Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Allison Littlejohn

261 items in this list.
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2023To Top

Littlejohn, Allison; Charitonos, Koula and Kaatrakoski, Heli (2023). Expanding healthcare practice: forms of meta-work generated when healthcare processes are digitalised. In: EARLI2023 Conference, 22-26 Aug 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Charitonos, Koula; Littlejohn, Allison; Dawadi, Saraswati; Vaidya, Abhinav; Giri, Santosi; Owusu-Ofori, Alex and Goshtasbpour, Fereshte (2023). Developing Relational Work as a Design Tool in activities with health professionals. In: EARLI2023 Conference, 22-26 Aug 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

2022To Top

Papathoma, Tina; Littlejohn, Allison and Ferguson, Rebecca (2022). Enabling online learning: who are the educators? In: Sharpe, Rhona; Bennett, Sue and Varga-Atkins, Tünde eds. Handbook of Digital Higher Education. Elgar Handbooks in Education. Elgar, pp. 99–110.

Chaudhari, Vasudha; Littlejohn, Allison and Cross, Simon (2022). Antecedents and consequences of uncertainties perceived by finance professionals. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 237–249.

2021To Top

Littlejohn, Allison; Hood, Nina; Rehm, Martin; McGill, Lou; Rienties, Bart and Highton, Melissa (2021). Learning to become an online editor: the editathon as a learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(8) pp. 1258–1271.

2020To Top

Berendt, Betina; Littlejohn, Allison and Blakemore, Mike (2020). AI in Education: learner choice and fundamental rights. Learning, Media and Technology, 45(3) pp. 312–324.

2019To Top

Murphy, Victoria; Littlejohn, Allison and Rienties, Bart C. (2019). Social network analysis and activity theory: A symbiotic relationship. In: Froehlich, Dominik E.; Rehm, Martin and Rienties, Bart C. eds. Mixed methods social network analysis: Theories and methodologies in learning and education. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, pp. 113–125.

Chaudhari, Vasudha; Murphy, Vicky and Littlejohn, Allison (2019). The Educational Intelligent Economy – Lifelong Learning – A vision for the future. In: Jules, Tavis D. and Salajan, Florin D. eds. The Educational Intelligent Economy: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things in Education. International Perspectives on Education and Society, 38. Emerald, pp. 109–126.

Dalsgaard, Annette; Chaudhari, Vasudha and Littlejohn, Allison (2019). Professional learning in open networks: How midwives self-regulate their learning in Massive Open Online Courses. In: Littlejohn, Allison; Jaldemark, Jimmy; Vrieling-Teunter, Emmy and Nijland, Femke eds. Networked Professional Learning: Emerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development. Research in Networked Learning. Springer, pp. 15–36.

Öbeg, Lena-Maria; Nyströ, Christina Amcoff; Littlejohn, Allison and Vrieling-Teunter, Emmy (2019). Communities of Inquiry in crisis management exercises. In: Littlejohn, Allison; Jaidmark, Jimmy; Vrieling-Teunter, Emmy and Nijland, Femke eds. Networked Professional Learning Emerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development. Research in Networked Learning. Springer, pp. 55–68.

Littlejohn, Allison; Jaidmark, Jimmy; Vrieling-Teunter, Emmy and Nijland, Femke eds. (2019). Networked Professional Learning: Emerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development. Research in Networked Learning. Cham: Springer.

Littlejohn, Allison; Jaldemark, Jimmy; Vrieling-Teunter, Emmy and Nijland, Femke (2019). Networked Professional Learning: An Introduction. In: Littlejohn, Allison; Jaldemark, Jimmy; Vrieling-Teunter, Emmy and Nijland, Femke eds. Networked Professional Learning: Emerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development. Research in Networked Learning. Springer, pp. 1–11.

Charitonos, Koula and Littlejohn, Allison (2019). Ways of working in uncertain times: a Teaching and Learning Framework development within a large-scale transformation programme on digital innovation in Higher Education. In: CSCL2019 Workshop “Theories and Methods for Researching Interdisciplinary Learning”, 17-21 Jun 2019, Lyon, France.

Littlejohn, Allison; Charitonos, Koula; Kaatrakoski, Heli and Seal, Timothy (2019). Professional Learning to Tackle Global Development Challenges. In: Pan-commonwealth Forum 2019, 9-12 Sep 2019, Edinburgh.

2018To Top

Hood, Nina and Littlejohn, Allison (2018). Hacking History: Redressing Gender Inequities on Wikipedia Through an Editathon. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(5) pp. 203–217.

Charitonos, Koula and Littlejohn, Allison (2018). Learning in uncertain situations: an examination of tensions within a large-scale transformation programme in a HE institution. In: 9th International conference of the EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development: Interaction, learning and professional development, 12-14 Sep 2018, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Hood, Nina and Littlejohn, Allison (2018). Disruptive democratisers? The complexities and incongruities of scale, diversity and personalisation in MOOCs. In: Ossiannilsson, Ebba ed. Ubiquitous Inclusive Learning in a Digital Era. IGI Global, pp. 1–28.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2018). The Many Guises of MOOCs. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina eds. Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age: The [Un]democratising Potential of MOOCs. SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education. Springer, pp. 1–19.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2018). The [Un]Democratisation of Education and Learning. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina eds. Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age: The [Un]democratising Potential of MOOCs. SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education. Springer, pp. 21–34.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2018). The Emancipated Learner? The Tensions Facing Learners in Massive, Open Learning. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina eds. Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age: The [Un]democratising Potential of MOOCs. SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education. Springer, pp. 35–55.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2018). Massive Numbers, Diverse Learning. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina eds. Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age: The [Un]democratising Potential of MOOCs. SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education. Springer, pp. 57–77.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2018). Designing for Quality? In: Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina eds. Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age: The [Un]democratising Potential of MOOCs. SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education. Springer, pp. 79–94.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2018). A Crisis of Identity? Contradictions and New Opportunities. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina eds. Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age: The [Un]democratising Potential of MOOCs. SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education. Springer, pp. 95–108.

