Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Alice Moncaster

97 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Sep 19 15:51:11 2024 BST.

2024To Top

Parsons, Laurie; de Campos, Ricardo Safra; Moncaster, Alice; Cook, Ian; Siddiqui, Tasneem; Abenayake, Chethika; Jayasinghe, Amila Buddhika; Mishra, Pratik; Ly Vouch, Long and Billah, Tamim (2024). Globalized Climate Precarity: Environmental Degradation, Disasters, and the International Brick Trade. Annals of the American Association of Geographers (Early access).

Nsobya, C.; Moncaster, A.; Potter, K.; Mabon, L. and Ramsay, J. (2024). A conceptual framework for understanding community resilience to flooding. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1363, article no. 12078.

2023To Top

Wise, Freya; Moncaster, Alice and Jones, Derek (2023). Embodied carbon and building retrofit: A heritage example. In: Azari, Rahman and Moncaster, Alice eds. The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 296–328.

Anderson, Jane and Moncaster, Alice (2023). Embodied carbon, embodied energy and renewable energy: a review of Environmental Product Declarations. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, 176(12) pp. 986–997.

Mabon, Leslie; Connor, Ben; Moncaster, Alice; Pearce, Catherine; Pratt, Eleanor; Shih, Wan-Yu; Tsai, Meng-Chin; Vseteckova, Jitka; Waights, Verina and Wolstenholme, Ruth (2023). Nature can cool cities, but proceed with caution. Urban Transformations, 5(1), article no. 11.

Baker, Hannah; Moncaster, Alice; Wilkinson, Sara J. and Remøy, Hilde (2023). Demolition or retention of buildings: drivers at the masterplan scale. Buildings & Cities, 4(1) pp. 488–506.

Wise, Freya; Moncaster, Alice and Jones, Derek (2023). Is it all about the windows? Residents' values in residential heritage buildings. In: Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, Czech Technical University, Prague, 38 pp. 592–598.

Wise, Freya; Moncaster, Alice and Jones, Derek (2023). Low carbon heritage: residents' views from Cumbria and the English Lake District World Heritage Site. In: EEHB 2022 Post Prints. The 4th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings (Kilian, Ralf; Saba, Sara and Gietz, Caroline eds.), Fraunhofer IRB, pp. 219–227.

2022To Top

Parsons, Laurie; Safra de Campos, Ricardo; Moncaster, Alice; Cook, Ian; Siddiqui, Tasneem; Abenayake, Chethika; Jayasinghe, Amila Buddhika; Mishra, Pratik and Billah, Tamim (2022). Trading disaster: Containers and container thinking in the production of climate precarity. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47(4) pp. 990–1008.

Wise, Freya; Moncaster, Alice and Jones, Derek (2022). Residents' comfort perceptions in domestic heritage buildings. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1085, article no. 012924.

Fitton, Sarah and Moncaster, Alice (2022). Social value, infrastructure and stakeholder engagement: a complex triangle. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 175(4) pp. 194–201.

Zhou, Wei; Moncaster, Alice; O'Neill, Eoghan; Reiner, David M.; Wang, Xinke and Guthrie, Peter (2022). Modelling future trends of annual embodied energy of urban residential building stock in China. Energy Policy, 165, article no. 112932.

Polycarpou, Kyriacos; Francart, Nicolas; Malmqvist, Tove; Burnley, Stephen; Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Moncaster, Alice (2022). Facilitators and drivers of low-carbon and energy residential developments. In: Energy and Climate Transformations: 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, 20-23 Jun 2022, Renold Building, University of Manchester, UK.

Moncaster, Alice; Malmqvist, Tove; Forman, Tim; Pomponi, Francesco and Anderson, Jane (2022). Embodied carbon of concrete in buildings, Part 2: are the messages accurate? Buildings and Cities, 3(1) pp. 334–355.

2021To Top

Baker, Hannah; Moncaster, Alice; Remøy, Hilde and Wilkinson, Sara (2021). Retention not demolition: how heritage thinking can inform carbon reduction. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 27(3) pp. 176–194.

2020To Top

Malmqvist, T.; Moncaster, A.; Rasmussen, F. and Birgisdóttir, H. (2020). Circularity in the built environment – a call for a paradigm shift. In: Brandão, M.; Lazarevic, D. and Finnveden, G. eds. Handbook of the Circular Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 425–438.

