Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Katerina Alexiou

43 items in this list.
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2024To Top

2023To Top

The Open University and The Glass-House Community Led Design (2023). Cross-pollination Resource Pack: Facilitating cross-sector design collaboration. The Open University; The Glass-House Community Led Design.

2022To Top

Alexiou, Katerina; Zamenopoulos, Theodore; Hale, Veronica and de Sousa, Sophia (2022). Incubating civic leadership in design: The role of cross-pollination spaces. In: DRS2022: Bilbao (Lockton, D; Lenzi, S; Hekkert, P; Oak, A; Sabada, J and Lloyd, P eds.), Design Research Society.

Renedo Illarregi, Erika; Alexiou, Katerina and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2022). Co-design as healing: A multi-level analysis based on a project with people facing mental health problems. In: DRS2022: Research Papers (Lockton, D; Lenzi, S; Hekkert, P; Oak, A; Sabada, J and Lloyd, P eds.), Design Research Society.

Lamirande, Maxim; Alexiou, Katerina and Luck, Rachael (2022). Notions of designing inclusively from practitioner perspectives. In: DRS2022: Research Papers (Lockton, D.; Lenzi, S.; Hekkert, P.; Oak, A.; Sádaba, J. and Lloyd, P. eds.).

2021To Top

Zamenopoulos, Theodore; Lam, Busayawan; Alexiou, Katerina; Kelemen, Mihaela; de Sousa, Sophia; Moffat, Sue and Phillips, Martin (2021). Types, obstacles and sources of empowerment in co-design: the role of shared material objects and processes. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 17(2) pp. 139–158.

2020To Top

Renedo Illarregi, Erika; Alexiou, Katerina and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2020). Co-design for wellbeing with mental health participants: from identifying a problem to creating prototypes. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020. (Christer, Kirsty; Craig, Claire and Chamberlain, Paul eds.), Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 2 pp. 23–30.

2019To Top

Renedo Illarregi, Erika; Alexiou, Katerina and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2019). Why designing may help treat psychosis. In: International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019 Proceedings.

Alexiou, Katerina and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2019). Methods for researching and building capacity in codesign among non-experts. In: International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019, 2-5 Sep 2019, Manchester.

2018To Top

Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina (2018). Co-design As Collaborative Research. Connected Communities Foundation Series. Bristol: Bristol University/AHRC Connected Communities Programme.

2016To Top

Zamenopoulos, Theodore; Alexiou, Katerina; Alevizou, Giota; Chapain, Caroline; Sobers, Shawn and Williams, Andy (2016). Varieties of Creative Citizenship. In: Hargreaves, Ian and Hartley, John eds. The Creative Citizen Unbound: How social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the creative economy. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 103–128.

Alexiou, Katerina; Aguista, Emma; Alevizou, Giota; Chapain, Caroline; Greene, Catherine; Harte, Dave; Ramster, Gail and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2016). Asset mapping and civic creativity. In: Hargreaves, Ian and Hartley, John eds. The creative citizen unbound: How social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the creative economy. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 181–204.

Alevizou, Giota; Alexiou, Katerina; Harte, Dave; Sobers, Shawn; Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Turner, Jerome (2016). Civic cultures and modalities of place-making. In: Hargreaves, Ian and Hartley, John eds. The creative citizen unbound: How social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the creative economy. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 205–230.

2015To Top

Comunian, Roberta and Alexiou, Katerina (2015). Mapping the complexity of creative practice: using cognitive maps to follow creative ideas and collaborations. In: Duxbury, Nancy; Garrett-Petts, W. .F and MacLennan, David eds. Cultural Mapping as Cultural Inquiry. Routledge Advances in Research Methods. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 276–302.

2014To Top

Alexiou, Katerina; Alevizou, Giota and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2014). Wards Corner Community Plan Case Study. In: Lockton, D; Greene, K.; Casey, A; Raby, L and Vickress, A eds. Variety Pack: Inspiring Digital Ideas From Community Projects. London: Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design.

2013To Top

Alevizou, Panagiota; Alexiou, Katerini and Ramster, Gail (2013). Communications by design? Community spaces, neighbourhood media & creative citizens. In: IAMCR 2013 Conference: Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders, 25-29 Jun 2013, Dublin, Ireland.