Murphy, V. L.; Littlejohn, A.; Rienties, B.; King, S. and Bryden, R. (2018). How do you know if you’re learning from incidents? In: SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility, 16-18 Apr 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Murphy, V. L.; Littlejohn, A.; Rienties, B.; King, S. and Bryden, R. (2018). Where does information on incidents come from? In: SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility, 16-18 Apr 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2018). Becoming an online editor: perceived roles and responsibilities of Wikipedia editors. Information Research, 23(1), article no. paper 784.

Margaryan, Anoush; Littlejohn, Allison and Lukic, Dane (2018). The development and evaluation of a Learning from Incidents toolkit. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 16(1) pp. 57–70.

2017To Top

Margaryan, Anoush; Littlejohn, Allison and Stanton, Neville A. (2017). Research and development agenda for Learning from Incidents. Safety Science, 99(A) pp. 5–13.

Stanton, Neville A.; Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2017). Editorial: Learning from Incidents. Safety Science: Special Issue on Learning From Incidents, 99(A) pp. 1–4.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2017). Learning in MOOCs: The [Un]democratisation of Learning. In: Pushing the boundaries of Higher Education Challenging traditional models with innovative and creative practices, 7 Sep 2017, Barcelona, Spain.

Milligan, Colin and Littlejohn, Allison (2017). Why Study on a MOOC? The Motives of Students and Professionals. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(2), article no. 4117.

Berendt, Bettina; Littlejohn, Allison; Kern, Philippe; Mitros, Piotr; Shacklock, Xanthe and Blakemore, Michael (2017). Big data for monitoring educational systems.

Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2017). How educators build knowledge and expand their practice: The case of open education resources. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(2) pp. 499–510.

Kaatrakoski, Heli; Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2017). Learning challenges in higher education: an analysis of contradictions within Open Educational Practice. Higher Education, 74(4) pp. 599–615.

Kaatrakoski, Heli; Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2017). Rethinking professional learning in higher education: a study on how the use of Open Educational Resources triggers the adoption of Open Educational Practice. Qwerty - Open and Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education, 12(2) pp. 46–63.

Littlejohn, Allison (2017). Learning and Work: Professional Learning Analytics. In: Lang, Charles; Siemens, George; Wise, Alyssa and Gasevic, Dragan eds. Handbook of Learning Analytics. Society for Learning Analytics Research, pp. 269–277.

Ringtved, Ulla; Milligan, Sandra; Corrin, Linda; Littlejohn, Allison and Law, Nancy (2017). DesignLAK17: Quality metrics and indicators for analytics of assessment design at scale. In: LAK 17, 13-17 Mar 2017, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.

2016To Top

Rogaten, Jekaterina; Rienties, Bart; Whitelock, Denise; Cross, Simon; Littlejohn, Allison; Sharpe, Rhona; Lygo-Baker, Simon; Scott, Ian; Warburton, Stephen and Kinchin, Ian (2016). Multilevel modelling of learning gains: The impact of module particulars on students’ learning in Higher Education. In: SRHE International Annual Research Conference 2016, 7-9 Dec 2016, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, South Wales, United Kingdom.

Littlejohn, Allison; Milligan, Colin; Fontana, Rosa Pia and Margaryan, Anoush (2016). Professional Learning Through Everyday Work: How Finance Professionals Self-Regulate Their Learning. Vocations and Learning: Studies in Vocational and Professional Education, 9(2) pp. 207–226.

Littlejohn, Allison; Hood, Nina; Milligan, Colin and Mustain, Paige (2016). Learning in MOOCs: Motivations and self-regulated learning in MOOCs. The Internet and Higher Education, 29 pp. 40–48.

Milligan, Colin; Littlejohn, Allison and Hood, Nina (2016). Learning in MOOCs: A Comparison Study, Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs. In: Proceedings of the EUROPEAN STAKEHOLDER SUMMIT on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs (EMOOCS 2016) (Khalil, Mohammad; Ebner, Martin; Kopp, Michael; Lorenz, Anja and Kalz, Marco eds.), Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, pp. 15–26.

Papathoma, Tina; Ferguson, Rebecca; Littlejohn, Allison and Coe, Angela (2016). Making the Production of Learning at Scale more Open and Flexible. In: L@S '16: Proceedings of the Third ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, ACM, pp. 273–276.

Falconer, Isobel; Littlejohn, Allison; McGill, Lou and Beetham, Helen (2016). Motives and tensions in the release of open educational resources: The UKOER program. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 32(4) pp. 92–105.

Hood, Nina and Littlejohn, Allison (2016). MOOC Quality: The Need for New Measures. Journal of Learning for Development - JL4D, 3(3) pp. 28–42.

