Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Hugh Mackay
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Andersson, Matilda; Gillespie, Marie and Mackay, Hugh
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Du Gay, Paul; Hall, Stuart; Janes, Linda; Koed Madsen, Anders; Mackay, Hugh and Negus, Keith (2013). Doing Cultural Studies: the Story of the Sony Walkman (2nd Edition). SAGE.
Du Gay, Paul; Hall, Stuart; Janes, Linda; Mackay, Hugh and Negus, Keith (1997). Doing Cultural Studies: the Story of the Sony Walkman. SAGE.
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Guderjan, M.; Mackay, H. and Stedman, G.
Gillespie, Marie; Mackay, Hugh and Webb, Alban
Gillespie, Marie; Mackay, Hugh and Webb, Alban
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Mackay, Hugh
Mackay, Hugh
Mackay, Hugh and Tong, Jingrong
Mackay, Hugh (2010). Understanding Contemporary Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Mackay, Hugh
Mackay, Hugh (2009). The Internet and the Transformation of Public and Private. CRESC (Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change), Manchester.
Mackay, Hugh
Mackay, Hugh
Mackay, Hugh and Ivey, Darren (2004). Modern Media in the Home: An ethnographic study. Rome, Italy: John Libbey.
Mackay, Hugh; Maples, Wendy and Reynolds, Paul (2002). Investigating the Information Society. London, UK: Routledge.
Mackay, Hugh
Mackay, Hugh
Mackay, Hugh; Carne, Chris; Beynon-Davies, Paul and Tudhope, Doug
Mackay, Hugh and Powell, Anthony
Mackay, Hughie and Gillespie, Gareth
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Tong, Jingrong and Mackay, Hugh
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Webb, Alban; Gillespie, Marie and Mackay, Hugh (2011). BBC World Service Audience Research, 1932-2011. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies.