Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Anna Craft

88 items in this list.
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2018To Top

Stylianidou, Fani; Glauert, Esme; Rossis, Dimitris; Compton, Ashley; Cremin, Teresa; Craft, Anna and Havu-Nututinen, Sari (2018). Fostering Inquiry and Creativity in Early Years STEM Education: Policy Recommendations from the Creative Little Scientists Project. European Journal of STEM Education, 3(3), article no. 15.

2015To Top

2014To Top

2013To Top

2012To Top

Soler, Janet; Walsh, Christopher; Craft, Anna; Rix, Jonathan and Simmons, Katy (2012). Introduction. In: Soler, Janet; Walsh, Christopher; Craft, Anna; Rix, Jonathan and Simmons, Katy eds. Transforming Practice: Critical issues in equity, diversity and education. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books, xi-xv.

Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela; Dragovic, Tatjana and Chappell, Kerry (2012). Possibility thinking: culminative studies of an evidence-based concept driving creativity? Education 3-13, 41(5) pp. 538–556.

Megalakiki, Olga; Craft, Anna and Cremin, Teresa (2012). The nature of creativity: cognitive and confluence perspectives. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 10(3) pp. 1035–1056.

2011To Top

Chappell, Kerry; Rolfe, Linda; Craft, Anna and Jobbins, Veronica (2011). Close Encounters: Dance Partners for Creativity. Stoke on Trent: Trentham.

Chappell, Kerry; Rolfe, Linda; Craft, Anna and Jobbins, Veronica (2011). Close Encounters: Dance Partners for Creativity. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna eds. (2011). Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years (2nd ed.). Berkshire: McGraw Hill, Open University Press.

2010To Top

Craft, A. (2010). Possibility thinking and wise creativity: educational futures in England? In: Bhegetto, R. and Kaufman, J. eds. Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 289–312.

2009To Top

Chappell, Kerry; Craft, Anna; Rolfe, Linda and Jobbins, Veronica (2009). Dance partners for creativity: choreographing space for co-participative research into creativity and partnership in dance education. Research in Dance Education, 10(3) pp. 177–197.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna (2009). Reflection and developing a community of practice. In: Miller, Linda; Cable, Carrie and Goodliff, Gill eds. Supporting Children's Learning in the Early Years, 2nd edition. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 192–198.

Craft, Anna and Chappell, Kerry (2009). Fostering possibility through co-researching creative movement with 7-11 year olds. In: Blenkinsop, Sean ed. The Imagination in Education: Extending the Boundaries of Theory and Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Craft, Anna (2009). An English translation? Multiple intelligences in England. In: Chen, Jie-Qi; Moran, Seana and Gardner, Howard eds. Multiple Intelligences Around the World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Craft, Anna (2009). Creativity. In: Anderman, Eric M. and Anderman, Lynley Hicks eds. Psychology of Classroom Learning: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1. Detroit: Macmillan Reference.

Chappell, Kerry and Craft, Anna (2009). Creative Science Teaching Labs: new dimensions in CPD. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 4(1) pp. 44–59.

2008To Top

Craft, Anna (2008). Trusteeship, wisdom and the creative future of education? UNESCO Observatory: Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts, 1(3) pp. 1–20.

Craft, Anna (2008). Studying collaborative creativity: Implications for education. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 3(3) pp. 241–245.

Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Robert (2008). Creativity and performativity in teaching and learning: tensions, dilemmas, constraints, accommodations and synthesis. British Educational Research Journal, 34(5) pp. 577–584.

Chappell, Kerry; Craft, Anna; Burnard, Pamela and Cremin, Teresa (2008). Question-posing and question-responding: the heart of 'Possibility Thinking' in the early years. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 28(3) pp. 267–286.

Craft, Anna; Chappell, Kerry and Twining, Peter (2008). Learners reconceptualising education: widening participation through creative engagement? Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(3) pp. 235–245.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna eds. (2008). Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press.

Paige-Smith, Alice; Rix, Jonathan and Craft, Anna (2008). Reflective Family-Centred Practices: parents' perspectives and early intervention. In: Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. UK: Open University Press, pp. 145–159.

Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna (2008). Developing reflective practice. In: Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill,/Open University Press, pp. 25–39.

Craft, Anna and Paige-Smith, Alice (2008). What does it mean to reflect on our practice? In: Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 13–24.

Craft, Anna (2008). Voyages of Discovery: Looking at Models of Engagement. London: Creative Partnerships London North.

Cochrane, Pat; Craft, Anna and Jefferey, Graham (2008). Mixed messages or permissions and opportunities? Reflections on current policy perspectives on creativity in education. In: Sefton-Green, Julian ed. Creative Learning. London: Creative Partnerships, pp. 27–39.