Highton, M.; Littlejohn, A.; Rehm, M.; Hood, N. and Rienties, B. (2016). Learning to Develop Open Knowledge: Improving social capital for learning: The Edinburgh editathon. In: The Edinburgh Editathon, Open Educational Resources Conference OER16, 19-20 Apr 2016, Edinburgh, UK.

2015To Top

Hood, Nina; Littlejohn, Allison and Milligan, Colin (2015). Context counts: How learners' contexts influence learning in a MOOC. Computers & Education, 91 pp. 83–91.

Littlejohn, Allison and McGill, Lou (2015). Ecologies of Open Resources and Pedagogies of Abundance. In: Gros, Begoña; Kinshuk and Maina, Marcelo eds. The Future of Ubiquitous Learning: Learning Designs for Emerging Pedagogies. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Berlin: Springer, pp. 115–130.

Persico, Donatella; Milligan, Colin and Littlejohn, Allison (2015). The Interplay Between Self-Regulated Professional Learning And Teachers’ Work-Practice. In: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (Special Issue: The Proceedings of 6th World Conference on educational Sciences)(191) pp. 2481–2486.

Fontana, Rosa Pia; Milligan, Colin; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2015). Measuring self-regulated learning in the workplace. International Journal of Training and Development, 19(1) pp. 32–52.

Margaryan, Anoush; Bianco, Manuela and Littlejohn, Allison (2015). Instructional quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Computers & Education, 80 pp. 77–83.

2014To Top

Littlejohn, Allison; Lukic, Dane and Margaryan, Anoush (2014). Comparing safety culture and learning culture. Risk Management, 16(4) pp. 272–293.

Milligan, Colin; Fontana, Pia; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2014). Self-regulated learning in the financial services industry. In: EARLI Learning and Professional Development SIG 2014 Conference, 28 Aug 2014, Oslo, Norway.

Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris eds. (2014). Reusing Open Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education. Advancing technology enhanced learning. Abingdon: Routledge.

Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris (2014). Introduction: Reusing Open Resources for Learning. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris eds. Reusing Open Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education. Routledge.

Littlejohn, Allison; Falconer, Isobel; McGill, Lou and Beetham, Helen (2014). Open networks and bounded communities: Tensions inherent in releasing Open Educational Resources. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris eds. Reusing Open Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education. Routledge.

Milligan, Colin; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2014). Workplace learning in informal networks. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris eds. Reusing Open Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education. Routledge.

Littlejohn, Allison; Falconer, Isobel and McGill, Lou (2014). Open, Lifewide Learning: a Vision. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris eds. Reusing Open Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education. Abingdon: Routledge.

Vale, Katie and Littlejohn, Allison (2014). Massive Open Online Courses: a traditional or transformative approach to learning? In: Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris eds. Reusing Open Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education. Routledge.

Margaryan, Anoush; Littlejohn, Allison and King, Stuart (2014). Learning from incidents. Petroleum Review, 68

Milligan, Colin; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2014). Workplace learning in informal networks. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1(6)

Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2014). Technology-enhanced Professional Learning. In: Billet, Stephen; Harteis, Christian and Gruber, Hans eds. International Handbook on Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 1187–1212.

Milligan, Colin; Fontana, Posa Pia; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2014). Self-regulated learning behaviour in the finance industry. Journal of Workplace Learning, 27(5) pp. 387–402.

Pataraia, Nino; Falconer, Isobel; Margaryan, Anoush; Littlejohn, Allison and Fincher, Sally (2014). Who do you talk to about your teaching?' Networking activities among university teachers. Frontline Learning Research, 2(2) pp. 4–14.

Pataraia, Nino; Margaryan, Anoush; Falconer, Isobel; Littlejohn, Allison and Falconer, Jennifer (2014). Discovering academics' key learning connections: An ego-centric network approach to analysing learning about teaching. Journal of Workplace Learning, 26(1) pp. 56–72.

Milligan, Colin and Littlejohn, Allison (2014). Supporting professional learning in a massive open online course. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 15(5) pp. 197–213.

Milligan, Colin; Littlejohn, Allison and Ukadike, Obiageli (2014). Professional Learning in Massive Open Online Courses. In: Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Networked Learning 2014 (Bayne, S.; Jones, C.; de Laat, M.; Ryberg, T. and Sinclair, C. eds.), pp. 368–371.

Lukic, Dane; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2014). Learning From Incidents Toolkit.

Littlejohn, Allison (2014). Problems focussing on contextualising learning: Guest commentary. In: Fischer, Frank; Wild, Fridolin; Sutherland, Rosamund and Zirn, Lena eds. Grand Challenges in Technology Enhanced Learning: Outcomes of the 3rd Alpine Rendez-Vous. Springer, pp. 65–66.

2013To Top

Margaryan, Anoush; Littlejohn, Allison and Milligan, Colin (2013). Self-regulated learning in the workplace: strategies and factors in the attainment of learning goals. International Journal of Training and Development, 17(4) pp. 245–259.

Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2013). Technology-enhanced professional learning: Mapping out a new domain. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush eds. Technology-enhanced professional learning: Processes, practices and tools. Abingdon: Routledge.

Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2013). Technology-enhanced professional learning: Challenges and future directions. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush eds. Technology-enhanced professional learning: processes, practices and tools. Abingdon: Routledge.

Lukosch, Heide; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2013). Simulation games for workplace learning. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush eds. Technology-enhanced professional learning: Processes, practices and tools. Routledge.

