaptive leadership for organizing local governance. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 62(1) pp. 76–92.

Giacomini, Davide; Martini, Mattia; Sancino, Alessandro; Zola, Paola and Cavenago, Dario (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility Actions and Organizational Legitimacy at the Peak of COVID-19: a Sentiment Analysis. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 21(6) pp. 1043–1058.

Giacomini, Davide; Sancino, Alessandro and Simonetto, Anna (2018). The introduction of mandatory inter-municipal cooperation in small municipalities: preliminary lessons from Italy. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 31(3) pp. 331–346.

Giacomini, Davide and Sancino, Alessandro (2016). Inter-Municipal Co-Operation in Italy: A Reform without Reformers? Regions Magazine, 303(1) pp. 19–21.

García García, María Jesús and Sancino, Alessandro (2016). Directly Elected Mayors vs. Council Appointed Mayors – Which Effects on Local Government Systems? A Comparison between Italy and Spain. In: Sadioglu, Ugur and Dede, Kadir eds. Theoretical Foundations and Discussions on the Reformation Process in Local Governments. Information Science Reference - IGI Global, pp. 288–303.

HTo Top

Hartley, Jean; Sancino, Alessandro; Bennister, Mark and Resodihardjo, Sandra L. (2019). Leadership for public value: Political astuteness as a conceptual link. Public Administration, 97(2) pp. 239–249.

ITo Top

Imperiale, Francesca; Sancino, Alessandro; Fasiello, Roberta and Ricci, Paolo (2023). Governing public heritage assets with civil society: exploring the typologies of collaboration by the dominant actor. Journal of Management and Governance (Early Access).

KTo Top

Källström, Lisa; Mauro, Sara; Sancino, Alessandro and Grossi, Giuseppe (2021). The governance games of citizens and stakeholders’ engagement: longitudinal narratives. Local Government Studies, 47(5) pp. 859–885.

MTo Top

Meneguzzo, Marco; Sancino, Alessandro; Guenon, Marcel and Fiorani, Gloria (2013). New development: the crisis and European local government reforms”. Public Money and Management, 33(6) pp. 459–462.

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OTo Top

Ongaro, Edoardo; Sancino, Alessandro; Pluchinotta, Irene; Williams, Hannah; Kitchener, Martin and Ferlie, Ewan (2021). Strategic management as an enabler of co-creation in public services. Policy and Politics, 49(2) pp. 287–304.

PTo Top

Potluka, Oto; Sancino, Alessandro; Diamond, John and Rees, James (2021). Place leadership and the role of the third sector and civil society. Voluntary Sector Review, 12(1) pp. 3–12.

RTo Top

Ruffini, Renato; Tuca, Mihaela; Sancino, Alessandro and Andreani, Martino (2014). The search of a new logic of public administration reforms: the case of metropolitan areas in Italy. In: 9th International Conference on European Integration, Realities and Perspectives, 16-17 May 2014, Galati, Romania, pp. 396–399.

STo Top

Sancino, Alessandro; Scognamiglio, Fulvio; Corvo, Luigi; Imperiale, Francesca and Pasi, Giulio (2024). Institutionalizing Experimental Places for Inclusive Social Innovation: From Utopias to Heterotopias. Voluntas : international journal of voluntary and nonprofit organizations, 35 pp. 240–252.

Sancino, Alessandro; Pagani, Michela; Corvo, Luigi; Braga, Alessandro and Scognamiglio, Fulvio (2023). Civic leadership for a transformative social economy: A comparison of city leadership constellations in Italy and the UK. In: Krlev, Gorgi; Wruk, Dominika; Pasi, Giulio and Bernhard, Marika eds. Social Economy Science. Oxford University Press, pp. 334–361.

Sancino, Alessandro; Budd, Leslie and Pagani, Michela (2021). Place leadership, policy making and politics. In: Sotarautu, Markku and Beer, Andrew eds. Handbook on City and Regional Leadership. Research Books in Urban Studie. London: Edawrd Elgar, pp. 57–70.

Sancino, Alessandro; Garavaglia, Christian; Sicilia, Mariafrancesca and Braga, Alessandro (2021). New development: Covid-19 and its publics—implications for strategic management and democracy. Public Money & Management, 41(5) pp. 404–407.

Sancino, Alessandro; Carli, Giacomo; Giacomini, Davide and Pagani, Michela (2019). Coproduction of Public Leadership: The Engagement of Mayors With Citizens, Managers and Politicians. In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2019(1), article no. 12372abstract.

Sicilia, Mariafrancesca; Sancino, Alessandro; Nabatchi, Tina and Guarini, Enrico (2019). Facilitating co-production in public services: management implications from a systematic literature review. Public Money & Management, 39(4) pp. 233–240.

Sancino, Alessandro; Grossi, Giuseppe and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca (2018). Between patronage and good governance: organizational arrangements in (local) public appointment processes. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 84(4) pp. 785–802.

Sancino, Alessandro and Budd, Leslie (2018). City Leadership and Social Regeneration: The Potential of Community Leadership and the New Roles for Public Managers and Politicians. In: Sacchetti, Silvia; Christoforou, Asimina and Mosca, Michele eds. Social Regeneration and Local Development: Cooperation, Social Economy and Public Participation. New York/Oxon: Routledge, pp. 175–185.

Sancino, Alessandro; Rees, James and Schindele, Irene (2018). Cross-Sector Collaboration for Public Value Co-Creation: A Critical Analysis. In: Stout, Margaret ed. From Austerity to Abundance?: Creative Approaches to Coordinating the Common Good. Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management, 6. Emerald, pp. 59–73.

Sicilia, Mariafrancesca; Guarini, Enrico; Sancino, Alessandro; Andreani, Martino and Ruffini, Renato (2016). Public services management and co-production in multi-level governance settings. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 82(1) pp. 8–27.

Sancino, Alessandro (2016). The meta co-production of community outcomes: towards a citizens’ capabilities approach. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary Nonprofit Organizations, 27(1) pp. 409–424.

Sancino, Alessandro; Meneguzzo, Marco and Cristofoli, Daniela (2014). Italian city managers: caged leaders? In: Diamond, John and Liddle, Joyce eds. European Public Leadership in Crisis? Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management (3). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 75–84.

Sancino, Alessandro and Sicilia, Mariafrancesca (2013). The transactional and the relational approach to contracting out public services: how do they work? Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, 11(1) pp. 1–13.

Sancino, Alessandro (2012). Coinvolgimento degli stakeholder e generazione di valore condiviso nelle amministrazioni pubbliche [Stakeholder engagement and the creation of shared value in public organizations]. In: Fiorani, Gloria; Jannelli, Roberto and Meneguzzo, Marco eds. CSR 2.0 proattiva e sostenibile. Tra mercati globali e gestione della crisi. (Corporate Social Responsibility 2.0 proactive and sustainable. Between global markets and crisis management). Milan: Egea, pp. 127–142.

Sancino, Alessandro (2010). Debate: Community governance as a response to economic crisis. Public Money and Management, 30(2) pp. 117–118.

Sancino, Alessandro and Turrini, Alex (2009). The managerial work of Italian city managers: an empirical analysis. Local Government Studies, 35(4) pp. 475–491.

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