Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Andrew Lindridge

38 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 19:37:09 2025 GMT.

2019To Top

Lindridge, Andrew; Abolhasani, Morteza; Michuki, Gidraph and Simões, Claudia (2019). Reclaiming the 'tribe' from 'consumer tribe'. In: Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2019, 17-19 Jul 2019, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

2018To Top

Lindridge, Andrew; Beatty, Sharon E. and Northington, William Magnus (2018). Do gambling game choices reflect a recreational gambler’s motivations? Qualitative Market Research: an international journal, 21(3) pp. 296–315.

2017To Top

2016To Top

Eagar, Toni and Lindridge, Andrew (2016). Resolving Contradictions in Human Brand Celebrity and Iconicity. In: Thyroff, Anastasia E.; Murray, Jeff B. and Belk, Russell W. eds. Consumer Culture Theory. Research in Consumer Behavior (17). Emerald, pp. 311–330.

2015To Top

Lindridge, Andrew (2015). Market segmentation by ethnicity: is it really feasible? In: Jamal, Ahmed; Laroche, Michel and Peñaloza, Lisa eds. Marketing to Ethnic Minorities. Abingdon: Routledge Companions, pp. 235–253.

Lindridge, Andrew; Henderson, Geraldine Rosa and Ekpo, Akon E. (2015). ‘(Virtual) ethnicity, the Internet, and well-being. Marketing Theory, 15(2) pp. 279–285.

2014To Top

2013To Top

Goulding, Christina; Saran, Michael and Lindridge, Andrew (2013). Reading the body at von Hagen's body worlds. Annals of Tourism Research, 40 pp. 306–330.

Lindridge, Andrew; MacGaskill, Susan; Gnich, Wendy; Eadie, Douglas and Holme, Ingrid (2013). Applying an ecological model to social marketing communications. European Journal of Marketing, 47(9) pp. 1399–1420.

2012To Top

Worlu, Onyipreye and Lindridge, Andrew (2012). Conform or resist? Immigrant females and consumer empowerment. In: 2012 AMS World Marketing Congress -- Cultural Perspectives in Marketing, 28 Aug - 1 Sep 2012, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Northington, William; Beatty, Sharon and Lindridge, Andrew (2012). The relationship between motivation, self-control, and locus of control within gambling. In: 41st AMS Annual Conference, 15-20 May 2012, New Orleans.

2011To Top

2010To Top

Onyipreye, E. and Lindridge, A. M. (2010). Power dynamics in immigrant families in Britain and its effect on consumption. In: Association of Consumer Research, 37 pp. 790–791.

Lindridge, Andrew; McGaskill, Susan; Ali, Haider; Holme, Ingrid and Eadie, Douglas (2010). Children’s oral health services and socio-economic deprivation: theory of reasoned action in social marketing. In: 39th EMAC Conference, 01-04 Jun 2010, Copenhagen.

Lindridge, Andrew (2010). Religion and The SME. In: Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. eds. Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing. London: Routledge.

2009To Top

Carrigan, M.; Lindridge, Andrew; MacAskill, S.; Eadie, D.; Gordon, R. and Heim, D. (2009). Where's the harm? A social marketing approach to reframing 'problem' drinking cultures. In: 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, 26-29 May 2009, Audencia, Nantes.

Lindridge, A. M. (2009). Acculturation, religion and consumption in normativepolitical ideolo. In: Association of Consumer Research, Oct 2008, San Fransico.

Ekperi, Onyipreye and Lindridge, A. (2009). Power dynamics in immigrant families in Britain and its affect on consumption. In: Immigration, Consumption and Markets Conference, Jun 2009, Lille, France.

Lindridge, Andrew (2009). Comparative analysis of mental health promotion policies. Mental Health Environments Project and The Mental Health Foundation, London.

2008To Top

Lindridge, Andrew and Wang, Chunfang (2008). Saving “face” in China: modernization, parental pressure, and plastic surgery. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7(6) pp. 496–508.

Davis, Lenita; Wang, Sijun and Lindridge, Andrew (2008). Cultural influences on emotional responses to on-line store atmospheric cues. Journal of Business Research, 61(8) pp. 806–812.

MacAskill, Susan; Lindridge, Andrew; Stead, Martine; Eadie, Douglas; Hayton, Paul and Braham, Mark (2008). Social marketing with challenging target groups: smoking cessation in prisons in England and Wales. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 13(3) pp. 251–261.

2007To Top

Lindridge, Andrew; Cui, Charles C. and Chi, Mai (2007). Materialism and reference group influence on the preference for Western culture through the consumption of Western branded clothing. In: Twelfth Cross Cultural Research Conference, 12-15 Dec 2007, Honolulu.

McGaskill, S.; Lindridge, A.; Eadie, D.; Hayton, P. and Braham, M. (2007). Social marketing and the implementation of smoking cessation in prisons in England and Wales. In: 36th European Marketing Academy Conference, 22-25 May 2007, Reyjkavik.

2006To Top

Lindridge, Andrew M. and Hogg, Margaret K. (2006). Parental Gate-keeping in Diasporic Indian Families: Examining the Intersection of Culture, Gender and consumption. Journal of Marketing Management, 22(9-10) pp. 979–1008.

2005To Top

Lindridge, Andrew (2005). Religiosity and the construction of a cultural-consumption identity. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(3) pp. 142–152.

Hsieh, Ming and Lindridge, Andrew (2005). Universal appeals with local specifications. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 14(1) pp. 14–28.

Lindridge, Andrew and Dhillon, Kamaldeep (2005). Cultural Role Confusion and Memories of a Lost Identity: How Non-Consumption Perpetuates Marginalisation. Advances in Consumer Research, 32(1) pp. 408–414.

2004To Top

2003To Top

Lindridge, Andrew and Dibb, Sally (2003). Is 'culture' a justifiable variable for market segmentation? A cross-cultural example. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2(3) pp. 269–286.


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