Berendt, Bettina; Vuorikari, Riina; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2013). Learning analytics and Their Application in Technology-enhanced Professional Learning. In: Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush eds. Technology-enhanced professional learning: Processes, practices and tools. Routledge.

Littlejohn, Allison; Beetham, Helen and McGill, Lou (2013). Digital literacies as situated knowledge practices: academics’ influence on learners’ behaviours. In: Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary R. eds. Literacy in the Digital University: Critical Perspectives on Learning, Scholarship, and Technology. Routledge.

Milligan, Colin; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2013). Patterns of engagement in connectivist MOOCs. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 9(2) pp. 149–159.

Sie, Rory L. L.; Pataraia, Nino; Boursinou, Eleni; Rajagopal, Kamakshi; Margaryan, Anoush; Falconer, Isobel; Bitter-Rijpkema, Marlies; Littlejohn, Allison and Sloep, Peter B. (2013). Goals, motivation for, and outcomes of personal learning through networks: results of a tweetstorm. Educational Technology & Society, 16(3) pp. 59–75.

Pataraia, Nino; Margaryan, Anoush; Falconer, Isobel and Littlejohn, Allison (2013). How and what do academics learn through their personal networks. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 39(3) pp. 336–357.

Lukic, Dane; Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2013). Individual agency in learning from incidents. Human Resource Development International, 16(4) pp. 409–425.

Milligan, Colin; Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2013). Learning at transition for new and experienced workers. Journal of Workplace Learning, 25(4) pp. 217–230.

Margaryan, Anoush; Milligan, Colin and Littlejohn, Allison (2013). Managers as workplace learning facilitators. International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management, 13(2/3) pp. 206–223.

Stepanyan, Karen; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2013). Sustainable e-learning: toward a coherent body of knowledge. Educational Technology and Society, 16(2) pp. 91–102.

Falconer, Isobel; McGill, Lou; Littlejohn, Alison and Boursinou, Eleni (2013). Overview and Analysis of Practices with Open Educational Resources in Adult Education in Europe. In: Redecker, Christine; Castaño Muñoz, Jonatan and Punie, Yves eds. Not Set

Milligan, C.; Margaryan, A. and Littlejohn, A. (2013). Goal-setting behaviour in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In: 15th Biennial EARLI Conference, 27-31 Aug 2013, Munich, Germany.

Pataraia, N.; Margaryan, A.; Falconer, I. and Littlejohn, A. (2013). Exploring academics’ learning spaces: An ego-centric network approach to learning about teaching. In: 15th Biennial EARLI Conference, 27-31 Aug 2013, Munich, Germany.

Lukic, D; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, A (2013). Measuring the quality of learning from incidents processes in the workplace. In: RWL8 - 8th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning 2013: "The Visible and Invisible in Work and Learning", 19-21 Jun 2013, Stirling, UK.

2012To Top

Littlejohn, A.; Beetham, H. and McGill, L. (2012). Learning at the digital frontier: a review of digital literacies in theory and practice. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(6) pp. 547–556.

McGill, Lou; Falconer, Isobel; Dempster, Jay; Littlejohn, Allison and Beetham, Helen (2012). SCORE outline report.

Lukic, Dane; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2012). A framework for learning from incidents in the workplace. Safety Science, 50(4) pp. 950–957.

Littlejohn, Allison (2012). Introduction to Section 2: Producing, reusing and recreating OERs. In: Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa and Scott, Peter eds. Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources. IGI Global.

Turnbull, Morag; Littlejohn, Allison and Allan, Malcolm (2012). Preparing graduates for work in the creative industries: a collaborative learning approach for design students. Industry and Higher Education, 26(4) pp. 291–300.

Littlejohn, Allison; Milligan, Colin and Margaryan, Anoush (2012). Charting collective knowledge: supporting self-regulated learning in the workplace. Journal of Workplace Learning, 24(3) pp. 226–238.

Beetham, Helen; Littlejohn, Allison and Milligan, Colin (2012). Digital literacies for the research institution. In: Andrews, Richard; Borg, Erik; Davis, Stephen Boyd; Domingo, Myrrh and England, Jude eds. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses. London: SAGE, pp. 63–80.

Milligan, Colin; Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2012). Supporting goal formation, sharing and learning of knowledge workers. In: Ravenscroft, Andrew; Lindstaedt, Stefanie; Delgado Klooz, Carlos and Hernández-Leo, Davinia eds. 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7563). Berlin: Springer, pp. 519–524.

Lukic, Dane; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2012). Transferability of learning from incidents. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), OLKC.

Lukic, Dane; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2012). Learning from incidents. Petroleum Review, 66(790) pp. 36–37.

Margaryan, Anoush; Milligan, Colin and Littlejohn, Allison (2012). What is learned through work? A typology of professional learning in the workplace. In: Book of Abstracts of the 6th EARLI SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development Conference ‘Learning in Transition’ (Gijbels, D; Donche, V; Van Den Bossche, P; Stets, A; Van Waes, S and Aerts, A eds.), p. 130.

McGill, Lou; Falconer, Isobel; Dempster, Jay; Littlejohn, Allison and Beetham, Helen (2012). HEFCE OER Review Interim Report.

Beetham, Helen; Falconer, Isobel; McGill, Lou and Littlejohn, Allison (2012). Open practices: briefing paper.

2011To Top

Littlejohn, Allison; Milligan, Colin and Margaryan, Anoush (2011). Collective learning in the workplace: important knowledge sharing behaviours. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, 4(4) pp. 26–31.

