Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Hugh Mackay

26 items in this list.
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Guderjan, M.; Mackay, H. and Stedman, G. (2020). Introduction. In: Guderjan, M.; Mackay, H. and Stedman, G. eds. Contested Britain: Brexit, Austerity and Agency Introduction. Bristol University Press, pp. 1–15.

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Mackay, Hugh (2020). Understanding Brexit in Wales: Austerity, Elites and National Identity. In: Guderjan, Marius; Mackay, Hugh and Stedman, Gesa eds. Contested Britain. Brexit, Austerity and Agency. Bristol University Press.

Mackay, Hugh and Tong, Jingrong (2011). Interactivity, the global conversation and World Service research: Digital China. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 8(1)

Mackay, Hugh (2010). Understanding Contemporary Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Mackay, Hugh (2010). Rugby: an introduction to contemporary Wales. In: Mackay, Hugh ed. Understanding Contemporary Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1–23.

Mackay, Hugh (2009). The Internet and the Transformation of Public and Private. CRESC (Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change), Manchester.

Mackay, Hugh (2007). Analogue switch-off: Multi-channel viewing by 'the reluctant 50%'. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 13(1) pp. 33–48.

Mackay, Hugh (2005). New connections, familiar settings: issues in the ethnographic study of new media use at home. In: Hine, Christine ed. Virtual Methods: Issues in Social Research on the Internet. Oxford, UK: Berg, pp. 129–140.

Mackay, Hugh and Ivey, Darren (2004). Modern Media in the Home: An ethnographic study. Rome, Italy: John Libbey.

Mackay, Hugh; Maples, Wendy and Reynolds, Paul (2002). Investigating the Information Society. London, UK: Routledge.

Mackay, Hugh (2002). New media and time-space reconfiguration. In: Jordan, Timothy and Pile, Steve eds. Social Change. Sociology and Society. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, pp. 139–184.

Mackay, Hugh (2000). The globalisation of culture. In: Held, David ed. A Globalizing World? Culture, economics, politics. Routledge, pp. 47–84.

Mackay, Hugh; Carne, Chris; Beynon-Davies, Paul and Tudhope, Doug (2000). Reconfiguring the User: using Rapid Application Development. Social Studies of Science, 30(5) pp. 737–757.

Mackay, Hugh and Powell, Anthony (1997). Wales and its Media. Production, Consumption and Regulation. Contemporary Wales, 9 pp. 8–39.

Mackay, Hughie and Gillespie, Gareth (1992). Extending the Social Shaping of Technology Approach: Ideology and Appropriation. Social Studies of Science, 22(4) pp. 685–716.

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Tong, Jingrong and Mackay, Hugh (2012). Discussions on BBC Chinese 'Have Your Say' forums: national identity and international broadcasting in the interactive media era. In: Gillespie, Marie and Webb, Alban eds. Diasporas and Diplomacy: Cosmopolitan Contact Zones at the BBC World Service (1932-2012). CRESC. London: Routledge, pp. 230–247.

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Webb, Alban; Gillespie, Marie and Mackay, Hugh (2011). BBC World Service Audience Research, 1932-2011. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies.


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