Craft, Anna and Paige-Smith, Alice (2008). Reflective practice. In: Miller, Linda and Cable, Carrie eds. Professionalism in the Early Years. London: Hodder Arnold, pp. 87–97.

Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela (2008). Creative learning: an emergent concept. In: Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela eds. Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books Ltd..

Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela and Chappell, Kerry (2008). Possibility thinking with children in England aged 3-7. In: Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela eds. Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books Ltd., pp. 65–74.

Craft, A. (2008). Creativity and early years settings. In: Paige-Smith, A. and Craft, A. eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Buckingham: Open University Press, pp. 93–107.

Craft, Anna; Gardner, Howard and Claxton, Guy (2008). Nurturing creativity, wisdom and trusteeship in education: a collective debate. In: Craft, Anna; Gardner, Howard and Claxton, Guy eds. Creativity, Wisdom and Trusteeship: Exploring the Role of Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Craft, Anna (2008). Tensions in creativity and education: enter wisdom and trusteeship? In: Craft, Anna; Gardner, Howard and Claxton, Guy eds. Creativity, Wisdom and Trusteeship: Exploring the Role of Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Claxton, Guy; Craft, Anna and Gardner, Howard (2008). Concluding thoughts: good thinking - education for wise creativity. In: Craft, Anna; Gardner, Howard and Claxton, Guy eds. Creativity, Wisdom and Trusteeship: Exploring the Role of Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Paige-Smith, A; Rix, J and Craft, A (2008). Reflective family-centered practices: parents' perspectives and early intervention. In: Paige-Smith, A and Craft, A eds. Developing Practice in the Early Years. Berkshire: McGraw Hill, Open University, pp. 145–159.

Paige-Smith, A. and Craft, A. (2008). Reflection and developing a community of practice. In: Paige-Smith, A and Craft, A eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Berkshire: McGraw Hill, Open University, pp. 170–178.

Paige-Smith, A; Craft, A and Craft, M (2008). Democratic reflective practice in the early years. In: Paige-Smith, A and Craft, A eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Berkshire: McGraw Hill, Open University, pp. 179–186.

2007To Top

Paige-Smith, Alice and Craft, Anna (2007). Postscript: democratic reflective practice in the early years. In: Paige-Smith, Alice; Craft, Anna and Craft, Michael eds. Developing Reflective Practice in the Early Years. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press / McGraw Hill, pp. 179–186.

Craft, Anna (2007). Possibility thinking in the early years and primary classroom. In: Tan, Ai-Girl ed. Creativity: a Handbook for Teachers. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 231–250.

Craft, A.; Cremin, T.; Burnard, P. and Chappell, K. (2007). Developing creative learning through possibility thinking with children aged 3-7. In: Craft, A.; Cremin, T. and Burnard, P. eds. Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It. London, UK: Trentham.

Grainger, Teresa; Craft, Anna and Burnard, Pamela (2007). Examining possibility thinking in action in early years settings. In: Opening Doors to Imaginative Education: Connecting Theory to Practice (Broom, C ed.), Unknown.

Twining, Peter; Craft, Anna and Chappell, Kerry (2007). Learners reconceptualising education: Widening participation through creative engagement? In: Higher Education Academy: Creativity or Conformity? Building Cultures of Creativity in Higher Education, 8-10 Jan 2007, Cardiff.

2006To Top

Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela and Craft, Anna (2006). Pedagogy and possibility thinking in the early years. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 1(2) pp. 108–119.

Faulkner, Dorothy; Coates, Elizabeth; Craft, Anna and Duffy, Bernadette (2006). Creativity and cultural innovation in early childhood education. International Journal of Early Years Education, 14(3) pp. 191–199.

Burnard, Pamela; Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Duffy, Bernadette; Hanson, Ruth; Keene, Jean; Haynes, Lindsay and Burns, Dawn (2006). Documenting ‘possibility thinking': a journey of collaborative enquiry. International Journal of Early Years Education, 14(3) pp. 243–262.

Craft, Anna (2006). Fostering creativity with wisdom. Cambridge Journal of Education, 36(3) pp. 337–350.

Craft, Anna (2006). Creativity in schools' education. In: Jackson, Norman; Oliver, Martin; Shaw, Malcolm and Wisdom, James eds. Developing creativity in Higher Education: an imaginative curriculum. London, UK: RoutlegeFalmer, pp. 19–28.

Craft, Anna (2006). Changing minds about GoodWork? In: Schaler, Jeffrey A. ed. Howard Gardner under fire: the rebel psychologist faces his critics. Peru, Illinois, USA: Open Court Publishing Company, pp. 217–229.