Girani De Marco, Barbara and Littlejohn, Allison (2011). Le Knowledge Building Communities e la promozione di un apprendimento autoregolato. Qwerty - Open and Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education, 6(2) pp. 72–89.

Margaryan, Anoush; Littlejohn, Allison and Vojt, Gabrielle (2011). Are digital natives a myth or reality? University students, use of digital technologies. Computers & Education, 56(2) pp. 429–440.

Littlejohn, Allison; Beetham, Helen; McGill, Lou and Falconer, Isobel (2011). Fattori che influenzano la diffusione di risorse educative aperte

[Factors affecting the release of open educational resources].
TD Tecnologie Didattiche, 19(2) pp. 72–79.

Lukic, Dane; Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2011). Key factors in effective approaches to learning from safety incidents in the workplace. In: Hazards XXII, Symposium series, IChemE.

Lukic, Dane; Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2011). University and industry interaction in learning from incidents. In: INTED2011 Proceedings, IATED, pp. 2165–2174.

Margaryan, Anoush; Milligan, Colin and Littlejohn, Allison (2011). Validation of Davenport's classification structure of knowledge-intensive processes. Journal of Knowledge Management, 15(4) pp. 568–581.

Margaryan, Anoush; Milligan, Colin and Littlejohn, Allison (2011). Managers’ roles in facilitation of workplace learning. In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning (RWL7 2011), 4-7 Dec 2011, Shanghai, China.

Lukic, D.; Littlejohn, A. and Margaryan, A. (2011). Feedback loop in learning from incidents at the workplace: Individual input and organisational response. In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning (RWL7 2011), 4-7 Dec 2011, Shanghai, China.

Turnbull, M.; Littlejohn, A. and Allan, M. (2011). Preparing graduates for the 21st century workplace. In: Proceedings 7th International Conference "New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education" (NHIBE 2011), 25-26 Aug 2011, Chios, Greece.

Margaryan, A.; Milligan, C. and Littlejohn, A. (2011). A typology of informal learning in the workplace. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 2011, Exeter, UK., pp. 2048–2049.

Lukic, D.; Margaryan, A. and Littlejohn, A. (2011). Learning from incidents in organisations. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 2011, Exeter, UK., pp. 702–704.

2010To Top

Turnbull, Morag; Littlejohn, Allison and Allan, Malcolm (2010). Creativity and collaborative learning and teaching strategies in the design disciplines. Industry and Higher Education, 24(2) pp. 127–133.

Turnbull, M.; Littlejohn, A. and Allan, M. (2010). Learning and teaching strategies in the design disciplines. In: 5th CLTAD International Conference (Challenging the curriculum: exploring discipline boundaries in art, design and media), 12-13 Apr 2010, Berlin.

Littlejohn, Allison; Margaryan, Anoush and Vojt, Gabrielle (2010). Exploring students, use of ICT and expectations of learning methods. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 8(1) pp. 13–20.

Lukic, Dane; Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2010). How organisations learn from safety incidents: a multifaceted problem. Journal of Workplace Learning, 22(7) pp. 428–450.

Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2010). Sharing resources in educational communities. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 5(2) pp. 25–30.

Turnbull, Morag; Littlejohn, Allison and Allan, Malcolm (2010). Creativity in the design disciplines; learning from the practice of experts. In: Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2010 (Hunter, P. ed.), AACE, Waynesvill, NC, pp. 1574–1578.

Littlejohn, Allison (2010). The power of the collective: competitive advantage through learning solutions. In: ICL2010 International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 15-17 Sep 2010, Hasselt, Belgium.

2009To Top

Turnbull, M.; Littlejohn, A. and Allan, M. (2009). Creativity in the design disciplines. In: 6th International Conference "New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education" (NHIBE 2009), 27-28 Aug 2009, Santorini Island, Greece.

Nimmo, Alison and Littlejohn, Allison (2009). Encouraging learning innovation: recognising and rewarding good practice. Practice and Evidence of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 4(1) pp. 41–55.

Littlejohn, Allison; Margaryan, Anoush and Milligan, Colin (2009). Charting collective knowledge: supporting self-regulated learning in the workplace. In: Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, IEEE, pp. 208–212.

Margaryan, Anoush; Milligan, Colin; Littlejohn, Allison; Hendrix, Donna and Graeb-Koenneker, Sebastian (2009). Self-regulated learning and knowledge sharing in the workplace. In: Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, 28 Apr 2009, Amsterdam.

Littlejohn, Allison and Nicol, David (2009). Supporting interdisciplinary studies using learning technologies. In: Chandramohan, Balasubramanyam and Fallows, Steve eds. Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Theory and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 30–43.

Margaryan, Anoush; Milligan, Colin and Littlejohn, Allison (2009). Self-regulated learning and knowledge sharing in the workplace: differences and similarities between experts and novices. In: International Conference on Researching Work and Learning RWL6, 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2008To Top

Falconer, Isobel and Littlejohn, Allison (2008). Representing models of practice. In: Lockyer, Lori; Bennett, Sue; Agostinho, Shirley and Harper, Barry eds. Handbook of Research on Learning Design and Learning Objects: Issues, Applications and Technologies. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 20–40.

Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2008). Repositories and communities at cross-purposes: issues in sharing and reuse of digital learning resources. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(4) pp. 333–347.

