Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Andriy Nikolov

23 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 15:35:33 2025 GMT.

2013To Top

Wolff, Annika; Zdrahal, Zdenek; Nikolov, Andriy and Pantucek, Michal (2013). Improving retention: predicting at-risk students by analysing clicking behaviour in a virtual learning environment. In: Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2013), 8-12 Apr 2013, Leuven, Belgium (forthcoming).

2012To Top

Nikolov, Andriy; d'Aquin, Mathieu and Motta, Enrico (2012). Unsupervised learning of link discovery configuration. In: 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2012), 27-31 May 2012, Heraklion, Greece.

d'Aquin, Mathieu; Motta, Enrico; Nikolov, Andriy and Thomas, Keerthi (2012). Realizing networks of proactive smart products. In: 18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2012), 8-12 Oct 2012, Galway, Ireland.

2011To Top

Nikolov, Andriy; d'Aquin, Mathieu and Motta, Enrico (2011). What should I link to? Identifying relevant sources and classes for data linking. In: Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST2011) for ASWC2011 and CSWC2011, 1-7 Dec 2011, Hangzhou, China.

d'Aquin, Mathieu; Nikolov, Andriy and Motta, Enrico (2011). Building SPARQL-Enabled Applications with Android devices. In: 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), 23-27 Oct 2011, Bonn, Germany.

d'Aquin, Mathieu; Nikolov, Andriy and Motta, Enrico (2011). Enabling lightweight semantic sensor networks on android devices. In: The 4th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks 2011 (SSN2011), 23 Oct 2011.

Ferrara, Alfio; Nikolov, Andriy and Scharffe, François (2011). Data linking for the Semantic Web. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 7(3) pp. 46–76.

Nikolov, Andriy and d'Aquin, Mathieu (2011). Identifying relevant sources for data linking using a semantic web index. In: WWW2011 Workshop: Linked Data on the Web (LDOW 2011) at 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2011), 29 Mar 2011, Hyderabad, India.

2010To Top

d'Aquin, Mathieu; Nikolov, Andriy and Motta, Enrico (2010). How much semantic data on small devices? In: EKAW 2010, Conference - Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management by the Masses, 11-15 Oct 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.

Lopez, Vanessa; Nikolov, Andriy; Sabou, Marta; Uren, Victoria and Motta, Enrico (2010). Scaling up question-answering to linked data. In: EKAW 2010 - Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management by the Masses, 11-15 Oct 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.

Nikolov, Andriy; Li, Ning; d'Aquin, Mathieu and Motta, Enrico (2010). Evaluating semantic data infrastructure components for small devices. In: The International Workshop on Evaluation of Semantic Technologies (IWEST 2010), 08 Nov 2010, Shanghai, China.

Nikolov, Andriy and Motta, Enrico (2010). Capturing emerging relations between schema ontologies on the Web of Data. In: COLD-2010 Consuming Linked Data at The 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2010), 7-11 Nov 2010, Shanghai, China.

Nikolov, Andriy; Uren, Victoria and Motta, Enrico (2010). Data linking: capturing and utilising implicit schema-level relations. In: Linked Data on the Web (LDOW 2010) at 19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2010), 27 Apr 2010, Raleigh, USA.

2009To Top

Sabou, Marta; Kantorovitch, Julia; Nikolov, Andriy; Tokmakoff, Andrew; Zhou, Xiaoming and Motta, Enrico (2009). Position paper on realizing smart products: challenges for Semantic Web technologies. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 522 pp. 135–147.

Nikolov, Andriy; Uren, Victoria; Motta, Enrico and De Roeck, Anne (2009). Towards data fusion in a multi-ontology environment. In: 18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2009), 20-24 Apr 2009, Madrid, Spain.

Ullmann, Thomas Daniel; Uren, Victoria and Nikolov, Andriy (2009). The SemSearchXplorer - exploring semantic search results with semantic visualizations. In: AST 2009 Applications of Semantic Technologies, located at the Informatik 2009, 2 Oct 2009, Lübeck, Germany.

2008To Top

Nikolov, Andriy; Uren, Victoria; Motta, Enrico and De Roeck, Anne (2008). Using the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence to resolve ABox inconsistencies. In: Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web I. URSW 2006, URSW 2007, URSW 2005 (da Costa, P. C. G.; d’Amato, Claudia; Fanizzi, Nicola; Laskey, Kathryn B.; Laskey, Kenneth J.; Lukasiewicz, Thomas; Nickles, Matthias and Michael, Pool eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, UK, pp. 143–160.

Nikolov, Andriy; Uren, Victoria; Motta, Enrico and De Roeck, Anne (2008). Refining instance coreferencing results using belief propagation. In: The Semantic Web: proceedings the of 3rd Asian SemanticWeb Conference, ASWC 2008, Springer, pp. 405–419.

Nikolov, Andriy; Uren, Victoria; Motta, Enrico and De Roeck, Anne (2008). Handling instance coreferencing in the KnoFuss architecture. In: 1st international workshop on Identity and Reference on the Semantic Web (IRSW2008) - at ESWC-08, 1 Jun 2008, Tenerife, Spain.

Nikolov, Andriy; Uren, Victoria; Motta, Enrico and De Roeck, Anne (2008). Integration of semantically annotated data by the KnoFuss architecture. In: Knowledge Engineering: Practice and Patterns (Gangemi, Aldo and Euzenat, Jérôme eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, pp. 265–274.


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