Jeffrey, Bob and Craft, Anna (2006). Creative learning and possibility thinking. In: Jeffrey, Bob ed. Creative learning practices: European experiences. Ethnography and Education. London, UK: Tufnell Press.

Craft, Anna (2006). Preface. In: Bannerman, Christopher; Sofaer, Joshua and Watt, Jane eds. Navigating the Unknown, the creative process in contemporary performing arts. London: Middlesex University Press.

2005To Top

Haynes, Lindsey and Craft, Anna (2005). Enabling Children's Creativity as a Teaching Assistant. In: Cable, Carrie and Eyres, Ian eds. Primary Teaching Assistants: Curriculum in Context. London and Milton Keynes: Routledge in association with the Open University, pp. 151–158.

Craft, Anna (2005). Changes in the Landscape for Primary Education. In: Wilson, Anthony ed. Creativity in Primary Schools. Exeter: Learning Matters, pp. 7–18.

Craft, A. (2005). Creativity in Primary Schools. In: Wilson, Anthony ed. Creativity in Primary Education: Theory and Practice. Exeter, U.K.: Learning Matters, pp. 7–32.

2004To Top

Gabel-Dunk, Genie and Craft, Anna (2004). The road to Ithaca: a mentee’s and mentor’s journey. Teacher Development, 8(2) pp. 277–296.

Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Bob (2004). Creative Practice and Practice which Fosters Creativity. In: Miller, Linda and Devereux, Jane eds. Supporting Children's Learning in the Early Years. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 105–112.

Craft, Anna (2004). Creative Thinking in the Early Years of Education. In: Fryer, Marilyn ed. Creativity and Cultural Diversity. The Creativity Centre Educational Trust, pp. 137–151.

Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Bob (2004). Learner inclusiveness for creative learning. Education 3-13, 32(2) pp. 39–43.

Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Bob (2004). A creative practice and practice which fosters creativity. In: Miller, Linda and Devereux, Jane eds. Supporting Childrens' Learning in the Early Years. London: David Fulton, pp. 105–112.

Craft, A; Miell, D; Vass, E; Whitelock, D; Littleton, K; Joubert, M and Murphy, P (2004). Ignite! Fellowship Programme for Young People: A Research Study. National Endownment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA), London, UK.

2003To Top

Craft, A. (2003). Creative thinking in the early years of Education. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 23(2) pp. 143–154.

Craft, Anna (2003). The limits to creativity in education: dilemmas for the educator. British Journal of Educational Studies, 51(2) pp. 113–127.

Craft, Anna (2003). Early years education in England and little c creativity: the third wave? Korean Journal of thinking and problem solving, 13(1) pp. 49–58.

2002To Top

Craft, Anna (2002). Creativity and Early Years Education: A lifewide foundation. Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning. London, UK: Continuum.

Craft, Anna R.; Martin, David. S. and Tillema, Harm (2002). International collaboration: challenges for researchers. Educational Forum, 66(4)

Martin, David S.; Craft, Anna R. and Tillema, H. (2002). Developing Critical and Creative Thinking Strategies in Primary School Pupils: An Inter-Cultural Study of Teachers’ Learning. Journal of In-Service Education, 28(1) pp. 115–134.

2001To Top

Martin, D.S.; Craft, A. and Sheng, Z.N. (2001). The impact of cognitive strategy instruction on deaf learners: an international comparative study. American Annals of the Deaf, 146(4) pp. 366–378.

Craft, Anna (2001). 'Little c Creativity'. In: Craft, Anna; Jeffrey, Robert and Leibling, Mike eds. Creativity in education. London and New York: Continuum, pp. 45–61.

Craft, Anna; Jeffrey, Bob and Leibling, Mike eds. (2001). Creativity in Education. London, UK: Continuum.

Jeffrey, Robert and Craft, Anna (2001). The Universalization of creativity. In: Craft, Anna; Jeffrey, Robert and Leibling, Mike eds. Creativity in Education. London: Continuum.

Craft, Anna (2001). Neuro-linguistic Programming and learning theory. Curriculum Journal, 12(1) pp. 125–136.

2000To Top

Soler, Janet M.; Craft, Anna and Burgess, Hilary eds. (2000). Teacher development: exploring our own practice. Developing Practice in Primary Education. London, UK: Sage.

Craft, Anna (2000). Continuing Professional Development: A Pracical Guide for Teachers and Schools (2nd edition). London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge Falmer in association with The Open University.

1997To Top

Craft, Anna; Dugal, Jana; Dyer, Gordon; Jeffrey, Bob and Lyons, Tom eds. (1997). Can you teach creativity? Nottingham: Education Now.


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