Littlejohn, Allison; Falconer, Isobel and Mcgill, Lou (2008). Characterising effective e-learning resources. Computers & Education, 50(3) pp. 757–771.

Normand, Carey; Littlejohn, Allison and Falconer, Isobel (2008). A model for effective implementation of flexible programme delivery. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(1) pp. 25–36.

Margaryan, Anoush; Nicol, David; Littlejohn, Allison and Trinder, Kathryn (2008). Students, use of technologies to support formal and informal learning. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2008, pp. 4257–4266.

2007To Top

Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2007). Communities at cross-purposes: Contradictions in the views of stakeholders of learning object repository systems. In: Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007, pp. 624–635.

Margaryan, A. and Littlejohn, A. (2007). Community dimensions of learning object repositories. In: EdMedia Conference 2007 (Montgomerie, C. and Seale, J. eds.), 25 Jun 2007, Vancouver, Canada, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 4335–4343.

Littlejohn, Allison and Pegler, Chris (2007). Preparing for Blended e-Learning. Connecting with e-Learning. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Falconer, Isobel and Littlejohn, Allison (2007). Designing for blended learning, sharing and reuse. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 31(1) pp. 41–52.

Littlejohn, Allison; Margaryan, Anoush; Douglas, Peter and Milligan, Colin (2007). Community dimensions of learning object repositories. In: ALT-C 2007 Abstracts: beyond control.

Trinder, K; Littlejohn, Allison; Margaryan, A; Nicol, D and Guiller, J (2007). Learning from Digital Natives: Integrating Formal and Informal Learning. In: Handheld Learning Conference 2007, 12 Oct 2007, London.

2006To Top

Littlejohn, Allison and Margaryan, Anoush (2006). Cultural issues in the sharing and reuse of resources for learning. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(3) pp. 269–284.

Littlejohn, Allison; Cook, John and Campbell, Lorna (2006). Managing Educational Resources. In: Conole, Grainne and Oliver, Martin eds. Contemporary perspectives in e-learning research. Routledge, pp. 134–146.

Conole, Grainne; Oliver, Martin; Falconer, Isobel; Littlejohn, Allison and Harvey, Jen (2006). Designing for learning. In: Conole, Grainne and Oliver, Martin eds. Contemporary perspectives in e-learning research. Routledge, pp. 101–120.

Conole, Gráinne; Falconer, Isobel; Jeffrey, Anne and Littlejohn, Allison (2006). Use cases as a means of capturing e-assessment practices and identifying appropriate web services. In: 10th CAA International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference, 4-5 Jul 2006, Loughborough University. Loughborough, UK.

Margaryan, Anoush; Littlejohn, Allison and Nicol, David (2006). Community Dimensions of Learning Object Repositories. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networked Learning 2006 (Banks, S.; Hodgson, V.; Jones, C.; Kemp, B.; McConnell, D. and Smith, C. eds.).

Oliver, R. and Littlejohn, A.H. (2006). Discovering and describing accessible and reusable learning designs for higher education. In: JISC Innovating e-Learning Conference, 27-31 Mar 2006.

Littlejohn, A. and Margaryan, A. (2006). Communities of exchange: Issues in sharing digital learning resources for art, and design education. In: Proceedings of Learning and Teaching with Technology in Art Design and Communication, 27-30 Mar 2006, Online Conference.

Margaryan, Anoush and Littlejohn, Allison (2006). Community Dimensions of Learning Object Repositories. D-Lib Magazine, 12(3)

Falconer, Isobel; Littlejohn, Allison; Conole, Gráinne and Jeffery, Ann (2006). Mediating between Services and Learning Activities – the User Perspective. In: Networked Learning 2006, 10-12 Apr 2006, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

Littlejohn, Allison (2006). Community Dimensions of Learning Object Repositories. In: JISC Conference 2006, 14 Mar 2006, University of Birmingham.

2005To Top

Littlejohn, Allison (2005). Key issues in the design and delivery of learning and teaching. In: Levy, Philippa and Roberts, Sue eds. Developing the new learning environment: the changing role of the academic librarian. London: Facet Publishing.

Littlejohn, A. and Nicol, D. (2005). Learning from digital natives: integrating formal and informal learning using technology. In: ALT-C 2005: 12th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology, 5-7 Sep 2005, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

McGill, Lou; Nicol, David; Littlejohn, Allison; Grierson, Hilary; Juster, Neal and Ion, William J. (2005). Creating an information-rich learning environment to enhance design student learning: challenges and approaches. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(4) pp. 629–642.

McGill, Lou and Littlejohn, Allison (2005). Using knowledge structures to enhance reflective practice. In: Association for Learning Technology Spring Conference, 30 Mar - 01 Apr 2005, Trinity College, Dublin, Eire.

Nicol, David; Littlejohn, Allison and Grierson, Hilary (2005). The importance of structuring information and resources within shared workspaces during collaborative design learning. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-learning, 20(1) pp. 31–49.

2004To Top

Grierson, H.; Littlejohn, A.; Riddy, K. and Longmuir, A. (2004). Digital Libraries in the Classroom. In: Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), 15 Sep 2004, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.

Greirson, Hilary; Nicol, David; Littlejohn, Allison and Wodehouse, Andrew (2004). Structuring and Sharing Information Resources to support Concept Development and Design Learning. In: Networked Learning Conference 2004, 5-7 Apr 2004, Lancaster University, UK.

