Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Alison J. K. Green

23 items in this list.
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Green, Alison (2010). Language and thought. In: Kaye, Helen ed. Cognitive Psychology. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 339–376.

Green, Alison (2005). Problem solving. In: Braisby, Nicholas and Gellatly, Angus eds. Cognitive Psychology. Oxford University Press, pp. 347–381.

Green, Alison (2003). Reduction of task-relevant information in skill acquisition. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 15(2) pp. 267–290.

Green, A.J.K. (2002). Learning procedures and goal specificity in learning and problem solving tasks. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 14(1) pp. 105–126.

Green, Alison (1998). Verbal Protocol Analysis in Language Testing Research: a handbook. Studies in Language Testing, 5. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Green, Alison (1995). Protocol analysis. The Psychologist, 8(3) pp. 126–129.

Green, A. J. K. and Gilhooly, K. J. (1992). Empirical advances in expertise research. In: Keane, M. T. and Gilhooly, K. J. eds. Advances in the Psychology of Thinking, Volume 1. Hemel Hempstead, UK: Harvester Wheatsheaf, pp. 45–70.

Green, Alison and Barnard, Philip (1990). Graphical and iconic interfacing : the role of icon distinctiveness and fixed or variable screen locations. In: Diaper, D.; Gilmore, D.; Cockton, G. and Shackel, B. eds. INTERACT '90 Proceedings of the IFIP TC13 Third Interational Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Oxford, U.K.: North Holland/Elsevier Science & Technology, pp. 457–462.

Green, Alison J. K. and Gilhooly, Kenneth (1990). Individual differences and effective learning procedures: the case of statistical computing. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 33(1) pp. 97–119.

Green, A. J. K. and Gilhooly, K. J. (1990). Statistical computing : individual differences in learning at microscopic and macroscopic levels. In: Gilhooly, K. J.; Keane, M. T. G.; Logie, R. H. and Erdos, G. eds. Lines of Thinking: Reflections on the Psychology of Thought, Volume 2. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 73–98.

Gilhooly, K. J. and Green, A. J. K. (1989). Learning problem-solving skills. In: Colley, Ann M. and Beech, John R. eds. Acquisition and Performance of Cognitive Skills. Chichester, UK: Wiley, pp. 88–111.

Gilhooly, K. J. and Green, A. J. K. (1988). The use of memory by experts and novices. In: Colley, A. M. and Beech, J. R. eds. Cognition and Action in Skilled Behaviour. Advances in Psychology (55). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 379–395.

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Heaney, Caroline; Walker, Natalie; Green, Alison and Rostron, Claire (2016). Bringing Sport Psychology into Physiotherapy. In: British Association of Sport & Exercises Sciences (BASES) Conferences 2016, 29-30 Nov 2016, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham.

JTo Top

Jeffries, K. K.; Zamenopoulos, T. and Green, A. J. K. (2018). Design creativity, technical execution and aesthetic appeal: a CAT with caveats (Part 2). International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 6(1-2) pp. 66–79.

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May, Jon; Böcker, Martin; Barnard, Philip J. and Green, Alison J. K. (1990). Characterising structural and dynamic aspects of the interpretation of visual interface objects. In: ESPRIT '90: proceedings of the Annual ESPRIT Conference, Brussels, November 2-15, 1990, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 819–834.

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Rowell, Nancy; Green, Alison; Kaye, Helen and Naish, Peter (2014). Information Reduction - more than meets the eye? Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 27(1) pp. 89–113.

Rix, Mark; Johns, Nick and Green, Alison (2013). Reasserting freedom? Response to the Prevent Agenda by the UK Coalition Government. Journal of Social Research and Policy, 4(1) pp. 65–76.

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Wright, Michael; Green, Alison and Baker, Stephen (2000). Limitations for change detection in multiple Gabor targets. Visual Cognition, 7(1-3) pp. 237–252.


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