Greene, Catherine; Alevizou, Giota; Ramster, Gail; Alexiou, Katerina; Zamenopoulos, Theo; Outten, Alan and Corzannelli, Cristina (2013). Creative communities, creative assets: exploring methods of mapping community assets. In: Nordes2013: Experiments in Design Research: Expressions, Knowledge, Critique, 9-12 Jun 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark/Malmö, Sweden.

Alevizou, Giota; Alexiou, Katerina; Greene, Catherine and Ramster, Gail (2013). Communications by design? Intersections of creative citizenship, community media and participatory design. In: Communication and the City: Voices, Spaces, Media, 14-15 Jun 2013, Leeds, UK.

2012To Top

Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina (2012). Complexity: what designers need to know. In: Garner, Steve and Evans, Chris eds. Design and Designing: a Critical Introduction. Berg.

Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina (2012). A complexity theoretic view of cities as artefacts of design intentionality. In: Portugali, Juval; Meyer, Han; Stolk, Egbert and Tan, Ekim eds. Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age: An Overview with Implications to Urban Planning and Design. Berlin: Springer, pp. 327–346.

2011To Top

Varoudis, Tasos; Dalton, Nicholas; Alexiou, Aikaterini and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2011). Subtle interventions: How ambient displays influence route choice in buildings. In: Respecting Fragile Places - 29th eCAADe Conference, 21-24 Sep 2011, Slovenia, pp. 933–941.

Alexiou, Katerina; Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Gilbert, Sam (2011). Imaging the designing brain: a neurocognitive exploration of design thinking. In: Gero, John S. ed. Design Computing and Cognition '10. London: Springer, pp. 489–504.

Alexiou, Katerina (2011). Understanding design as a multiagent coordination process: distribution, complexity, and emergence. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 38(2) pp. 248–266.

2010To Top

Alexiou, Katerina (2010). Coordination and emergence in design. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 6(2) pp. 75–97.

Alexiou, Katerina; Johnson, Jeffrey and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2010). Embracing complexity in design: emerging perspectives and opportunities. In: Inns, Tom ed. Designing for the 21st century: research methods & findings, Volume 2. United Kingdom: Gower Ashgate, pp. 87–100.

Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina (2010). The influence of complexity science in design: theoretical and methodological tools. In: Tsoukala, K.; Daniil, M. and Pantelidou, H. eds. Postmodern Approaches. Thessaloniki, GR: Epikentro.

2009To Top

Alexiou, Katerina (2009). Complexity and coordination in collaborative design. In: Alexiou, Katerina; Johnson, Jeffrey and Zamenopoulos, Theodore eds. Embracing Complexity in Design. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 73–93.

2008To Top

2007To Top

Johnson, Jeffrey; Alexiou, Katerina; Creigh-Tyte, Anne; Chase, Scott; Duffy, Alex; Eckert, Claudia; Gascoigne, Damian; Kumar, Bimal; Mitleton-Kelly, Eve; Petry, Michael; Qin, Sheng Fen; Robertson, Alec; Rzevski, George; Teymour, Necdet; Thompson, Avril; Young, Robert; Willis, Mateo and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2007). Embracing complexity in design. In: Inns, Tom ed. Designing for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Questions and Insights. Aldershot: Gower Publishing Limited, pp. 129–149.

Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina (2007). Towards an anticipatory view of design. Design Studies, 28(4) pp. 411–436.

2003To Top

Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina (2003). Computer-aided creativity and learning in distributed cooperative human-machine networks. In: Chiu, M-L.; Tsou, J-Y.; Kvan, T.; Morozumi, M. and Jeng, T-S. eds. Digital Design: research and practice, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 191–201.

Zamenopoulos, Theodore and Alexiou, Katerina (2003). Structuring the plan design process as a coordination problem - the paradigm of distributed learning control coordination. In: Longley, Paul A. and Batty, Michael eds. Advanced Spatial Analysis: The CASA Book of GIS. U.S: ESRI Press, pp. 407–426.


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