Calverley, Gale; Corley, Lisa; Creanor, Linda; Littlejohn, Allison; Jenkins, Martin and Newland, Barbara (2004). Making connections: British perspectives on learning technology developments in Netherlands Higher Education. In: Riachi, Rhonda and Roberts, George eds. Not Set

2003To Top

Wiles, Kathy and Littlejohn, Allison (2003). Supporting Sustainable e-learning: A UK National Forum. In: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) (Crisp, Geoffrey; Thiele, Di; Scholten, Ingrid; Barker, Sandra and Baron, Judi eds.), ASCILITE, pp. 730–734.

Littlejohn, A.H. (2003). Supporting Sustainable eLearning: a UK national Forum. In: ASCILITE 2003 (Murdoch, P. and Crisp, G. eds.), 07-10 Dec 2003, Adelaide, Australia.

Littlejohn, Allison and Higgison, Carol (2003). A guide for Teachers. LTSN Generic Centre e-Learning Series, 3. Learning and Teaching Support Network Publications.

Riddy, P.; Calverley, G.; Littlejohn, A. and Duncan, C. (2003). Find Me a Learning Object. In: Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C2003), 8-10 Sep 2003, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.

Littlejohn, Allison ed. (2003). Reusing Online Resources: A Sustainable Approach to E-learning. Open & Flexible Learning Series. Kogan Page Limited.

Littlejohn, Allison (2003). Issues in reusing online resources. In: Littlejohn, Allison ed. Reusing Online Resources: A Sustainable Approach to e-Learning. Routledge.

Littlejohn, Allison (2003). An incremental approach to staff development in the reuse of learning resources. In: Littlejohn, Allison ed. Reusing Online Resources: A Sustainable Approach to e-Learning. Routledge.

Littlejohn, A.; Jung, I. and Broumley, E. (2003). A comparison of issues in the reuse of resources in schools and colleges. In: Littlejohn, A. ed. Reusing Online Resources: A Sustainable Approach to e-Learning. Routledge, pp. 212–220.

Littlejohn, Allison (2003). Seven issues in the reuse and sharing of online resources. In: Littlejohn, Allison ed. Reusing Online Resources: A Sustainable Approach to e-Learning. Routledge.

Littlejohn, Allison and Peacock, Susi (2003). From Pioneers to Partners: the changing voices of staff developers. In: Seale, Jane K. ed. Learning Technology in Transition: from individual enthusiasm to institutional implementation. Routledge, pp. 77–90.

Littlejohn, Allison (2003). Supporting Sustainable eLearning. ALT-J: Association for Learning Technology Journal, 11(3) pp. 88–102.

Littlejohn, Allison (2003). Encouraging the sharing and reuse of eLearning resources. Journal of Media and Technology for Human Resource Development, 14(1) pp. 55–64.

Littlejohn, Allison; Campbell, Lorna M.; Tizard, Jenny and Smith, Alison (2003). From Pilot Project to Strategic Development: scaling up staff support in the use of ICT for teaching and learning. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27(1) pp. 47–52.

Littlejohn, Allison (2003). Integrating Real and Virtual Learning Spaces. In: Interact, Integrate, Impact: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (Crisp, Geoffrey; Thiele, Di; Scholten, Ingrid; Barker, Sandra and Baron, Judy eds.), pp. 648–652.

2002To Top

Littlejohn, Allison (2002). Improving continuing professional development in the use of ICT. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(2) pp. 166–174.

Littlejohn, Allison; Suckling, Colin; Campbell, Lorna and McNicol, David (2002). The amazingly patient tutor: students’ interactions with an online carbohydrate chemistry course. British Journal of Educational Technology, 33(3) pp. 313–321.

Juwah, C.; Peacock, S.; Littlejohn, A.; McAtreer, E.; Bates, D. and Bruce, S. (2002). Supporting Staff Development in the Use of C&IT: From Needs Analysis to Implementation in the ELICIT Project. In: Staff in Educational Development Association (SEDA) Conference, 11 Apr 2002, Dublin, Eire.

Littlejohn, A. and Campbell, L.M. (2002). Multiple approaches to sharing and reuse of resources for staff development. In: Association for Learning Technology (ALT-C) Spring Conference, 1 Apr 2002, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.

McAteer, Erica; Littlejohn, Allison; Peacock, Susi; Juwah, Charles; Bates, Dennis and Bruce, Stephen (2002). Grounding Staff Development for Networked Learning Environments. In: Networked Learning Conference 2002 (Banks, S; Goodyear, P; Hodgson, V and McConnel, D eds.), 26-28 Mar 2002, University of Sheffield, UK.

Campbell, L.M. and Littlejohn, A.H. (2002). Two approaches to enable the sharing and reuse of resources across institutions. In: EdMedia 2002 (Barker, P. and Rebelsky, S. eds.), Jul 2002, Denver, Colorado, USA, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), pp. 1144–1145.

2001To Top

Littlejohn, A.; Peacock, S.; Macateer, E.; Juwah, J.; Bates, D. and Bruce, S. (2001). ELICIT: Preparing staff for the changing learning environment. In: Association for Learning Technology Conference Workshop (ALT-C2001), 12 Sep 2001, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Littlejohn, A.H. and Grierson, H. (2001). Embedding Information and Communication Technologies into the 21st Century Curriculum. In: Computers in Art & Design Education Conference, Apr 2001, UK, Glasgow School of Art Press, pp. 199–202.