Soust-Verdaguer, B.; García Martínez, A.; Llatas, C.; Gómez de Cózar, J.C.; Allacker, K.; Trigaux, D.; Alsema, E.; Berg, B.; Dowdell, D.; Debacker, W.; Frischknecht, R.; Ramseier, L.; Veselka, J.; Volf, M.; Hajek, P.; Lupíšek, A.; Malik, Z.; Habert, G.; Hollberg, A.; Lasvaux, S.; Peuportier, B.; Pomponi, F.; Wastiel, L.; Gomes, V.; Zara, O.; Gomes, M.; Gusson Baiocchi, A.; Pulgrossi, L.; Ouellet-Plamondon, C.; Moncaster, A.; Di Bari, R.; Horn, R.; Lenz, K.; Balouktsi, M.; Lützkendorf, T.; Röck, M.; Hoxha, E. and Passer, A. (2020). Implications of using systematic decomposition structures to organize building LCA information: A comparative analysis of national standards and guidelines - IEA EBC ANNEX 72. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing, 588, article no. 022008.

Moncaster, A. M. and Malmqvist, T. (2020). Reducing embodied impacts of buildings – insights from a social power analysis of the UK and Sweden. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing, 588, article no. 032047.

Zhou, Wei; O'Neill, Eoghan; Moncaster, Alice; Reiner, David and Guthrie, Peter (2020). Forecasting urban residential stock turnover dynamics using system dynamics and Bayesian model averaging. Applied Energy, 275, article no. 115388.

2019To Top

Moncaster, Alice; Rasmussen, Freja; Malmqvist, Tove; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife and Birgisdottir, Harpa (2019). Widening understanding of low embodied impact buildings: results and recommendations from 80 multi-national quantitative and qualitative case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 235 pp. 378–393.

Fitton, Sarah L. and Moncaster, Alice M. (2019). Arguments for a Co-production Approach to Community Flood Protection. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 172(7) pp. 335–344.

Zhou, Wei; O’Neill, Eoghan; Moncaster, Alice; Reiner, David M. and Guthrie, Peter (2019). Applying Bayesian Model Averaging to Characterise Urban Residential Stock Turnover Dynamics. Energy Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.

Zhou, Wei; Moncaster, Alice; Reiner, David and Guthrie, Peter (2019). Estimating Lifetimes and Stock Turnover Dynamics of Urban Residential Buildings in China. Sustainability, 11(13), article no. 3720.

Zhou, Wei; Moncaster, Alice; Reiner, David M. and Guthrie, Peter (2019). Estimating Lifetimes and Stock Turnover Dynamics of Urban Residential Buildings in China. Energy Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.

Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice (2019). BS 8001 and the built environment: a review and critique. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 172(3) pp. 111–114.

Moncaster, Alice and Morris, Carol (2019). Editorial: Gender and Intersectionality in Engineering. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 11(1) pp. 1–9.

Anderson, Jane; Roenning, Anne and Moncaster, Alice (2019). The Reporting of End of Life and Module D Data and Scenarios in EPD for Building level Life Cycle Assessment. In: Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference 2019 (SBE19 Graz) 11–14 September 2019, Graz, Austria, IOP Science, 323, article no. 012051.

Canavera Herrera, J. S.; Haigh, S; MacAskill, K and Moncaster, A. (2019). A conceptual framework for understanding adaptation planning of urban road infrastructure. In: 26th World Road Congress, 6-10 Oct 2019, Abu Dhabi.

Zhou, W.; O’Neill, E.; Moncaster, A.; Reiner, D. and Guthrie, P. (2019). Applying Bayesian model averaging to characterise urban residential stock turnover dynamics. In: Applied Energy Symposium 2019: Low Carbon Cities and Urban Energy Systems, 16-18 Oct 2019, Xiamen, China.

2018To Top

Malmqvist, Tove; Nehasilova, Maria; Moncaster, Alice; Birgisdottir, Harpa; Nygaard Rasmussen, Freja and Potting, Jose (2018). Design and construction strategies for reducing embodied impacts from buildings – Case study analysis. Energy and Buildings, 166 pp. 35–47.

Pomponi, Francesco; De Wolf, Catherine and Moncaster, Alice eds. (2018). Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Measurement, Management, and Mitigation. Springer.

Moncaster, Alice; Birgisdottir, Harpa; Malmqvist, Tove; Nygaard Rasmussen, Freja; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife and Soulti, Eleni (2018). Embodied Carbon Measurement, Mitigation and Management Within Europe, Drawing on a Cross-Case Analysis of 60 Building Case Studies. In: Pomponi, Francesco; De Wolf, Catherine and Moncaster, Alice eds. Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Measurement, Management, and Mitigation. Springer, pp. 443–462.

Baker, Hannah and Moncaster, Alice (2018). Adaptation and Demolition in a Masterplan Context. In: Wilkinson, Sara J. and Remøy, Hilde eds. Building Urban Resilience through Change of Use. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 57–81.

Rasmussen, Freja Nygaard; Malmqvist, Tove; Moncaster, Alice; Wiberg, Aoife Houlihan and Birgisdóttir, Harpa (2018). Analysing methodological choices in calculations of embodied energy and GHG emissions from buildings. Energy and Buildings, 158 pp. 1487–1498.

Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice (2018). Scrutinising embodied carbon in buildings: The next performance gap made manifest. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81(2) pp. 2431–2442.

2017To Top

Birgisdottir, H.; Moncaster, A.; Houlihan Wiberg, A.; Chae, C.; Yokoyama, K. and Balouktsi, M. (2017). IEA EBC Annex 57 ‘Evaluation of Embodied Energy and CO2eq for Building Construction'. Energy and Buildings, 154 pp. 72–80.

Baker, Hannah; Moncaster, Alice and Al Tabbaa, Abur (2017). Decision-making for the demolition or adaptation of buildings. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Forensic Engineering, 170(3) pp. 144–156.

Pomponi, Francesco; Medina Campos, Liliana; Moncaster, Alice and Smith, Sean (2017). Bringing pupils into building energy performance: School design, construction and operation. In: Design to Thrive: Proceedings Volume 2, PLEA 2017 Conference (Brotas, Luisda; Roaf, Susan and Nicol, Fergus eds.).

Baker, Hannah and Moncaster, Alice (2017). Demolition and adaptation at the CB1 development, Cambridge. In: 24th Annual Conference of the the European Real Estate Society, 28 Jun - 1 Jul, Delft, Netherlands.

Pomponi, F.; Medina Campos, L. and Moncaster, A. M. (2017). Bio inspired design: when sun and wind are there to help. In: 23rd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, 14-16 Jun 2017, Bogotá, Colombia.

Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice (2017). Circular economy for the built environment: A research framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143 pp. 710–718.

Pomponi, Francesco; D'Amico, Bernardino and Moncaster, Alice M. (2017). A Method to Facilitate Uncertainty Analysis in LCAs of Buildings. Energies, 10(4), article no. 524.

Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice (2017). Circular Economy Research in the Built Environment: A Theoretical Contribution. In: Dastbaz, Mohammad; Gorse, Chris and Moncaster, Alice eds. Building Information Modelling, Building Performance, Design and Smart Construction. Cham: Springer, pp. 31–44.

Galpin, C. and Moncaster, A. (2017). Inclusion of on-site renewables in design-stage building life cycle assessments. In: 9th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings SEB-17, 5-7 Jul 2017, Crete, Greece.

Baker, H. E. and Moncaster, A. (2017). The Role Of Stakeholders In Masterplan Regeneration Decisions. In: World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, 5-7 Jun 2017, Hong Kong.

2016To Top

Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice (2016). Embodied carbon mitigation and reduction in the built environment: what does the evidence say? Journal of Environmental Management, 181 pp. 687–700.

Birgisdottir, Harpa; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife; Malmqvist, Tove; Moncaster, Alice and Nygaard Rasmussen, Freja (2016). Strategies for Reducing Embodied Energy and Embodied GHG Emissions. Guideline for Designers and Consultants - Part 2. IEA EBC Annex 57. Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation.

Pomponi, Francesco; Piroozfar, Poorang A.E. and Moncaster, Alice (2016). Shortcomings of LCA current practice: the risk of mean values. In: Industrial Ecology and Green Transformation ISIE America 2016, 25-27 May 2016, Bogata, Colombia.

Fitton, S. L.; Moncaster, A. and Guthrie, P. (2016). Investigating the social value of the Ripon rivers flood alleviation scheme. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 9(4) pp. 370–378.

Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice (2016). Circular Economy Research in the Built Environment: A Theoretical Contribution. In: International Conference on Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society, 14-15 Sep 2016, Leeds Beckett University, UK.

Pomponi, F and Moncaster, Alice (2016). Reducing Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment: A Research Agenda. In: International Conference on Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society, 14-15 Sep 2016, Leeds Beckett University, UK.

Pomponi, F. and Moncaster, A. (2016). Benefits and challenges of visualising embodied and whole life carbon of buildings. In: International Conference on Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society, 14-15 Sep 2016, Leeds Beckett University, UK.

Mifsud, Lara; Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice M. (2016). Comparative energy and comfort analysis of façade passive strategies in the Mediterranean region. In: Engineered Transparency 2016: Glass in Architecture and Structural Engineering (Weller, Bernhard and Schneider, Jens eds.), Wiley, pp. 161–174.

Pomponi, F. and Moncaster, A. (2016). Double Skin Façades: Life Cycle Study of a Versatile Technology for the Sustainable Refurbishment of Non-domestic Buildings. In: CESB 2016 - Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future (Sojkova, K.; Tywoniak, J.; Lupisek, A. and Hajek, P. eds.), Grada, pp. 261–268.

Pomponi, F.; Medina Campos, L. and Moncaster, A. (2016). The cultural dimension of industrial ecology education: success story of a sustainable integrated curriculum in Chia, Columbia. In: Industrial Ecology and Green Transformation ISIE America 2016, 25-27 May 2016.

Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice (2016). Buildings for the biosphere (and their indoors for the technosphere) - A circular economy view for the construction industry. In: Industrial Ecology and Green Transformation ISIE America 2016, 25-27 May 2016, Bogata, Colombia.

Birgisdottir, Harpa; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife; Malmqvist, Tove; Moncaster, Alice and Nygaard Rasmussen, Freja (2016). Evaluation of Embodied Energy and GHG Emissions for Building Construction (Annex 57). Case studies demonstrating Embodied Energy and Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions in buildings. International Energy Agency EBC.

De Wolf, Catherine; Pomponi, Francesco and Moncaster, Alice (2016). Implementing Whole Life Carbon in Buildings. In: Industrial Ecology and Green Transformation ISIE America 2016, 25-27 May 2016, Bogata, Colombia.

2015To Top

Finnegan, Stephen; dos-Santos, Joseph David; Chow, David H. C.; Yan, Qu O. and Moncaster, Alice (2015). Financing energy efficiency measures in buildings - a new method of appraisal. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 6(2) pp. 62–70.

Moncaster, A. M. and Simmons, P. (2015). Policies and outcomes for UK sustainable schools. Building Research and Information, 43(4) pp. 452–464.

2014To Top

Fitton, Sarah L. and Moncaster, Alice (2014). The social value of flood infrastructure design. In: ATINER Conference Paper Series, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, article no. PLA2014-1083.

Fitton, Sarah Louise; Moncaster, Alice and Guthrie, Peter (2014). Investigating the perspectives of social value for a flood alleviation scheme. Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 1(4) pp. 247–260.

Malmqvist, T.; Birgisdottir, H.; Houlihan-Wiberg, A.; Moncaster, A.; Brown, N.; John, V.; Passer, A.; Potting, J. and Soulti, E. (2014). Design strategies for low embodied energy and greenhouse gases in buildings: analyses of the IEA Annex 57 case studies. In: World Sustainable Building Conference WSB14, 28-30 Oct 2014, Barcelona.

Gavotsis, Efstratios and Moncaster, Alice (2014). Practical limitations in Embodied Energy and Carbon measurements, and how to address them: a UK case study. In: World Sustainable Building Conference WSB14, 28-30 Oct 2014, Barcelona.

Soulti, Eleni and Moncaster, Alice (2014). UK experience of the use of timber as a low embodied carbon structural material. In: Conference Proceedings, GBCe, Madrid.

Fitton, Sarah L.; Moncaster, Alice and Guthrie, Peter (2014). Flood alleviation design: adopting a social perspective. In: 6th International Conference on Flood Management “Floods in a changing Environment” (ICFM6), 16-18 Sep 2014, São Paulo, Brazil.

Gavotsis, Efstratios and Moncaster, Alice (2014). Industry and policy recommendations for the improvement of embodied energy and carbon accounting, based on a study during construction stage. In: 4th Annual International Conference on Architecture, 7-10 Jul 2014, Athens, Greece.

2013To Top

Moncaster, Alice; Soulti, Eleni; Mubarak, Ghada and Symons, Katie (2013). Retrofitting solid wall buildings: energy and carbon costs and savings. In: Proceedings of SB13 Graz : Construction Products and Technologies (Höfler, Karl; Maydl, Peter and Passer, Alexander eds.), Verlag der Technischen Universitaet Graz, Graz, pp. 95–101.

Symons, Katie; Moncaster, Alice and Symons, Digby (2013). An Application of the CEN/TC350 standards to an Energy and Carbon LCA of timber used in construction, and the effect of end-of-life scenarios. In: Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS) conference, 15-18 Jul 2013, Sydney, Australia.

Moncaster, Alice (2013). The impact of procurement processes on the sustainability of school buildings. In: Proceedings of Sustainable Building SB13, 24-26 Apr 2013, Munich, Germany.

2012To Top

Moncaster, A. M. and Song, J-Y. (2012). A Comparative Review of existing data and methodologies for calculating embodied energy and carbon of buildings. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 3(1)

Moncaster, Alice; Cheng, Vicky; Littlewood, E and Muscat, Daniela (2012). Designing climate resilient schools: a case study of St Faith’s School, Cambridge. In: Proceedings of 1st international conference on urban sustainability and resilience, 05-06 Nov 2012, University College London.

2011To Top

Moncaster, Alice and Song, Ji-Young (2011). A comparative review of existing data and methodologies for calculating embodied energy and carbon of buildings. In: World Sustainable Building Conference WSB11, 18-21 Oct 2011, Helsinki, Finland.

2010To Top

Moncaster, A.; Hinds, D.; Cruickshank, H.; Guthrie, P.; Crishna, N.; Baker, K.; Beckman, K. and Jowitt, P. W. (2010). Knowledge exchange between academia and industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 163(3) pp. 167–174.


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