2000To Top

Creanor, L. and Littlejohn, A.H. (2000). Collaboration and communication: staff development for teaching and learning online. In: International Conference for Computers in Education, Nov 2000, Taipei, Taiwan.

Campbell, L.M.; Littlejohn, Allison and Duncan, C (2000). Share and share alike: encouraging the re-use of academic resources through the Scottish electronic Staff Development Library. In: Proceedings of the Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), Sep 2000, University of Manchester, UK.

Littlejohn, A.H. (2000). Supporting the millennium teacher: faculty development in the use of information and communications technologies. In: Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2000 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (Bourdeau, J. and Heller, R. eds.), Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC, pp. 1429–1430.

Creanor, L and Littlejohn, A. (2000). A cross-institutional approach to staff development in Internet communication. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 16(3) pp. 271–279.

Stefani, L.A.J.; Clarke, J and Littlejohn, A. (2000). Developing A Student Centred Approach to Reflecting on Learning Innovations. Innovations in Education and Training International, 37(2) pp. 163–171.

1999To Top

Littlejohn, A.H. and Macrosson, W.D.K. (1999). Web authoring: transferable skills for graduates of the future. Industry & Higher Education, 13(4) pp. 277–281.

Littlejohn, A.H. (1999). Unravelling the Web: The Accreditation of Web Based Teaching. In: Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 1999 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (Collis, B and Oliver, R eds.), Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC, pp. 1885–1887.

Littlejohn, Allison H. and Stefani, Lorraine A.J. (1999). Effective use of communication and information technology: bridging the skills gap. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 7(2) pp. 66–76.

Littlejohn, A. and Sclater, N. (1999). The Virtual University as a Conceptual Model for Faculty Change and Innovation. Journal of Interactive Learning Environments, 7 pp. 209–226.

Reeves, D. and Littlejohn, A.H. (1999). Virtual Reality as a Tool in Community Participation. Town and Country Planning, 68(5) pp. 162–163.

1998To Top

Littlejohn, Allison and Sclater, Niall (1998). Overcoming Conceptual Barriers to the Use of Internet Technology in University Education. In: WebNet 98 World Conference of the WWW, Internet and Intranet, 07-12 Nov 1998, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Littlejohn, Allison and Cameron, Shona (1998). Supporting Strategic Cultural Change. In: Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), 22 Sep 1998, University of Oxford, UK.

1996To Top

Littlejohn, A.; Babcock, K.; Baldwin, A. and Robb, M. (1996). Computer Assisted Learning for Fluid Dynamics. In: Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), 17 Sep 1996, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.

Littlejohn, A.; Badcock, K.; Baldwin, A.; Watt, R. and Robb, M. (1996). A Friendly Introduction to Fluid Dynamics on the Web. Active Learning, 5 pp. 26–30.

1995To Top

1994To Top

Lapthorn, A. J.; Harris, D. C.; Littlejohn, A.; Lustbader, J. W.; Canfield, R. E.; Machin, K. J. and Isaacs, N. W. (1994). Crystal structure of human chorionic gonadotropin. Nature, 369(6480) pp. 455–461.

1993To Top

1992To Top

Adam, David; Freer, Andrew A.; Isaacs, Neil W.; Kirby, Gordon W.; Littlejohn, Allison and Rahman, Mohammad S. (1992). Synthesis of a Thiashikimic Acid Derivative. Perkin Transactions 1: A Journal of Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry, 10 pp. 1261–1264.

Harris, D.C.; Littlejohn, A.; Isaacs, N.W. and Lustbader, J.W. (1992). The Structure Determination of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 14 p. 1478.

1991To Top

Harris, D.C.; Isaacs, N.W.; Littlejohn, A.H. and Lustbader, J.W. (1991). The Structure Determination of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. In: 13th European Crystallographic Conference, 26-30 Aug 1991, Trieste, Italy.

Harris, D.C.; Isaacs, N.W.; Littlejohn, A.H. and Lustbader, J.W. (1991). The Structure Determination of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. In: British Crystallographic Association, BSG12, Mar 1991, University of Sheffield, UK.

1989To Top

Gillespie, K; Littlejohn, A.; Roberts, K. J.; Sheen, D. B. and Sherwood, J. N. (1989). Environmental facility for synchrotron radiation topography. Review of Scientific Instruments, 60(7) pp. 2498–2501.

1988To Top

Gillespie, K.; Roberts, K.J.; Littlejohn, A.; Sheen, D.B. and Sherwood, J.N. (1988). An Environmental Facility For Synchrotron Radiation Topography. In: SRI:88 - 3rd International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 1988, Tsukuba, Japan.

1987To Top

Gallagher, H.G.; Littlejohn, A.; Sheen, D.B. and Sherwood, J.S. (1987). A Comparative Study of Anisotropy in Knoop Hardness of Calcite and Sodium Nitrate Single Crystals. Crystal Lattice Defects and Amorphous Materials, 16 pp. 137–143.

1986To Top

Littlejohn, A.H.; Sheen, D.B. and Sherwood, J.N. (1986). The Effects of Radiation on the Reactivity of Solid Propellants. In: Proceedings of Science and Engineering Research Council Conference.

1985To Top

Bhat, H.L; Littlejohn, Allison; McAllistair, J.M.R.; Shaw, J.; Sheen, D.B. and Sherwood, J.N. (1985). Lattice defects in crystalline rocket propellants. Material Science Monographs, 28A-28B pp. 707–710.


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